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Created February 24, 2023 16:17
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Enhanced version 3 of built-in ZigZagLib library. This version supports HH LH / LL HL labels to be shown, it also exports a prevPivot function that allows the user to retrieve the previous privot with same isHigh value as latest pivot. It also stores a isHigher field in the Pivot type. This can come in handy if user wants to calculate a trend (o…
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © TradingView
library("ZigZag", overlay = true)
// ZigZag Library
// v3, 2023.02.23
// This code was written using the recommendations from the Pine Script™ User Manual's Style Guide:
// The original code was derived from ZigZag library version 3. I (niquedegraaff) updated it to support HH LH LL HL labels and also to support a isHigher field
// in the Pivot type so user can check if current high / low pivot is higher than previous high / low pivot.
//#region ———————————————————— Inputs
float deviationInput = input.float(5.0, "Deviation (%)", minval = 0.00001, maxval = 100.0)
int depthInput =, "Depth", minval = 1)
color lineColorInput = input.color(#2962FF, "Line Color")
bool extendInput = input.bool(true, "Extend to Last Bar")
bool showLabelInput = input.bool(true, "Display Pivot Labels")
bool showPriceInput = input.bool(true, "Display Reversal Price")
bool showVolInput = input.bool(true, "Display Cumulative Volume")
bool showChgInput = input.bool(true, "Display Reversal Price Change", inline = "Price Rev")
string priceDiffInput = input.string("Absolute", "", options = ["Absolute", "Percent"], inline = "Price Rev")
//#region ———————————————————— Library functions
// @type Provides calculation and display attributes to ZigZag objects.
// @field devThreshold The minimum percentage deviation from a point before the ZigZag will change direction.
// @field depth The number of bars required for pivot detection.
// @field lineColor Line color.
// @field extendLast Condition allowing a line to connect the most recent pivot with the current close.
// @field displayReversalPrice Condition to display the pivot price in the pivot label.
// @field displayCumulativeVolume Condition to display the cumulative volume for the pivot segment in the pivot label.
// @field displayReversalPriceChange Condition to display the change in price or percent from the previous pivot in the pivot label.
// @field differencePriceMode Reversal change display mode. Options are "Absolute" or "Percent".
// @field draw Condition to display lines and labels.
export type Settings
float devThreshold = 5.0
int depth = 10
color lineColor = #2962FF
bool extendLast = true
bool displayLabels = true
bool displayReversalPrice = true
bool displayCumulativeVolume = true
bool displayReversalPriceChange = true
string differencePriceMode = "Absolute"
bool draw = true
// @type A coordinate containing bar, price, and time information.
// @field tm A value in UNIX time.
// @field price A value on the Y axis (price).
// @field barIndex A `bar_index`.
export type Point
int tm
float price
int barIndex
// @type A level of significance used to determine directional movement or potential support and resistance.
// @field ln A line object connecting the `start` and `end` Point objects.
// @field lb A label object to display pivot values.
// @field isHigh A condition to determine if the pivot is a pivot high.
// @field isHigher A condition to determine if the pivot is higher than previous (high or low) pivot
// @field vol Volume for the pivot segment.
// @field start The coordinate of the previous Point.
// @field end The coordinate of the current Point.
export type Pivot
line ln
label lb
bool isHigh
bool isHigher
float vol
Point start
Point end
// @type An object to maintain Zig Zag settings, pivots, and volume.
// @field settings Settings object to provide calculation and display attributes.
// @field pivots An array of Pivot objects.
// @field sumVol The volume sum for the pivot segment.
// @field extend Pivot object used to project a line from the last pivot to the last bar.
export type ZigZag
Settings settings
array<Pivot> pivots
float sumVol = 0
Pivot extend = na
// @function Finds a pivot point if the `src` has not been exceeded over the `length` of bars. Finds pivot highs when `isHigh` is true, and pivot lows otherwise.
// @param src (series float) Data series to calculate the pivot value.
// @param length (series float) Length in bars required for pivot confirmation.
// @param isHigh (simple bool) Condition to determine if the Pivot is a pivot high or pivot low.
// @returns (Point) A Point object when a pivot is found, and `na` otherwise.
findPivotPoint(series float src, series float length, simple bool isHigh) =>
float p = nz(src[length])
if length == 0, p, bar_index)
else if length * 2 <= bar_index
bool isFound = true
for i = 0 to math.abs(length - 1)
if (isHigh and src[i] > p) or (not isHigh and src[i] < p)
isFound := false
for i = length + 1 to 2 * length
if (isHigh and src[i] >= p) or (not isHigh and src[i] <= p)
isFound := false
if isFound[length], p, bar_index[length])
// @function Calculates the absolute deviation percentage between the `price` and the `basePrice`.
// @param basePrice (series float) Start price.
// @param price (series float) End price.
// @returns (float) Absolute deviation percentage.
calcDev(series float basePrice, series float price) =>
float result = math.abs(100 * (price - basePrice) / basePrice)
// @function Calculates the difference between the `start` and `end` point as a price or percentage difference and converts the value to a string variable.
// @param start (series float) Start price.
// @param end (series float) End price.
// @param settings (series Settings) A Settings object.
// @returns (string) A string representation of the difference between points.
priceRotationDiff(series float start, series float end, Settings settings) =>
float diff = end - start
string sign = math.sign(diff) > 0 ? "+" : ""
string diffStr = settings.differencePriceMode == "Absolute" ? str.tostring(diff, format.mintick) : str.tostring(diff * 100 / start, format.percent)
string result = str.format("({0}{1})", sign, diffStr)
// @function Creates a string variable containing the price, cumulative volume, and change in price for the pivot.
// @param start (series float) Start price.
// @param end (series float) End price.
// @param isHigh (series bool) Determines if pivot is a high pivot or low pivot
// @param isHigher (series bool) Determines if pivot is higher than previous pivot with same isHigh value.
// @param vol (series float) Volume.
// @param settings (series Settings) A Settings object.
// @returns (string) A string to be displayed in pivot labels.
priceRotationAggregate(series float start, series float end, series bool isHigh, series bool isHigher, series float vol, Settings settings) =>
string str = ""
if settings.displayLabels
str += str.tostring(not na(isHigher) ? isHigher ? 'H' : 'L' : '')
str += str.tostring(isHigh ? 'H' : 'L')
if settings.displayReversalPrice or settings.displayReversalPriceChange or settings.displayCumulativeVolume
str += '\n'
if settings.displayReversalPrice
str += str.tostring(end, format.mintick) + " "
if settings.displayReversalPriceChange
str += priceRotationDiff(start, end, settings) + " "
if settings.displayCumulativeVolume
str += "\n" + str.tostring(vol, format.volume)
// @function Produces a label at the `p` Point if `settings` display attributes are enabled.
// @param isHigh (series bool) Condition to determine the label color and location.
// @param p (series Point) A Point object.
// @param settings (series Settings) A Settings object.
// @returns (void) Function has no return.
makePivotLabel(series bool isHigh, Point p, Settings settings) =>
if settings.displayLabels or settings.displayReversalPrice or settings.displayReversalPriceChange or settings.displayCumulativeVolume
[yloc, txtColor] = switch
isHigh => [yloc.abovebar,]
=> [yloc.belowbar,], p.price, style = label.style_none, xloc = xloc.bar_time, yloc = yloc, textcolor = txtColor)
// @function Updates Pivot attributes including Point objects, volume, label text, and label and line object locations.
// @param this (series Pivot) Pivot object to be updated.
// @param end (series Point) Point to set the Pivot to.
// @param vol (series float) Volume of the Pivot.
// @param settings (series Settings) A Settings object.
// @returns (void) Function has no return.
updatePivot(Pivot this, Point end, float vol, Settings settings) =>
this.end := end
this.vol := vol
if not na(
label.set_xy(,, this.end.price)
label.set_text(, priceRotationAggregate(this.start.price, this.end.price, this.isHigh, this.isHigher, this.vol, settings))
line.set_xy2(this.ln,, this.end.price)
// @function Creates a new Pivot object and assigns a line and label if enabled in the `settings`.
// @param start (series Point) The start Point of the Pivot.
// @param end (series Point) The end Point of the Pivot.
// @param vol (series float) Volume of the Pivot.
// @param isHigh (series bool) Condition to determine if the Pivot is a pivot high or pivot low.
// @param settings (series settings) Settings object.
// @returns (Pivot) The new Pivot object.
newPivot(series Point start, series Point end, series float vol, series bool isHigh, series bool isHigher, series Settings settings) =>
Pivot p =, na, isHigh, isHigher, vol, start, end)
if settings.draw
p.ln :=, start.price,, end.price, xloc = xloc.bar_time, color = settings.lineColor, width = 2) := makePivotLabel(isHigh, end, settings)
updatePivot(p, end, vol, settings)
// @function Deletes line and label objects from `this` Pivot.
// @param this (series Pivot) A Pivot object.
// @returns (void) Function has no return.
delete(series Pivot this) =>
if not na(this.ln)
this.ln := na
if not na(
label.delete( := na
// @function Determines if price of the `p` Point is greater than the end price of `this` Pivot.
// @param this (series Pivot) A Pivot object.
// @param p (series Point) A Point object.
// @returns (bool) true if the price of `p` is greater than `this` Pivot price.
isMorePrice(series Pivot this, series Point p) =>
int m = this.isHigh ? 1 : -1
bool result = p.price * m > this.end.price * m
// @function Returns the last Pivot of `this` ZigZag if there is at least one Pivot to return, and `na` otherwise.
// @param this (series ZigZag) A ZigZag object.
// @returns (Pivot) The last Pivot in the ZigZag.
export lastPivot(series ZigZag this) =>
int s = array.size(this.pivots)
Pivot result = s > 0 ? array.get(this.pivots, s - 1) : na
// @function Returns the last Pivot of `this` ZigZag if there is at least one Pivot to return, and `na` otherwise.
// @param this (series ZigZag) A ZigZag object.
// @returns (Pivot) The third last Pivot in the ZigZag.
export prevPivot(series ZigZag this) =>
int s = array.size(this.pivots)
Pivot result = s > 2 ? array.get(this.pivots, s - 3) : na
// @function Updates the last Pivot of `this` ZigZag to the `p` Point and sets the volume to 0.
// @param this (series ZigZag) A ZigZag object.
// @param p (series Point) The Point to set the Pivot to.
// @returns (void) Function has no return.
updateLastPivot(series ZigZag this, series Point p) =>
Pivot lastPivot = lastPivot(this)
if array.size(this.pivots) == 1
lastPivot.start := p
if this.settings.draw
line.set_xy1(lastPivot.ln,, p.price)
updatePivot(lastPivot, p, lastPivot.vol + this.sumVol, this.settings)
this.sumVol := 0
// @function Pushes a `new` Pivot into the array within `this` ZigZag.
// @param this (series ZigZag) A ZigZag object.
// @param new (series Pivot) The Pivot to add to the ZigZag.
// @returns (void) Function has no return.
newPivotFound(series ZigZag this, series Pivot new) =>
array.push(this.pivots, new)
this.sumVol := 0
// @function Determines if a new ZigZag line has been found or the existing line needs updating by comparing new pivots to the existing ZigZag Point. Updates `this` ZigZag and returns true if either condition occurs.
// @param this (series ZigZag) A ZigZag object.
// @param isHigh (series bool) Condition to look for pivot high or pivot low.
// @param p (Point) A Point object to compare to the current ZigZag Point.
// @returns (bool) true if a new ZigZag line is found or last zigzag line has changed.
newPivotPointFound(series ZigZag this, simple bool isHigh, series Point p) =>
bool result = false
Pivot lastPivot = lastPivot(this)
Pivot prevPivot = prevPivot(this)
if not na(lastPivot)
if lastPivot.isHigh == isHigh
if isMorePrice(lastPivot, p)
lastPivot.isHigher := na(prevPivot) ? na : p.price > prevPivot.end.price
updateLastPivot(this, p)
result := true
if calcDev(lastPivot.end.price, p.price) >= this.settings.devThreshold
bool isHigher = p.price > lastPivot.start.price
newPivotFound(this, newPivot(lastPivot.end, p, this.sumVol, isHigh, isHigher, this.settings))
result := true
newPivotFound(this, newPivot(p, p, this.sumVol, isHigh, na, this.settings))
result := true
// @function Determines if a new ZigZag Point has been found.
// @param this (series ZigZag) a ZigZag object.
// @param src (series float) Data series to calculate the pivot.
// @param isHigh (simple bool) Condition to look for pivot high or pivot low.
// @param depth (series int) The length of bars to look for pivots.
// @returns (bool) true if a new Zig Zag line is found or the last Zig Zag line has changed.
tryFindPivot(series ZigZag this, series float src, simple bool isHigh, series int depth) =>
Point point = findPivotPoint(src, depth, isHigh)
bool result = not na(point) ? newPivotPointFound(this, isHigh, point) : false
// @function Updates `this` ZigZag object with new pivots, volume, lines, labels. NOTE: The function must be called on every bar for accurate calculations.
// @param this (series ZigZag) a ZigZag object.
// @returns (bool) true if a new Zig Zag line is found or the last Zig Zag line has changed.
export update(series ZigZag this) =>
int depth = math.floor(this.settings.depth / 2)
this.sumVol += nz(volume[depth])
bool somethingChanged = tryFindPivot(this, high, true, depth) or tryFindPivot(this, low, false, depth)
Pivot lastPivot = lastPivot(this)
float remVol = math.sum(volume, math.max(depth, 1))
if this.settings.extendLast and barstate.islast and not na(lastPivot)
bool isHigh = not lastPivot.isHigh
float curSeries = isHigh ? high : low
Point end =, curSeries, bar_index)
bool isHigher = end.price > lastPivot.start.price
if na(this.extend) or somethingChanged
if not na(this.extend)
this.extend := newPivot(lastPivot.end, end, this.sumVol, isHigh, isHigher, this.settings)
updatePivot(this.extend, end, this.sumVol + remVol, this.settings)
// @function Instantiates a new ZigZag object with `settings`. If no settings are provided, a default ZigZag object is created.
// @param settings (series Settings) A Settings object.
// @returns (ZigZag) A new ZigZag instance.
export newInstance(series Settings settings = na) =>
ZigZag result = ? : settings,<Pivot>())
//#region ———————————————————— Example Code
var Settings settings =
deviationInput, depthInput,
lineColorInput, extendInput,
showPriceInput, showVolInput,
showChgInput, priceDiffInput)
var ZigZag zigZag = newInstance(settings)
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