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Created May 6, 2015 08:27
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(ns simply.db
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as cs]
[honeysql.core :as sql]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clj-time.coerce :as tc]
[simply.formats :as sf]
[simply.valid :as sv]
[environ.core :as env])
(:import (org.joda.time DateTime)
(java.sql Timestamp)
(java.util Date)
(org.postgresql.jdbc4 Jdbc4Array)
(org.postgresql.util PGobject)))
;;; coerce
(defn- sql-time-to-clj-time [sql-time]
(tc/from-sql-time sql-time))
(defn- clj-time-to-sql-time [clj-time]
(tc/to-sql-time clj-time))
(defn- quote-seq [v]
(str "{" (cs/join "," (map #(str "\"" % "\"") v)) "}"))
(defn- map-map [m map-fn]
(reduce (fn [new-map [k v]]
(assoc new-map k (map-fn v)))
{} m))
(defmulti to-jdbc class)
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap [m] (map-map m to-jdbc))
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap [m] (map-map m to-jdbc))
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.Keyword [v]
(name v))
(defmethod to-jdbc org.joda.time.DateTime [v]
(clj-time-to-sql-time v))
(defmethod to-jdbc java.util.Date [v]
(java.sql.Timestamp. (.getTime v)))
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentVector [v]
(quote-seq v))
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentList [v]
(quote-seq v))
(defmethod to-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet [s]
(quote-seq s))
(defmethod to-jdbc :default [v] v)
(defmulti from-jdbc class)
(defmethod from-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap [m] (map-map m from-jdbc))
(defmethod from-jdbc clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap [m] (map-map m from-jdbc))
(defmethod from-jdbc org.postgresql.util.PGobject [v]
(if (= (.getType v) "json")
(sf/from-json (.toString v))
(.toString v)))
(defmethod from-jdbc org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Array [v]
(vec (.getArray v)))
(defmethod from-jdbc java.sql.Timestamp [v]
(sql-time-to-clj-time v))
(defmethod from-jdbc :default [v] v)
;;; database
(def db-spec
(str (env/env :database-url) "?stringtype=unspecified"))
(def ^:dynamic *db* db-spec)
(defmacro with-db [db & body]
`(binding [*db* ~db]
(defmacro with-connection [[binding] & body]
`(if-let [conn# (:connection *db*)]
(let [~(symbol binding) conn#] ~@body)
(with-open [conn# (jdbc/get-connection *db*)]
(let [~(symbol binding) conn#] ~@body))))
(defmacro transaction [& body]
`(jdbc/with-db-transaction [t-db# *db*]
(with-db t-db# ~@body)))
(defn- coerce-query-args [sql]
(let [[stmt & args] (if (coll? sql) sql [sql])
coerced-args (map to-jdbc args)]
(into [stmt] coerced-args)))
(defmacro report-actual-sql-error [& body]
(catch java.sql.SQLException e#
(if (.getNextException e#) ;; rethrow exception containing SQL error
(let [msg# (.getMessage (.getNextException e#))]
(throw (java.sql.SQLException.
(str (cs/replace (.getMessage e#)
"Call getNextException to see the cause." "")
"\n" msg#))))
(throw e#)))))
(defn e! [& cmd]
(println "SQL:" cmd)
(if (vector? (first cmd))
(apply jdbc/execute! *db* cmd)
(jdbc/execute! *db* cmd)))))
(defn e*! [hsql]
(e! (sql/format hsql)))
(defn q [sql]
(println "SQL:" sql)
(jdbc/query *db* (coerce-query-args sql) :row-fn from-jdbc))))
(defn q* [hsql]
(q (sql/format hsql)))
(defn q-one* [hsql]
(first (q* hsql)))
(defn i! [tbl & row-maps]
(let [coerced-rows (map to-jdbc row-maps)]
(println "INSERT INTO" tbl (pr-str coerced-rows))
;; perform insert and coerce results from jdbc
(map from-jdbc
(apply jdbc/insert! *db* tbl coerced-rows))))))
(defn d! [tbl & args]
(println "DELETE FROM:" tbl (pr-str args))
(first (apply jdbc/delete! *db* tbl (coerce-query-args args))))))
(defn u!
"{:update table-name :set values :where clause}"
(e! (sql/format (update-in hsql [:set] to-jdbc))))
(defn table-exists? [tbl]
(q-one* {:select [:*]
:from [:information_schema.tables]
:where [:and
[:= :table_name (name tbl)]
[:= :table_schema "public"]]}))
(defn init-db []
(when-not (table-exists? :schema)
[:name :text "PRIMARY KEY"]
[:created_at :timestamp "DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"]))))
(defn migration-exists? [nm]
(q-one* {:select [:*] :from [:schema] :where [:= :name nm]}))
(defmacro migrate-up [nm & body]
`(when-not (migration-exists? ~(str nm))
(println "migrate-up" ~(str nm))
(i! :schema {:name ~(str nm)})))
(defmacro migrate-down [nm & body]
`(when (migration-exists? ~(str nm))
(println "migrate-down" ~(str nm))
(d! :schema ["name=?" ~(str nm)])))
(defn create-table [& args]
(e! (apply jdbc/create-table-ddl args)))
(defn mk-uniq? [tbl attr]
(fn [x]
(nil? (q-one* {:select [:*] :from [tbl] :where [:= attr x]}))))
(defn one-by-attr [tbl attr x]
(q-one* {:select [:*] :from [tbl] :where [:= attr x]}))
(defn mk-create [tbl validators]
(fn [data]
(if-let [errors (sv/validate validators data)]
{:status :error :errors errors :data data}
(first (i! tbl data)))))
(q-one* {:select [:*] :from [:schema] :where [:= :name "create-sessions-table"]})
(q* {:select [:*] :from [:schema]}))
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