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Created December 10, 2021 09:03
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{:infrabox/matrix {ns ["prod" "staging"]}
:gcp {}
:helm {}
{:kibana {:image ""
:proxy {:port 5601
:host (str "kibana." domain)
:user (secret-src [:kibana :user] "admin")
:password (secret-src [:kibana :password])}
:config {:ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS (service-url {:system :logs})}
:probe {:port 80 :path "/__healthcheck"}}}
{:elastic {:image (config [:logs :es :image])
:init [["sh" "-c" "ulimit -n 65536"]
["sysctl" "-w" "vm.max_map_count=262144"],
["sh" "-c" (format "chown -R 1000:1000 %s" (self :volumes :data :mount))]]
:http {:db {:port 9200
:labels {:system :logs}
:grafana/datasource {:type :elastic}}}
:config { "logs"
:bootstrap.memory_lock "true"
:ES_JAVA_OPTS (format "-Xms%sm -Xmx%sm" (config [:logs :es :memory]) (config [ns :es :memory]))
:discovery.type "single-node"}
:volumes {:data {:mount "/usr/share/elasticsearch/data"
:storage (config [:logs :es :size])}}
{:exporter {:image ""
:command {:infrabox/format :cli/opts
:es.uri (str "http://localhost" (self :http :db :port))}
:http {:metrics {:port 9114 :prometheus/scrapes {}}}}}}
:prom {:image "prom/prometheus:v2.30.3"
:tcp {:db {:port 9090
:grafana/datasource {:type :prometheus}
:prometheus/scrapes {:prometheus {}}}}
:proxy {:port (self :tcp :db :port)
:host (str "prometheus." domain)
:user (secret-src [:kibana :user] "admin")
:password (secret-src [:kibana :password])}
:command {:fmt :cli/opts
:config.file (self :files :config :path)
:storage.tsdb.path (self :volumes :data :mount)
:storage.tsdb.retention.time (config [:prom :retention.time] "14d")
:web.enable-lifecycle true
:web.console.libraries "/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries"
:web.console.templates "/usr/share/prometheus/consoles"}
:files {:config {:path "/etc/prometheus/config.yaml"
:yaml {:global {:scrape_interval "15s"
:evaluation_interval "15s"}
:scrape_configs (search :prometheus/scrapes)}}}
:volumes {:data {:mount "/prometheus"
:storage (config [:prom :size] "50Gi")}}}
:grafana {:image "grafana/grafana:8.3.0"
:http {:web {:port 3000
:host (str "grafana." domain)}}
:dirs {:path "/etc/grafana/provisioning"
"datasources" (search :grafana/datasources)}
:volumes {:data {:mount "/var/lib/grafana"
:storage (config [:grafana :storage] "20Gi")}}}}}
{:aidbox {:image (config [ns :aidbox :image] "healthsamurai/aidboxone:edge")
:resources {}
:http {:metrics {:port 8765
{:default {:path "/metrics"}
:minutes {:path "/metrics/minutes"}
:hours {:path "/metrics/hours"}}}
:web {:port 8080
:host (str "staging." (config [ns :aidbox :domain]))}}
:secrets {:AIDBOX_LICENSE_KEY (secret [:aidbox :license :id])
:AIDBOX_LICENSE_ID (secret [:aidbox :license :key])
:AIDBOX_CLIENT_ID (secret-src [:aidbox :client :id] "admin")
:AIDBOX_CLIENT_SECRET (secret-src [:aidbox :client :secret])
:AIDBOX_ADMIN_ID (secret-src [:aidbox :admin :id] "admin")
:AIDBOX_ADMIN_PASSWORD (secret-src [:aidbox :admin :password])
:PGUSER (secret [ns :pg :user])
:PGPASSWORD (secret [ns :pg :password])}
:config {:AIDBOX_FHIR_VERSION (config [ns :aidbox :fhir] "4.0.1")
:AIDBOX_PORT (self :http :web :port)
:PGDATABASE "aidbox"
:PGHOST (service-search {:db :aidbox} :host)
:PGPORT (service-search {:db :aidbox} :port)
:AIDBOX_ES_URL (service-url {:system :logs})
:AIDBOX_ES_BATCH_SIZEL (config [ns :aidbox :es :batch] 100)
:AIDBOX_ES_INDEX_PAT (format "'%s-aidbox'-yyyy-MM-dd" ns)
:BOX_METRICS_PORT (self :http :metrics :port)}}}
{:db {:image (config [ns :pg :image] "healthsamurai/aidboxdb:13.2")
:tcp {:db {:port 5432
:grafana/datasource {:type :postgres}}}
:resources {}
:volumes {:data {:mount "/data"
:size (config [ns :pg :size] "100Gi")}}
:secrets {:POSTGRES_USER (secret-src [ns :pg :user] "postgres")
:POSTGRES_PASSWORD (secret-src ns :pg :password)
:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS (self :xfiles :gcp-key.json)
:WALG_GS_PREFIX (config [ns :pg :walg :gs :prefix])}
:xfiles {:path "/etc/xfiles"
:gcp-key.json (secret [ns :walg :gs :account])}
:files {:path "/etc/postgres"
:postgresql.conf {:infrabox/format :pg-conf
:wal_level "logical"
:archive_mode "on"
:archive_command "'wal-g wal-push %p'"
:restore_command "'wal-g wal-fetch %f %p'"}}}}}}}
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