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Last active May 3, 2024 12:58
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Useful Commands

Useful Commands


brew update
brew update <package-name>
rm -rf .*
chsh -s /bin/zsh 
open -na Google\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir=/tmp/temporary-chrome-profile-dir --disable-web-security --allow-running-insecure-content


ssh <username>@<remote-host>


lando start
lando stop
lando info
lando enable-cron
lando rebuild -s appserver
lando xdebug debug
lando wp i18n make-pot . ./destination/path/file_name.pot --exclude=<dir>


docker exec -it containerId bash
docker ps
docker info
docker images
docker image ls
docker stats
docker version
docker start containerId
docker stop containerId
docker restart containerId
docker pull image
docker push image
docker logs containerId
docker exec -it containerId executable
docker rename oldContainerName newContainerName 

Mariadb / MySQL:

mariadb -u username -p password;
show databases;
use databaseName;
create database databaseName;
drop database databaseName;
alter database databaseNameOld alter/modify name=databaseNameNew;
backup database databaseName to disk=“absolutefilepath”;
show tables;
use tableName;
explain tableName; 
create table tableName (id INT NOT NULL, var dataType(size), PRIMARY KEY(id));
insert into tableName (columnName) VALUES (value);
select columnName from tableName;
update  tableName set columnName=value where columnName=value;
delete from tableName where columnName where columnName=value;
drop table tableName;
alter table tableName add coumnName dataType(size);
alter table tableName drop column coumnName;
alter table tableName rename column coumnNameOld to columnNameNew;
alter table tableName alter/modify column coumnName dataType(size);


tsc --init
tsc <filename.ts>


flutter create <project-name>
flutter doctor
flutter upgrade
flutter pub get
flutter run
flutter run --<mode>
flutter build apk --build-name=<build-name> --build-number=<build-number>
flutter build apk --release
flutter build apk --debug
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