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Unlocking the Full Potential of Kotlin with Arrow.kt: The Key to Concise, Expressive, and Safe Functional Programming in Android

Photo by Yafiu Ibrahim on Unsplash


Functional programming has become increasingly popular in recent years, with libraries like Arrow.kt making it more accessible to developers in Kotlin. Arrow.kt is a functional programming library for Kotlin that provides tools for working with functional programming concepts such as immutability, higher-order functions, and algebraic data types. This blog post will guide you through setting up Arrow.kt in an Android project and provide practical examples of the top 10 most used features of the library.


To start using Arrow.kt in an Android project, you need to add the following dependency to your project’s build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.arrow-kt:arrow:1.1.0'

You should also add the following to your build.gradle file to enable support for Kotlin extensions:

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

dependencies {
    kapt 'com.github.arrow-kt:arrow-meta:1.1.0'

Once you have set up Arrow.kt in your project, you can start using its features. Let’s take a look at some practical examples of the top 10 most used features of Arrow.kt in Android development:

1. Option type:

The Option type is used to represent a value that may or may not be present. It can help you avoid null pointer exceptions by allowing you to safely handle nullable values.

val optionalValue: Option<String> = Option.fromNullable(value)
val result = optionalValue.fold({ "default value" }, { it })

2. Either type:

The Either type is used to represent a value that can be one of two possible types. It is often used for error handling, where the left type represents the error and the right type represents the success value.

val result: Either<Exception, String> = fetchDataFromApi()
  { /* handle error case */ },
  { /* handle success case */ }

3. Validated type:

The Validated type is used to represent a value that can be either valid or invalid. It is often used for input validation and error handling.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun validateUser(user: User): Validated<Nel<String>, User> =
  Validated.applicative<Nel<String>>().map(user.validateName(), user.validateAge()) { user }

fun User.validateName(): Validated<Nel<String>, String> =
  if (name.isNotEmpty()) else "Name must not be empty".nel().invalid()

fun User.validateAge(): Validated<Nel<String>, Int> =
  if (age >= 18) this.age.valid() else "User must be 18 years or older".nel().invalid()

4. IO Monad:

The IO Monad is used to represent a computation that has side effects. It can help you manage side effects in a functional way and make your code more testable.

fun saveDataToFile(data: String): IO<Unit> = IO {
  val file = File("data.txt")
  val writer = FileWriter(file)

val program: IO<Unit> = saveDataToFile("Hello, World!")

5. Optics:

Optics are a way to work with nested data structures in a functional way. They provide a way to focus on a specific part of a data structure and modify it without changing the rest of the structure. To use Optics, you need to define a Lens, which is a way to focus on a specific part of a data structure. You can then use the Lens to modify the focused part of the data structure.

data class Address(val street: String, val city: String, val zipCode: String)
data class User(val name: String, val address: Address)

val userLens: Lens<User, Address> = Lens(
  get = { user -> user.address },
  set = { user, address -> user.copy(address = address) }

val user = User("John Doe", Address("Main St.", "New York", "12345"))
val modifiedUser = userLens.modify(user) { address -> address.copy(city = "San Francisco") }

6. Monad Comprehensions:

Monad Comprehensions provide a way to work with multiple monads in a concise and readable way. They allow you to combine monads using a for comprehension, similar to how you would work with a list comprehension.

fun getUser(userId: String): IO<User> = // retrieve user from API
fun getOrders(userId: String): IO<List<Order>> = // retrieve orders from API

fun getUserAndOrders(userId: String): IO<Pair<User, List<Order>>> =
  IO.monad().binding {
    val user = getUser(userId).bind()
    val orders = getOrders(userId).bind()
    Pair(user, orders)

7. ValidatedNel:

ValidatedNel is a variant of Validated that collects all errors into a Non-Empty List. It is often used for input validation and error handling.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun validateUser(user: User): ValidatedNel<String, User> =
  ValidatedNel.applicative<String>().map(user.validateName(), user.validateAge()) { user }

fun User.validateName(): ValidatedNel<String, String> =
  if (name.isNotEmpty()) else "Name must not be empty".invalidNel()

fun User.validateAge(): ValidatedNel<String, Int> =
  if (age >= 18) this.age.validNel() else "User must be 18 years or older".invalidNel()

8. Monad Transformers:

Monad Transformers provide a way to combine multiple monads into a single monad. They allow you to work with the combined monad in a way that is similar to working with a single monad.

fun getUser(userId: String): IO<User> = // retrieve user from API
fun getOrders(userId: String): IO<List<Order>> = // retrieve orders from API

fun getUserAndOrders(userId: String): IO<Pair<User, List<Order>>> =
  OptionT(IO.monad()) {
    getUser(userId).map { user -> Option(user) }
  }.flatMap { user ->
    OptionT(IO.monad()) {
      getOrders(userId).map { orders -> Option(orders) }
    }.map { orders ->
      Pair(user, orders)
  }.value().map { it.orNull() }

9. Reader Monad:

The Reader Monad is used to pass a configuration or environment to a computation. It can help you avoid global state and make your code more modular.

data class Config(val apiUrl: String, val apiKey: String)

fun getUser(userId: String): Reader<Config, User> = // retrieve user from API using config
fun getOrders(userId: String): Reader<Config, List<Order>> = // retrieve orders from API using config

fun getUserAndOrders(userId: String): Reader<Config, Pair<User, List<Order>>> =
  Reader.monad<Config>().binding {
    val user = getUser(userId).bind()
    val orders = getOrders(userId).bind()
    Pair(user, orders)

10. Dependency Injection:

Arrow provides a powerful and lightweight Dependency Injection framework that allows you to define and manage dependencies in a type-safe and composable way.

data class Config(val apiUrl: String, val apiKey: String)

class UserRepository(private val api: Api) {
  fun getUser(userId: String): IO<User> = api.getUser(userId)

class OrderRepository(private val api: Api) {
  fun getOrders(userId: String): IO<List<Order>> = api.getOrders(userId)

class UserService(private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val orderRepository: OrderRepository) {
  fun getUserAndOrders(userId: String): IO<Pair<User, List<Order>>> =
    IO.monad().binding {
      val user = userRepository.getUser(userId).bind()
      val orders = orderRepository.getOrders(userId).bind()
      Pair(user, orders)

val configModule = module {
  single { Config("", "api_key") }

val apiModule = module {
  single { Api(get()) }

val repositoryModule = module {
  single { UserRepository(get()) }
  single { OrderRepository(get()) }

val serviceModule = module {
  single { UserService(get(), get()) }

val appModule = configModule + apiModule + repositoryModule + serviceModule

fun main() {
  val userService: UserService = appModule.inject()
  val result = userService.getUserAndOrders("123")
  // ...

In this example, we define a Config class that holds our API configuration, a UserRepository and an OrderRepository that use an Api to retrieve data from the server, a UserService that combines the repositories to retrieve both the user and the orders, and a module that defines the dependencies and how to instantiate them. We then inject the UserService using the module and use it to retrieve the data we need.

Arrow provides many other features and abstractions, such as Monoids, Applicatives, Tagless Final, Free Monad, and more. It is a powerful library that can help you write more modular, type-safe, and functional code in your Android projects.

Read More:

  1. Arrow-Kt Documentation:

  2. Arrow-Kt GitHub repository:

  3. Arrow-Kt blog:

  4. Arrow-Kt examples:

  5. Arrow-Kt playground:

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