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Last active August 27, 2023 15:43
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Kotlin's Flow API -  Combining and Merging Flows for Reactive Programming
* Created by Nirbhay Pherwani on 8/14/2023.
* Linktree -
data class Like(val userName: String, val postTitle: String, val reactionName: String)
data class Comment(val userName: String, val postTitle: String, val commentText: String)
data class Post(val userName: String, val postTitle: String)
val likesList = listOf(
Like("Alice", "Exploring the Cosmos", "👍"),
Like("Rahul", "Starry Night Photography", "❤"),
Like("Grace", "Astronomy Basics", "👏"),
Like("Charlie", "Starry Night Photography", "👍"),
Like("Charlie", "Astronomy Basics", "❤️"),
Like("Bob", "Exploring the Cosmos", "👏"),
val commentsList = listOf(
Comment("Alice", "Exploring the Cosmos", "This is amazing!"),
Comment("Charlie", "Starry Night Photography", "Beautiful shot!"),
Comment("Alice", "Astronomy Basics", "Great explanation!"),
Comment("Rahul", "Starry Night Photography", "Wow, I love this!"),
Comment("Rahul", "Exploring the Cosmos", "Mind-blowing!"),
Comment("Grace", "Astronomy 2 Basics", "I finally understand this concept!")
val postsList = listOf(
Post("Alice", "Exploring the Cosmos"),
Post("Bob", "Starry Night Photography"),
Post("Charlie", "Astronomy 2 Basics"),
Post("Eve", "Starry Night Photography"),
Post("Alice", "Astronomy Basics")
package com.nirbhay.compose.easyspannablegridusage
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* Created by Nirbhay Pherwani on 8/14/2023.
* Linktree -
class NotificationsViewModel: ViewModel() {
init {
private fun quickNotifications(){
viewModelScope.launch {
val likesActivity: Flow<Like> = flowOf(*likesList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
val commentsActivity: Flow<Comment> = flowOf(*commentsList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
val postsActivity: Flow<Post> = flowOf(*postsList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
merge(likesActivity, commentsActivity, postsActivity).collect {
when(it) {
is Comment -> {
Log.i("Quick Notification", "${it.userName} commented on your post: ${it.commentText}")
is Like -> {
Log.i("Quick Notification", "${it.userName} reacted with ${it.reactionName} to your post: ${it.postTitle}")
is Post -> {
Log.i("Quick Notification", "${it.userName} added a new post: ${it.postTitle}")
private fun summarizedNotifications() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val likesActivity: Flow<Like> = flowOf(*likesList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
val commentsActivity: Flow<Comment> = flowOf(*commentsList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
val postsActivity: Flow<Post> = flowOf(*postsList.toTypedArray()).onEach {
likesActivity.combine(commentsActivity) { like, comment ->
"${like.userName} reacted with ${like.reactionName} on ${like.postTitle}\n" +
"and ${comment.userName} commented ${comment.commentText} on ${comment.postTitle}"
}.combine(postsActivity) { activity, post ->
Log.i("Summary", "$activity .. Also ${post.userName} added a new post '${post.postTitle}'")
private fun specificNotifications() {
viewModelScope.launch {
val likesActivity: Flow<Like> = flowOf(*likesList.toTypedArray())
val commentsActivity: Flow<Comment> = flowOf(*commentsList.toTypedArray()) { like, comment ->
if(like.userName == comment.userName && like.postTitle == comment.postTitle) {
Log.i("Notification","${like.userName} reacted and commented on your post ${like.postTitle}")
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