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Last active December 18, 2021 22:54
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Advent of Code - 2021 day 16 - visualization
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -u
import sys
import time
from functools import reduce
from io import StringIO
import aocutil
def load_data():
with aocutil.read_data() as df:
data =
return ''.join(format(int(x, 16), '04b') for x in data)
class Packet:
def __init__(self, level=0):
self.level = level
self.version = None
self.type = None
self.value = None
self.length = 0
self.ltypeid = None
self.subpackets = None
self.packets = []
def parse(self, sio):
self.version = int(, 2)
self.type = int(, 2)
self.length = 6
# print(f'Got packet v{self.version} type {self.type}:', end=' ')
if self.type == 4:
# Literal
value = ''
while True:
packet =
notlast = int(packet[0])
value += packet[1:]
self.length += 5
if not notlast:
self.value = int(value, 2)
# print(self.value)
# Operator type
self.ltypeid = int(
if self.ltypeid:
# Number of subpackets
self.subpackets = int(, 2)
# print(f'{self.ltypeid}:{self.subpackets}')
self.length += 12
for _ in range(self.subpackets):
# print(f'Parsing subpacket #{_} @ L{self.level + 1}')
packet = Packet(self.level + 1)
self.length += packet.parse(sio)
# Number of bits
self.subpackets = int(, 2)
self.length += 16
read = 0
# print(f'{self.ltypeid}:{self.subpackets}')
while read < self.subpackets:
# print(f'Parsing subpacket @ L{self.level + 1}')
packet = Packet(self.level + 1)
read += packet.parse(sio)
# print(f'Got {read} bits, need {self.subpackets}')
self.length += read
# print(f'Packet @ L{self.level} has length {self.length}')
return self.length
def dump(self):
margin = ' ' * self.level
print(f'{margin}V{self.version} T{self.type}', end=' ')
if self.value is not None:
for packet in self.packets:
def version_sum(self):
return self.version + sum(p.version_sum() for p in self.packets if isinstance(p, Packet))
def evaluate(self):
if self.type != 4:
subvals = [p.evaluate() for p in self.packets]
if self.type == 0:
# Sum packet
return sum(subvals)
elif self.type == 1:
# Product packet
return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, subvals)
elif self.type == 2:
return min(subvals)
elif self.type == 3:
return max(subvals)
elif self.type == 4:
return self.value
elif self.type == 5:
return int(subvals[0] > subvals[1])
elif self.type == 6:
return int(subvals[0] < subvals[1])
elif self.type == 7:
return int(subvals[0] == subvals[1])
def viz(self):
margin = ' ' * self.level
print(margin, end='')
def print_string(string, color):
print(f'\033[3{color}m', end='')
for char in string:
print(char, end='')
print('\033[m', end=' ')
def print_num(packet):
more = int(packet[0])
color = [1, 2][more]
print(f'\033[3{color}m{packet[0]}\033[m', end='')
print_string(packet[1:], 4)
print_string(format(self.version, '03b'), 3)
print_string(format(self.type, '03b'), 6)
if self.value is not None:
for packet in self.packets:
print(f"\033[92m// {self.value}")
ltypeid = str(self.ltypeid)
color = [5, 6][self.ltypeid]
packet = ['Sum', 'Product', 'Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Literal', 'Greater Than', 'Less Than', 'Equal To'][self.type]
print(f'\033[3{color}m{ltypeid}\033[m', end='')
if self.ltypeid:
print_string(format(self.subpackets, '011b'), 4)
print(f'\033[92m// {packet} packet ({self.subpackets} subpackets)')
print_string(format(self.subpackets, '015b'), 4)
print(f'\033[92m// {packet} packet ({self.subpackets} bits in subpackets)')
for packet in self.packets:
def _main():
data = load_data()
sio = StringIO(data)
packet = Packet()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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