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Last active November 23, 2015 16:14
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Unity Vexe framework Fast Save to File Example
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Vexe.FastSave;
using Vexe.Runtime.Types;
namespace FSExamples
public class GameObjectTest : BaseBehaviour
public GameObject target;
public string output;
[Show] void SaveGo()
output = Save.GameObjectToMemory(target).GetString();
[Show] void LoadIntoNewGo()
Load.GameObjectFromMemory(output.GetBytes(), new GameObject());
[Show] void LoadIntoTargetGo()
[Show] void SaveToFile()
//akan disimpan di Assets/dst...
//perisa script save & load buat liat lbh lanjut.
//ps. file bakal muncul kalo folder di refresh
Application.dataPath + "/VFW Examples/FastSave Examples/Save/test",
[Show] void LoadFromFile()
//akan disimpan di Assets/dst...
Application.dataPath + "/VFW Examples/FastSave Examples/Save/test",
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