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Created January 9, 2016 08:41
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Unity 5 AutoSave on Run & on 1-10 minutes interval
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace NirSoft.UtilityEditor
/// <summary>
/// Autosave scene on run.
/// </summary>
[ InitializeOnLoad ]
public class AutosaveOnRun
static AutosaveOnRun()
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged = () =>
Scene activeScene = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene();
if ( !EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode || EditorApplication.isPlaying || !activeScene.isDirty ) return;
Debug.Log( "Auto-Saving scene before entering Play mode: " + );
EditorSceneManager.SaveScene( activeScene );
/// <summary>
/// This script creates a new window in the editor with a autosave function.
/// It is saving your current scene with an interval from 1 minute to 10 minutes.
/// The config window is in on Window/AutoSave
/// </summary>
public class AutoSave : EditorWindow
private bool autoSaveScene = true;
private bool showMessage = true;
private bool isStarted = false;
private int intervalScene;
private DateTime lastSaveTimeScene = DateTime.Now;
private readonly string projectPath = Application.dataPath;
[ MenuItem( "Window/AutoSave" ) ]
static void Init()
AutoSave saveWindow = ( AutoSave ) EditorWindow.GetWindow( typeof ( AutoSave ) );
void OnGUI()
GUILayout.Label( "Info:", EditorStyles.boldLabel );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Saving to:", "" + projectPath );
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Saving scene:", "" + EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().name );
GUILayout.Label( "Options:", EditorStyles.boldLabel );
autoSaveScene = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup( "Auto save", autoSaveScene );
intervalScene = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider( "Interval (minutes)", intervalScene, 1, 10 );
if ( isStarted )
EditorGUILayout.LabelField( "Last save:", "" + lastSaveTimeScene );
showMessage = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup( "Show Message", showMessage );
void Update()
if ( autoSaveScene )
if ( DateTime.Now.Minute >= ( lastSaveTimeScene.Minute + intervalScene ) || DateTime.Now.Minute == 59 && DateTime.Now.Second == 59 )
isStarted = false;
void SaveScene()
EditorSceneManager.SaveScene( EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene() );
lastSaveTimeScene = DateTime.Now;
isStarted = true;
if ( showMessage )
Debug.Log( "AutoSave saved: " + EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + " on " + lastSaveTimeScene );
var repaintSaveWindow = ( AutoSave ) GetWindow( typeof ( AutoSave ) );
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