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Created April 23, 2020 00:00
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Routines for loading/saving pytrees to disk as hdf5 files.
"""Save/load pytrees to disk."""
import collections
import h5py
import jax
import numpy as np
def save(filepath, tree):
"""Saves a pytree to an hdf5 file.
filepath: str, Path of the hdf5 file to create.
tree: pytree, Recursive collection of tuples, lists, dicts,
namedtuples and numpy arrays to store.
with h5py.File(filepath, 'w') as f:
_savetree(jax.device_get(tree), f, 'pytree')
def load(filepath):
"""Loads a pytree from an hdf5 file.
filepath: str, Path of the hdf5 file to load.
with h5py.File(filepath, 'r') as f:
return _loadtree(f['pytree'])
def _is_namedtuple(x):
"""Duck typing check if x is a namedtuple."""
return isinstance(x, tuple) and getattr(x, '_fields', None) is not None
def _savetree(tree, group, name):
"""Recursively save a pytree to an h5 file group."""
if isinstance(tree, np.ndarray):
group.create_dataset(name, data=tree)
subgroup = group.create_group(name)
subgroup.attrs['type'] = type(tree).__name__
if _is_namedtuple(tree):
for k, subtree in tree._asdict().items():
_savetree(subtree, subgroup, k)
elif isinstance(tree, tuple) or isinstance(tree, list):
for k, subtree in enumerate(tree):
_savetree(subtree, subgroup, f'arr{k}')
elif isinstance(tree, dict):
for k, subtree in tree.items():
_savetree(subtree, subgroup, k)
raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized type {type(tree)}')
def _loadtree(leaf):
"""Recursively load a pytree from an h5 file group."""
if isinstance(leaf, h5py.Dataset):
return np.array(leaf)
leaf_type = leaf.attrs['type']
values = map(_loadtree, leaf.values())
if leaf_type == 'dict':
return dict(zip(leaf.keys(), values))
elif leaf_type == 'list':
return list(values)
elif leaf_type == 'tuple':
return tuple(values)
else: # namedtuple
return collections.namedtuple(leaf_type, leaf.keys())(*values)
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