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Created March 20, 2015 21:07
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  • Save nirvdrum/0c4b13977416d7828d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nirvdrum/0c4b13977416d7828d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
empty 0.960000 0.240000 1.200000 ( 0.706804)
empty - dup 0.820000 0.080000 0.900000 ( 0.660550)
1char 0.710000 0.130000 0.840000 ( 0.514980)
1char - dup 0.630000 0.000000 0.630000 ( 0.613213)
5 chars 0.930000 0.010000 0.940000 ( 0.853446)
5 chars - dup 1.370000 0.000000 1.370000 ( 1.107195)
10 chars 1.080000 0.000000 1.080000 ( 0.917764)
10 chars - dup 1.260000 0.030000 1.290000 ( 1.120841)
20 chars 1.050000 0.010000 1.060000 ( 0.972268)
20 chars - dup 1.490000 0.000000 1.490000 ( 1.333460)
---------------------------------------- total: 10.800000sec
user system total real
empty 0.550000 0.000000 0.550000 ( 0.486022)
empty - dup 0.880000 0.000000 0.880000 ( 0.686752)
1char 0.600000 0.000000 0.600000 ( 0.508257)
1char - dup 0.640000 0.000000 0.640000 ( 0.633246)
5 chars 1.140000 0.000000 1.140000 ( 0.922640)
5 chars - dup 1.410000 0.000000 1.410000 ( 1.157144)
10 chars 1.140000 0.000000 1.140000 ( 0.982482)
10 chars - dup 1.240000 0.000000 1.240000 ( 1.139877)
20 chars 1.090000 0.000000 1.090000 ( 0.994289)
20 chars - dup 1.440000 0.010000 1.450000 ( 1.303840)
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------------
empty 1.140000 0.000000 1.140000 ( 1.136569)
empty - dup 2.530000 0.000000 2.530000 ( 2.540167)
1char 1.050000 0.000000 1.050000 ( 1.051799)
1char - dup 2.530000 0.000000 2.530000 ( 2.523234)
5 chars 1.050000 0.000000 1.050000 ( 1.054948)
5 chars - dup 2.550000 0.000000 2.550000 ( 2.547925)
10 chars 1.080000 0.000000 1.080000 ( 1.082971)
10 chars - dup 2.570000 0.000000 2.570000 ( 2.567220)
20 chars 1.150000 0.000000 1.150000 ( 1.152727)
20 chars - dup 2.650000 0.000000 2.650000 ( 2.657810)
---------------------------------------- total: 18.300000sec
user system total real
empty 1.060000 0.000000 1.060000 ( 1.057698)
empty - dup 2.540000 0.000000 2.540000 ( 2.542187)
1char 1.060000 0.000000 1.060000 ( 1.057650)
1char - dup 2.560000 0.000000 2.560000 ( 2.560202)
5 chars 1.060000 0.000000 1.060000 ( 1.060847)
5 chars - dup 2.600000 0.000000 2.600000 ( 2.592937)
10 chars 1.080000 0.000000 1.080000 ( 1.089204)
10 chars - dup 2.580000 0.000000 2.580000 ( 2.587015)
20 chars 1.150000 0.000000 1.150000 ( 1.150635)
20 chars - dup 2.640000 0.000000 2.640000 ( 2.634209
str0 = ""
str1 = "a"
str2 = "abcde"
str3 = str2 * 2
str4 = str3 * 2
require 'benchmark'
CYCLES = 10_000_000
Benchmark.bmbm do |x|"empty") { CYCLES.times { str0.reverse } }"empty - dup") { CYCLES.times { str0.dup.reverse! } }"1char") { CYCLES.times { str1.reverse } }"1char - dup") { CYCLES.times { str1.dup.reverse! } }"5 chars") { CYCLES.times { str2.reverse } }"5 chars - dup") { CYCLES.times { str2.dup.reverse! } }"10 chars") { CYCLES.times { str3.reverse } }"10 chars - dup") { CYCLES.times { str3.dup.reverse! } }"20 chars") { CYCLES.times { str4.reverse } }"20 chars - dup") { CYCLES.times { str4.dup.reverse! } }
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