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#Pages have these fields, the can have comma separated values for group, category and option
# Title: Event1
# ----
# Group: Group1
# ----
# Category: Cat2
# ----
# Option: Option1
# ----
# Text: Some text
# ----
# Get the tagclouds, we are using three: groups, categories and options
# You also of course need the tagcloud plugin, but just as it is no hacks or duplicates.
$items = $pages->find('events');
$groups = tagcloud($items, array('field' => 'group',
'sort' => 'name',
'sortdir' => 'asc'));
$categories = tagcloud($items, array('field' => 'category',
'sort' => 'name',
'sortdir' => 'asc'));
$options = tagcloud($items, array('field' => 'option',
'sort' => 'name',
'sortdir' => 'asc'));
# Next get the individual unique names from the tagclouds for the form select filter options
<form action="" method="post">
<h3>Select Group</h3>
<label for="groups">Select Group:</label>
<select name="groups">
<option value="">All</option>
<?php foreach($groups as $group): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $group->name()?>"
<?php if(($_POST) and (strval($group->name()) == $_POST['groups'])) echo ' selected ="selected" ';?>>
<?php echo $group->name()?></option>
<?php endforeach ?>
<label for="categories">Select Category:</label>
<select name="categories">
<option value="">All</option>
<?php foreach($categories as $category): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $category->name()?>"
<?php if(($_POST) and (strval($category->name()) == $_POST['categories'])) echo ' selected ="selected" ';?>>
<?php echo $category->name()?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<label for="options">Select Option:</label>
<select name="options">
<option value="">All</option>
<?php foreach($options as $option): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $option->name()?>"
<?php if(($_POST) and (strval($option->name()) == $_POST['options'])) echo ' selected ="selected" ';?>>
<?php echo $option->name()?></option>
<?php endforeach ?>
<button type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="btn">Filter</button>
<h3>Selected filters:</h3>
# Check to see if anything has been selected, if so then show the filters selected
if ($_POST){
echo '<ul><li>Group: '.$_POST['groups'].'</li>';
echo '<li> Categories: '.$_POST['categories'].'</li>';
echo '<li> Options: '.$_POST['options'].'</li></ul><hr/><br/>';
# If something is selected we need to set the appropriate filter logic
$glogic = ($_POST['groups'] == "") ? '!=' : '*=' ;
$clogic = ($_POST['categories'] == "") ? '!=' : '*=' ;
$ologic = ($_POST['options'] == "") ? '!=' : '*=' ;
$filtered = $pages->find('events')
->filterBy('group', $glogic, $_POST['groups'])
->filterBy('category', $clogic, $_POST['categories'])
->filterBy('option', $ologic, $_POST['options']);
# And then display pages that match the filters if any - you can use anything in the array
if ($filtered <>''){
echo '<h3>Pages that match filters:</h3>';
echo '<ul>';
foreach($filtered as $page) echo '<li> <a href="'.$page->url().'">'.$page->title().'</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
else #No Pages Match Filter
echo '<h3>No pages match filters</h3>';
else #No Filters Selected
echo '<p>No filter selected</p>';
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