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Created January 7, 2020 16:23
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Elasticsearch, Marvel, Kibana on ubuntu
# You can get started with a vagrant box for elasticsearch. Have a look at
vagrant box add esinabox
vagrant init 'esinabox'
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
#Elasticsearch should be typically installed at /usr/share/elasticsearch
#check the version
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/elasticsearch -v
#Start elastic search
sudo service elasticsearch start
#Start elastic search
sudo service elasticsearch stop
#in case you want to get the latest version
#you can remove the existing version
sudo dpkg -r elasticsearch
sudo dpkg --purge elasticsearch
#and install the newer version
sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-1.1.0.deb
#elastic search comes with a lot of usefule plugins
#marvel (check it out at http://localhost:9200/_plugin/marvel/ once installed)
sudo bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
#head (check it out at http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/ once installed)
sudo bin/plugin -i mobz/elasticsearch-head
#kibana (check it out at http://localhost:9200/_plugin/kibana3/ once installed)
sudo bin/plugin -url -install elasticsearch/kibana3
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