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////////// DB info + queries ////////////
To get active season's edit or addon campaign id & customize campaign id:
select campaign_id as addon_or_edit_sale_campaign_id, customize_campaign_id from shop_seasons where position = 1;
To get select (and in the future annual_access_select) role's addon/edit shopping window period:
select title, start_date as select_start_date, select_end_date, regular_start_date, end_date as regular_end_date from shop_addons_campaigns where id = 48;
To get regular (non select) role's shopping window period:
select title, regular_start_date, end_date as regular_end_date from shop_addons_campaigns where id = 48;
To get customize campaign name:
select title from shop_customize_campaigns where id = 17;
////////// addon/edit campaigns //////////
Admin tool url for addon/edit campaign custom content:
1. login as admin in shop
2. go to
3. select campaign name (need to look up the name using id from above query).
Admin tool code for addon/edit campaign custom content:
To add custom content for annual_access_select see similar usage of select role:
To support annual_access_select role as a usertype similar to select role:
shop-container/src/shop/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-recurly-subscriptions/models/UserSeason.php > getUserType(...)
Save custom content:
Read custom content:
////////// customize campaigns //////////
We want to prevent annual_access_select role user from seeing customize content.
Admin tool url for customize campaign:
login to shop as admin
go to
pick campaign name (look up by id based on query above)
Admin tool code for customize campaign:
To add custom content for annual_access_select see similar usage of trial role:
Save custom content:
CustomizeCampaignSingle.php > save_campaign(..)
Read custom content:
CustomizeCampaignContentV2.php > getContent(..) > getContentKeyTwoWindow | getContentKeyNotTwoWindow
// here is where we return annual_access_select custom content
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