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Created November 12, 2011 14:33
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PowerShell: PowerShell Image module Get-Exifの改変
PowerShell Image module(のget-exif.ps1を改変して下記のプロパティを追加します。
- Latitude (緯度。度表記)
- Longitude (経度。度表記)
- Name (ファイル名)
dir "*.jpg" | get-exif | select name, latitude, longitude | export-csv out.csv
Ms-PL (元と同じ)
#Constants for Strings
$ExifIDDateTimeTaken = 36867 # 0x9003
$ExifIDImageDescription = 270 # 0x010E
$ExifIDMake = 271 # 0x010F
$ExifIDModel = 272 # 0x0110
$ExifIDSoftware = 305 # 0x0131
$ExifIDArtist = 315 # 0x013B
$ExifIDCopyright = 33432 # 0x8298
$ExifIDGPSLatRef = 1
$ExifIDGPSLongRef = 3
$ExifIDGPSAltRef = 5
#Constants For Unicode strings
$ExifIDTitle = 40091 # 0x9C9B XP Title binary data
$ExifIDAuthor = 40093 # 0x9C9D XP Author
$ExifIDKeywords = 40094 # 0x9C9E XP Keywords
$ExifIDSubject = 40095 # 0x9C9F XP Subject
#$ExifIDComment = 40092 # 0x9C9C XP Comment
$ExifIDComment = 37510 # 0x9286 UserComment
#Constants For TOKEN numbers
$ExifIDColorSpace = 40961 # 0xA001
$ExifIDContrast = 41992 # 0xA408f
$ExifIDExposureMode = 41986 # 0xA402
$ExifIDExposureProgram = 34850 # 0x8822
$ExifIDFlash = 37385 # 0x9209
$ExifIDLightSource = 37384 # 0x9208
$ExifIDMeteringMode = 37383 # 0x9207
$ExifIDSaturation = 41993 # 0xA409
$ExifIDSceneCaptutreMode = 41990 # 0xA406
$ExifIDSharpness = 41994 # 0xA40A
$ExifIDSubjectRange = 41996 # 0xA40C
$ExifIDWhiteBalance = 41987 # 0xA403
#Constants for special case ratios
$ExifIDExposuretime = 33434 # 0x829A
$ExifIDGPSLattitude = 2
$ExifIDGPSLongitude = 4
#Constants for normal numbers
$ExifIDDigitalZoomRatio = 41988 # 0xA404
$ExifIDExpbias = 37380 # 0x9204
$ExifIDFNumber = 33437 # 0x829D
$ExifIDFocalLength = 37386 # 0x920A
$ExifIDFocalLengthIn35mmFormat = 41989 # 0xa405
$ExifIDHeight = 40963 # 0xA003
$ExifIDISO = 34855 # 0x8827
$ExifIDMaxApperture = 37381 # 0x9205
$ExifIDWidth = 40962 # 0xA002
$ExifIDGPSAltitude = 6
$ExifIDOrientation = 274 # 0x0112
#Constants For Byte Arrays
$ExifIDFileSource = 41728 # 0xA300
$ExifIDMakerNote = 37500 # 0x927C
$ExifIDGPSVer = 0
Function Get-ExifItem {
Returns an single item of Generic Exif data
Returns the data part of a single EXIF property item -not the type.
C:\PS> Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDModel
Returns the Camera model string
.Parameter image
The image from which the data will be read
.Parameter ExifID
The ID of the required data field.
The module defines constants with names beginning $ExifID for the most used ones.
Param ( [__ComObject]$image, [string]$ExifID )
try {$item = $image.Properties.Item("$ExifID") }
Catch { Write-Verbose "Error getting exif item $ExifID - probably doesn't exist" ; return }
if (($item.Type -eq 1007) -or ($item.Type -eq 1006) ) { # "Rational"=1006;"URational"=1007
if (($ExifID -eq $ExifIDExposuretime) -and ($item.Value.Numerator -eq 1) ) {"1/$($item.Value.Denominator)"} else {$item.value.value} }
elseif (($item.type -eq 1101) -or ($item.type -eq 1100)) {$item.value.string() } # "VectorOfByte"=1101
else {$item.value}
Function Get-Exif{
Returns an object containing Exif data
Returns an object containing Exif data
.Parameter image
The image from which the data will be read
C:\ps> get-image IMG_1234.JPG | get-exif
Returns the exif summary for the specified file
C:\ps> Get-exif .\*.JPG | format-table -auto Path, iso,Fnumber,exposuretime
Gets the exif data for all the files in the current folder
and returns a table of exposure information.
Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true)]$image)
Process {
if ($image -is [] ) {$image = $image.FullName }
if ($image -is [String] ) {$image = Get-Image $image}
if ($image.count -gt 1 ) {$image | ForEach-Object {Get-Exif $_} ; Return}
$myvar =[int](Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDFlash)
If ($myvar –band 1) {$Flash += "Flash fired"}
If ($myvar -bAnd 4) {$Flash += ", return"
If ($myvar -bAnd 2) {$flash += " detected"} else {$Flash += "not detected"}
If ($myvar -bAnd 8) { If (($myvar-bAnd 16) -eq 16) {$Flash = "Flash Auto, " + $flash} else {$flash = "Flash on, " + $flash} }
ElseIf ($myvar -bAnd 16) {$flash = "Flash off. " }
If ($myvar -bAnd 32) {$flash = "No Flash function" }
If ($myvar -bAnd 64) {$flash += ", Red Eye reduction" }
$Keywords = Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDKeywords
if ($keywords) {$keywords = $keywords.Split(";") }
$gps = ""
$Latitude = 0;
$Longitude = 0;
$l=(get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSLattitude)
if ($l.count -eq 3) {$gps += "$($l[0].value)°$($l[1].value)'$($l[2].value)""" ; $Latitude = $l[0].value + $l[1].value/60 + $l[2].value/3600 }
if ($l.count -eq 2) {$gps += "$($l[0].value)°$($l[1].value)'" ; $Latitude = $l[0].value + $l[1].value/60 }
$gps = $GPS += (get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSLatRef)
$l=(get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSLongitude)
if ($l.count -eq 3) {$gps += " $($l[0].value)°$($l[1].value)'$($l[2].value)""" ; $Longitude = $l[0].value + $l[1].value/60 + $l[2].value/3600 }
if ($l.count -eq 2) {$gps += " $($l[0].value)°$($l[1].value)'" ; $Longitude = $l[0].value + $l[1].value/60 }
$gps = $GPS += (get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSLongRef)
$altref = get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSAltRef
if ($altRef -EQ 0) {$gps += ", $(get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSAltitude)M above Sea Level"}
if ($altRef -EQ 1) {$gps += ", $(get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDGPSAltitude)M below Sea Level"}
$dt = (get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDDateTimeTaken)
if ($dt) {$dt = [DateTime]::ParseExact($dt,"yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss",[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture) }
$FullNameComponents = $Image.FullName -split "\\"
$Name = $FullNameComponents[$FullNameComponents.Length - 1]
New-Object PSObject -Property @{Flash = $flash
Keywords = $Keywords
Latitude = $Latitude
Longitude = $Longitude
DateTaken = $dt
Path = $Image.FullName
Name = $Name
Manufacturer = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDMake)
Model = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDModel)
Software = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSoftware)
Subject = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSubject)
Title = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDTitle)
Comment = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDComment)
Author = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDAuthor)
Copyright = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDCopyright)
Artist = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDArtist)
ISO = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDISO)
ExposureBias = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDExpbias)
Exposuretime = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDExposuretime)
FNumber = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDFNumber)
MaxApperture = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDMaxApperture)
FocalLength = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDFocalLength)
FocalLength35mm = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDFocalLengthIn35mmFormat)
DigitalZoomRatio = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDDigitalZoomRatio)
Height = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDHeight )
Width = (Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDWidth)
SubjectRange = @{1="Macro"; 2="Close"; 3="Distant"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSubjectRange)]
ExposureMode = @{0="Auto"; 1="Manual"; 2="Auto Bracket"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDExposureMode)]
WhiteBalance = @{0="Auto"; 1="Manual" }[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDWhiteBalance)]
Contrast = @{0="Normal"; 1="Soft"; 2="Hard" }[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDContrast)]
Sharpness = @{0="Normal"; 1="Soft"; 2="Hard" }[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSharpness)]
Saturation = @{0="Normal"; 1="Low"; 2 ="High"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSaturation)]
Orientation = @{1="0"; 3="180"; 6="270"; 8="90"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDOrientation) ] # (0 -=Row 0 is Top, Col 0 is left / 180=Inverted, Row 0 Bottom and col 0 is Right / 270=90 Degrees CounterClockWise, Row 0 is right and col 0 is top / 90=90 Degrees ClockWise, row 0 is left, Col 0 is bottom
ColorSpace = @{1="sRGB"; 2="Adobe RGB" }[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDColorSpace) ] #'(the value of 2 is not standard EXIF. Instead, an Adobe RGB image is indicated by "Uncalibrated" with an InteropIndex of "R03"')
FileSource = @{1="Film scanner"; 2="Print scanner"; 3="Digital still camera"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDFileSource)]
CaptureMode = @{0="Standard"; 1="Landscape"; 2="Portrait"; 3="NightScene"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDSceneCaptutreMode)]
MeteringMode = @{1="Av"; 2="Centre"; 3="Spot"; 4="Multi-Spot"; 5="Multi-Segment"; 6="Partial"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDMeteringMode)]
ExposureProgram = @{1="Manual"; 2="Program: Normal"; 3="Aperture Priority"; 4="Shutter Priority"; 5="Program: Creative"; 6="Program: Action"; 7="Portrait Mode"; 8="Landscape Mode"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDExposureProgram)] # Manual includes Bulb, X-Sync Mode Pentax Sv Mode and TAv mode report 0 - unknown. Creative is Depth of field Biased and Action is shutter biased
LightSource = @{0="Auto"; 1="Daylight"; 2="Fluorescent"; 3="Tungsten"; 4="Flash"; 9="Fine Weather"; 10="Cloudy Weather"; 11="Shade"; 12="Daylight Fluorescent"; 13="Day White Fluorescent"; 14="Cool White Fluorescent"; 15="White Fluorescent"; 17="Standard Light A"; 18="Standard Light B"; 19="Standard Light C"; 20="D55"; 21="D65"; 22="D75"; 23="D50"; 24="ISO Studio Tungsten"}[[int]( Get-ExifItem -image $image -ExifID $ExifIDLightSource)]
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