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Last active May 23, 2023 06:44
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Save nitaku/833632f23c308ae2d58b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Isometric treemap (flare)

A first attempt at making a real isometric treemap. Unlike previous attempts, this experiment uses the treemap layout to actually represent a tree (in this example, the flare package hierarchy).

Treemaps are very good to show hierarchies in a compact way, and excel in the case of attributed hierarchies with a quantitative attribute (a classical example would be a file system hierarchy, in which size is given by the number of bytes of each file). However, they are not very good in representing internal nodes, parent-child relations and depth.

Nested treemaps introduce some padding between a parent and its children to better represent this aspect, losing accuracy in area encoding. Despite this improvement, hierarchy depth is still not represented.

An isometric treemap loses some clarity and compactness to introduce an intuitive representation of depth as 2.5D elevation. By controlling both the padding used by the nesting algorithm and the height of the solids, occlusion (one of the worst problems of 3D and 2.5D solutions) can be fairly limited.

"name": "flare",
"children": [
"name": "analytics",
"children": [
"name": "cluster",
"children": [
"name": "AgglomerativeCluster",
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"name": "CommunityStructure",
"size": 3812
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"name": "optimization",
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"name": "Easing",
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"name": "DateInterpolator",
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"name": "Interpolator",
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"name": "NumberInterpolator",
"size": 1382
"name": "ObjectInterpolator",
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"name": "PointInterpolator",
"size": 1675
"name": "RectangleInterpolator",
"size": 2042
"name": "ISchedulable",
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"name": "IForce",
"size": 319
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"name": "lte",
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"name": "max",
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"name": "neq",
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"name": "not",
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"name": "or",
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"name": "orderby",
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"name": "select",
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"name": "stddev",
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"name": "sub",
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"name": "sum",
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"name": "update",
"size": 307
"name": "variance",
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"name": "where",
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"name": "xor",
"size": 354
"name": "_",
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"name": "Minimum",
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"name": "Not",
"size": 1554
"name": "Or",
"size": 970
"name": "Query",
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"name": "Range",
"size": 1594
"name": "StringUtil",
"size": 4130
"name": "Sum",
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"name": "Variance",
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"name": "Xor",
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"name": "scale",
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"name": "IScaleMap",
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"name": "LinearScale",
"size": 1316
"name": "LogScale",
"size": 3151
"name": "OrdinalScale",
"size": 3770
"name": "QuantileScale",
"size": 2435
"name": "QuantitativeScale",
"size": 4839
"name": "RootScale",
"size": 1756
"name": "Scale",
"size": 4268
"name": "ScaleType",
"size": 1821
"name": "TimeScale",
"size": 5833
"name": "util",
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"name": "Arrays",
"size": 8258
"name": "Colors",
"size": 10001
"name": "Dates",
"size": 8217
"name": "Displays",
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"name": "Filter",
"size": 2324
"name": "Geometry",
"size": 10993
"name": "heap",
"children": [
"name": "FibonacciHeap",
"size": 9354
"name": "HeapNode",
"size": 1233
"name": "IEvaluable",
"size": 335
"name": "IPredicate",
"size": 383
"name": "IValueProxy",
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"name": "DenseMatrix",
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"name": "IMatrix",
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"name": "SparseMatrix",
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"name": "Maths",
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"name": "Orientation",
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"name": "ColorPalette",
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"name": "Palette",
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"name": "ShapePalette",
"size": 2059
"name": "SizePalette",
"size": 2291
"name": "Property",
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"name": "Shapes",
"size": 19118
"name": "Sort",
"size": 6887
"name": "Stats",
"size": 6557
"name": "Strings",
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"name": "vis",
"children": [
"name": "axis",
"children": [
"name": "Axes",
"size": 1302
"name": "Axis",
"size": 24593
"name": "AxisGridLine",
"size": 652
"name": "AxisLabel",
"size": 636
"name": "CartesianAxes",
"size": 6703
"name": "controls",
"children": [
"name": "AnchorControl",
"size": 2138
"name": "ClickControl",
"size": 3824
"name": "Control",
"size": 1353
"name": "ControlList",
"size": 4665
"name": "DragControl",
"size": 2649
"name": "ExpandControl",
"size": 2832
"name": "HoverControl",
"size": 4896
"name": "IControl",
"size": 763
"name": "PanZoomControl",
"size": 5222
"name": "SelectionControl",
"size": 7862
"name": "TooltipControl",
"size": 8435
"name": "data",
"children": [
"name": "Data",
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"name": "DataList",
"size": 19788
"name": "DataSprite",
"size": 10349
"name": "EdgeSprite",
"size": 3301
"name": "NodeSprite",
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"name": "render",
"children": [
"name": "ArrowType",
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"name": "EdgeRenderer",
"size": 5569
"name": "IRenderer",
"size": 353
"name": "ShapeRenderer",
"size": 2247
"name": "ScaleBinding",
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"name": "Tree",
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"name": "TreeBuilder",
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"name": "events",
"children": [
"name": "DataEvent",
"size": 2313
"name": "SelectionEvent",
"size": 1880
"name": "TooltipEvent",
"size": 1701
"name": "VisualizationEvent",
"size": 1117
"name": "legend",
"children": [
"name": "Legend",
"size": 20859
"name": "LegendItem",
"size": 4614
"name": "LegendRange",
"size": 10530
"name": "operator",
"children": [
"name": "distortion",
"children": [
"name": "BifocalDistortion",
"size": 4461
"name": "Distortion",
"size": 6314
"name": "FisheyeDistortion",
"size": 3444
"name": "encoder",
"children": [
"name": "ColorEncoder",
"size": 3179
"name": "Encoder",
"size": 4060
"name": "PropertyEncoder",
"size": 4138
"name": "ShapeEncoder",
"size": 1690
"name": "SizeEncoder",
"size": 1830
"name": "filter",
"children": [
"name": "FisheyeTreeFilter",
"size": 5219
"name": "GraphDistanceFilter",
"size": 3165
"name": "VisibilityFilter",
"size": 3509
"name": "IOperator",
"size": 1286
"name": "label",
"children": [
"name": "Labeler",
"size": 9956
"name": "RadialLabeler",
"size": 3899
"name": "StackedAreaLabeler",
"size": 3202
"name": "layout",
"children": [
"name": "AxisLayout",
"size": 6725
"name": "BundledEdgeRouter",
"size": 3727
"name": "CircleLayout",
"size": 9317
"name": "CirclePackingLayout",
"size": 12003
"name": "DendrogramLayout",
"size": 4853
"name": "ForceDirectedLayout",
"size": 8411
"name": "IcicleTreeLayout",
"size": 4864
"name": "IndentedTreeLayout",
"size": 3174
"name": "Layout",
"size": 7881
"name": "NodeLinkTreeLayout",
"size": 12870
"name": "PieLayout",
"size": 2728
"name": "RadialTreeLayout",
"size": 12348
"name": "RandomLayout",
"size": 870
"name": "StackedAreaLayout",
"size": 9121
"name": "TreeMapLayout",
"size": 9191
"name": "Operator",
"size": 2490
"name": "OperatorList",
"size": 5248
"name": "OperatorSequence",
"size": 4190
"name": "OperatorSwitch",
"size": 2581
"name": "SortOperator",
"size": 2023
"name": "Visualization",
"size": 16540
svg ='svg')
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height
# append a group for zoomable content
zoomable_layer = svg.append('g')
# define a zoom behavior
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1,100]) # min-max zoom
.on 'zoom', () ->
transform: "translate(#{zoom.translate()})scale(#{zoom.scale()})"
# bind the zoom behavior to the main SVG
vis = zoomable_layer.append('g')
class: 'vis'
transform: "translate(#{width/2},#{height/3-112})"
# [x, y, h] -> [-Math.sqrt(3)/2*x+Math.sqrt(3)/2*y, 0.5*x+0.5*y-h]
isometric = (_3d_p) -> [-Math.sqrt(3)/2*_3d_p[0]+Math.sqrt(3)/2*_3d_p[1], +0.5*_3d_p[0]+0.5*_3d_p[1]-_3d_p[2]]
parallelepipedon = (d) ->
d.x = 0 if not d.x?
d.y = 0 if not d.y?
d.h = 0 if not d.h?
d.dx = 10 if not d.dx?
d.dy = 10 if not d.dy?
d.dh = 10 if not d.dh?
fb = isometric [d.x, d.y, d.h],
mlb = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y, d.h],
nb = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y+d.dy, d.h],
mrb = isometric [d.x, d.y+d.dy, d.h],
ft = isometric [d.x, d.y, d.h+d.dh],
mlt = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y, d.h+d.dh],
nt = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y+d.dy, d.h+d.dh],
mrt = isometric [d.x, d.y+d.dy, d.h+d.dh]
d.iso = {
face_bottom: [fb, mrb, nb, mlb],
face_left: [mlb, mlt, nt, nb],
face_right: [nt, mrt, mrb, nb],
face_top: [ft, mrt, nt, mlt],
outline: [ft, mrt, mrb, nb, mlb, mlt],
fb: fb,
mlb: mlb,
nb: nb,
mrb: mrb,
ft: ft,
mlt: mlt,
nt: nt,
mrt: mrt
return d
ordering = (a,b) -> b.i - a.i
iso_layout = (data, shape, scale) ->
scale = 1 if not scale?
data.forEach (d) ->
shape(d, scale)
# this uses the treemap ordering in some way... (!!!)
# also, use the index to obtain a total ordering
data.sort ordering
path_generator = (d) -> 'M' +>p.join(' ')).join('L') + 'z'
DH = 5
PAD = 4
treemap = d3.layout.treemap()
.size([400, 400])
.value((d) -> d.size)
.sort((a,b) -> ordering(b,a)) # same as before, but inverted
.round(false) # bugfix: d3 wrong ordering
color = d3.scale.category20c()
correct_x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, width])
.range([0, width*1.05])
correct_y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, height])
.range([0, height*3/4])
d3.json 'flare.json', (tree) ->
walk = (n, depth) ->
n.depth = depth
n.dh = DH
n.h = DH*depth
if n.children?
for child in n.children
walk(child, depth+1)
n.children.sort (a,b) -> a.size - b.size
n.size = d3.sum n.children, (d) -> d.size
walk(tree, 0)
# depth-first enumeration
i = 0
walk_i = (n) ->
if n.children?
for child in n.children
n.i = i
i += 1
data = treemap.nodes(tree)
iso_layout(data, parallelepipedon)
data.forEach (d, i) ->
# save the template color
d.template_color = d3.hcl(color(d.i))
pipedons = vis.selectAll('.pipedon')
enter_pipedons = pipedons.enter().append('g')
class: 'pipedon'
class: 'iso face bottom'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_bottom)
class: 'iso face left'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_left)
fill: (d) -> d.template_color
class: 'iso face right'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_right)
fill: (d) -> d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l-12)
class: 'iso face top'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_top)
fill: (d) -> d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l+12)
enter_labels_g = enter_pipedons.append('g')
.classed('hidden', (d) -> d.children?)
enter_labels = enter_labels_g.append('svg')
class: 'label'
.text((d) ->
dy: '.35em'
.each (node) ->
bbox = this.getBBox()
bbox_aspect = bbox.width / bbox.height
node_bbox = {width: node.dx, height: node.dy}
node_bbox_aspect = node_bbox.width / node_bbox.height
rotate = bbox_aspect >= 1 and node_bbox_aspect < 1 or bbox_aspect < 1 and node_bbox_aspect >= 1
node.label_bbox = {
x: bbox.x+(bbox.width-correct_x(bbox.width))/2,
y: bbox.y+(bbox.height-correct_y(bbox.height))/2,
width: correct_x(bbox.width),
height: correct_y(bbox.height)
if rotate
node.label_bbox = {
x: node.label_bbox.y,
y: node.label_bbox.x,
width: node.label_bbox.height,
height: node.label_bbox.width
}'transform', 'rotate(90) translate(0,1)')
.each (d) ->
d.iso_x = isometric([d.x+d.dx/2, d.y+d.dy/2, d.h+d.dh])[0]-d.dx/2
d.iso_y = isometric([d.x+d.dx/2, d.y+d.dy/2, d.h+d.dh])[1]-d.dy/2
x: (d) -> d.iso_x
y: (d) -> d.iso_y
width: (node) -> node.dx
height: (node) -> node.dy
viewBox: (node) -> "#{node.label_bbox.x} #{node.label_bbox.y} #{node.label_bbox.width} #{node.label_bbox.height}"
preserveAspectRatio: 'none'
fill: (d) -> d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l-12)
transform: (d) -> "translate(#{d.iso_x+d.dx/2},#{d.iso_y+d.dy/2}) scale(1, #{1/Math.sqrt(3)}) rotate(-45) translate(#{-(d.iso_x+d.dx/2)},#{-(d.iso_y+d.dy/2)})"
class: 'iso outline'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.outline)
.text((d) ->
.iso.outline {
stroke: #333;
fill: none;
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
.label {
pointer-events: none;
text-anchor: middle;
font-family: Impact;
.pipedon:hover .label {
fill: black;
.pipedon:hover .face {
fill: yellow;
.hidden {
display: none;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Isometric treemap</title>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
<svg width="960px" height="500px"></svg>
<script src="index.js"></script>
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
var DH, PAD, color, correct_x, correct_y, height, iso_layout, isometric, ordering, parallelepipedon, path_generator, svg, treemap, vis, width, zoom, zoomable_layer;
svg ='svg');
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
zoomable_layer = svg.append('g');
zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 100]).on('zoom', function() {
return zoomable_layer.attr({
transform: "translate(" + (zoom.translate()) + ")scale(" + (zoom.scale()) + ")"
vis = zoomable_layer.append('g').attr({
"class": 'vis',
transform: "translate(" + (width / 2) + "," + (height / 3 - 112) + ")"
isometric = function(_3d_p) {
return [-Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[0] + Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[1], +0.5 * _3d_p[0] + 0.5 * _3d_p[1] - _3d_p[2]];
parallelepipedon = function(d) {
var fb, ft, mlb, mlt, mrb, mrt, nb, nt;
if (!(d.x != null)) {
d.x = 0;
if (!(d.y != null)) {
d.y = 0;
if (!(d.h != null)) {
d.h = 0;
if (!(d.dx != null)) {
d.dx = 10;
if (!(d.dy != null)) {
d.dy = 10;
if (!(d.dh != null)) {
d.dh = 10;
fb = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.h], mlb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.h], nb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.h], mrb = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.h], ft = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.h + d.dh], mlt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.h + d.dh], nt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.h + d.dh], mrt = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.h + d.dh]))))))));
d.iso = {
face_bottom: [fb, mrb, nb, mlb],
face_left: [mlb, mlt, nt, nb],
face_right: [nt, mrt, mrb, nb],
face_top: [ft, mrt, nt, mlt],
outline: [ft, mrt, mrb, nb, mlb, mlt],
fb: fb,
mlb: mlb,
nb: nb,
mrb: mrb,
ft: ft,
mlt: mlt,
nt: nt,
mrt: mrt
return d;
ordering = function(a, b) {
return b.i - a.i;
iso_layout = function(data, shape, scale) {
if (!(scale != null)) {
scale = 1;
data.forEach(function(d) {
return shape(d, scale);
return data.sort(ordering);
path_generator = function(d) {
return 'M' + {
return p.join(' ');
}).join('L') + 'z';
DH = 5;
PAD = 4;
treemap = d3.layout.treemap().size([400, 400]).value(function(d) {
return d.size;
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return ordering(b, a);
color = d3.scale.category20c();
correct_x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, width]).range([0, width * 1.05]);
correct_y = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, height]).range([0, height * 3 / 4]);
d3.json('flare.json', function(tree) {
var data, enter_labels, enter_labels_g, enter_pipedons, i, pipedons, walk, walk_i;
walk = function(n, depth) {
var child, _i, _len, _ref;
n.depth = depth;
n.dh = DH;
n.h = DH * depth;
if (n.children != null) {
_ref = n.children;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
walk(child, depth + 1);
n.children.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.size - b.size;
return n.size = d3.sum(n.children, function(d) {
return d.size;
walk(tree, 0);
i = 0;
walk_i = function(n) {
var child, _i, _len, _ref;
if (n.children != null) {
_ref = n.children;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
n.i = i;
return i += 1;
data = treemap.nodes(tree);
iso_layout(data, parallelepipedon);
data.forEach(function(d, i) {
return d.template_color = d3.hcl(color(d.i));
pipedons = vis.selectAll('.pipedon').data(data);
enter_pipedons = pipedons.enter().append('g').attr({
"class": 'pipedon'
"class": 'iso face bottom',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_bottom);
"class": 'iso face left',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_left);
fill: function(d) {
return d.template_color;
"class": 'iso face right',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_right);
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l - 12);
"class": 'iso face top',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_top);
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l + 12);
enter_labels_g = enter_pipedons.append('g').classed('hidden', function(d) {
return d.children != null;
enter_labels = enter_labels_g.append('svg').attr({
"class": 'label'
enter_labels.append('text').text(function(d) {
dy: '.35em'
}).each(function(node) {
var bbox, bbox_aspect, node_bbox, node_bbox_aspect, rotate;
bbox = this.getBBox();
bbox_aspect = bbox.width / bbox.height;
node_bbox = {
width: node.dx,
height: node.dy
node_bbox_aspect = node_bbox.width / node_bbox.height;
rotate = bbox_aspect >= 1 && node_bbox_aspect < 1 || bbox_aspect < 1 && node_bbox_aspect >= 1;
node.label_bbox = {
x: bbox.x + (bbox.width - correct_x(bbox.width)) / 2,
y: bbox.y + (bbox.height - correct_y(bbox.height)) / 2,
width: correct_x(bbox.width),
height: correct_y(bbox.height)
if (rotate) {
node.label_bbox = {
x: node.label_bbox.y,
y: node.label_bbox.x,
width: node.label_bbox.height,
height: node.label_bbox.width
return'transform', 'rotate(90) translate(0,1)');
enter_labels.each(function(d) {
d.iso_x = isometric([d.x + d.dx / 2, d.y + d.dy / 2, d.h + d.dh])[0] - d.dx / 2;
return d.iso_y = isometric([d.x + d.dx / 2, d.y + d.dy / 2, d.h + d.dh])[1] - d.dy / 2;
x: function(d) {
return d.iso_x;
y: function(d) {
return d.iso_y;
width: function(node) {
return node.dx;
height: function(node) {
return node.dy;
viewBox: function(node) {
return "" + node.label_bbox.x + " " + node.label_bbox.y + " " + node.label_bbox.width + " " + node.label_bbox.height;
preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
fill: function(d) {
return d3.hcl(d.template_color.h, d.template_color.c, d.template_color.l - 12);
transform: function(d) {
return "translate(" + (d.iso_x + d.dx / 2) + "," + (d.iso_y + d.dy / 2) + ") scale(1, " + (1 / Math.sqrt(3)) + ") rotate(-45) translate(" + (-(d.iso_x + d.dx / 2)) + "," + (-(d.iso_y + d.dy / 2)) + ")";
"class": 'iso outline',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.outline);
return enter_pipedons.append('title').text(function(d) {
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