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Last active September 12, 2017 23:27
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Isometric projection

A fancy (and not that useful) visualization of random data in two dimensions as an isometric bar chart. Notice how the phenomenon of occlusion makes part of the dataset invisible.

svg ='svg')
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height
vis = svg.append('g')
transform: "translate(#{width/2},#{height/2})"
# [x, y, z] -> [-Math.sqrt(3)/2*x+Math.sqrt(3)/2*y, 0.5*x+0.5*y-z]
isometric = (_3d_p) -> [-Math.sqrt(3)/2*_3d_p[0]+Math.sqrt(3)/2*_3d_p[1], +0.5*_3d_p[0]+0.5*_3d_p[1]-_3d_p[2]]
parallelepipedon = (d) ->
d.x = 0 if not d.x?
d.y = 0 if not d.y?
d.z = 0 if not d.z?
d.dx = 10 if not d.dx?
d.dy = 10 if not d.dy? = 10 if not
fb = isometric [d.x, d.y, d.z],
mlb = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y, d.z],
nb = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y+d.dy, d.z],
mrb = isometric [d.x, d.y+d.dy, d.z],
ft = isometric [d.x, d.y,],
mlt = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y,],
nt = isometric [d.x+d.dx, d.y+d.dy,],
mrt = isometric [d.x, d.y+d.dy,]
d.iso = {
face_bottom: [fb, mrb, nb, mlb],
face_left: [mlb, mlt, nt, nb],
face_right: [nt, mrt, mrb, nb],
face_top: [ft, mrt, nt, mlt],
outline: [ft, mrt, mrb, nb, mlb, mlt]
far_point: fb # used to control the z-index of iso objects
return d
iso_layout = (data, shape, scale) ->
scale = 1 if not scale?
data.forEach (d) ->
shape(d, scale)
# data must be drawn from farthest to nearest
data.sort (a,b) -> a.iso.far_point[1] - b.iso.far_point[1]
path_generator = (d) -> 'M' +>p.join(' ')).join('L') + 'z'
y_color = d3.scale.category10()
L = 30
PAD = 6
data = d3.range(6*6).map (i) -> {
x: (i%6)*L,
y: Math.floor(i/6)*L,
dx: L-PAD,
dy: L-PAD,
dz: 10+Math.random()*6*L
iso_layout(data, parallelepipedon)
pipedons = vis.selectAll('.pipedon')
enter_pipedons = pipedons.enter().append('g')
class: 'pipedon'
class: 'iso face bottom'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_bottom)
class: 'iso face left template'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_left)
fill: (d) ->
# color the template face according to y
return y_color(d.y)
class: 'iso face right'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_right)
fill: (d) ->
# right face is darker than the template (left face)
color = d3.hcl('.template').style('fill'))
return d3.hcl(color.h, color.c, color.l-12)
class: 'iso face top'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.face_top)
fill: (d) ->
# right face is brighter than the template (left face)
color = d3.hcl('.template').style('fill'))
return d3.hcl(color.h, color.c, color.l+12)
class: 'iso outline'
d: (d) -> path_generator(d.iso.outline)
.iso.face.bottom {
display: none;
.iso.outline {
stroke: white;
fill: none;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Isometric Projection</title>
<link type="text/css" href="index.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<svg width="960px" height="500px"></svg>
<script src="index.js"></script>
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
var L, PAD, data, enter_pipedons, height, iso_layout, isometric, parallelepipedon, path_generator, pipedons, svg, vis, width, y_color;
svg ='svg');
width = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
height = svg.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
vis = svg.append('g').attr({
transform: "translate(" + (width / 2) + "," + (height / 2) + ")"
isometric = function(_3d_p) {
return [-Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[0] + Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * _3d_p[1], +0.5 * _3d_p[0] + 0.5 * _3d_p[1] - _3d_p[2]];
parallelepipedon = function(d) {
var fb, ft, mlb, mlt, mrb, mrt, nb, nt;
if (!(d.x != null)) {
d.x = 0;
if (!(d.y != null)) {
d.y = 0;
if (!(d.z != null)) {
d.z = 0;
if (!(d.dx != null)) {
d.dx = 10;
if (!(d.dy != null)) {
d.dy = 10;
if (!( != null)) { = 10;
fb = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.z], mlb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.z], nb = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.z], mrb = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.z], ft = isometric([d.x, d.y, d.z +], mlt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y, d.z +], nt = isometric([d.x + d.dx, d.y + d.dy, d.z +], mrt = isometric([d.x, d.y + d.dy, d.z +]))))))));
d.iso = {
face_bottom: [fb, mrb, nb, mlb],
face_left: [mlb, mlt, nt, nb],
face_right: [nt, mrt, mrb, nb],
face_top: [ft, mrt, nt, mlt],
outline: [ft, mrt, mrb, nb, mlb, mlt],
far_point: fb
return d;
iso_layout = function(data, shape, scale) {
if (!(scale != null)) {
scale = 1;
data.forEach(function(d) {
return shape(d, scale);
return data.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.iso.far_point[1] - b.iso.far_point[1];
path_generator = function(d) {
return 'M' + {
return p.join(' ');
}).join('L') + 'z';
y_color = d3.scale.category10();
L = 30;
PAD = 6;
data = d3.range(6 * 6).map(function(i) {
return {
x: (i % 6) * L,
y: Math.floor(i / 6) * L,
dx: L - PAD,
dy: L - PAD,
dz: 10 + Math.random() * 6 * L
iso_layout(data, parallelepipedon);
pipedons = vis.selectAll('.pipedon').data(data);
enter_pipedons = pipedons.enter().append('g').attr({
"class": 'pipedon'
"class": 'iso face bottom',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_bottom);
"class": 'iso face left template',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_left);
fill: function(d) {
return y_color(d.y);
"class": 'iso face right',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_right);
fill: function(d) {
var color;
color = d3.hcl('.template').style('fill'));
return d3.hcl(color.h, color.c, color.l - 12);
"class": 'iso face top',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.face_top);
fill: function(d) {
var color;
color = d3.hcl('.template').style('fill'));
return d3.hcl(color.h, color.c, color.l + 12);
"class": 'iso outline',
d: function(d) {
return path_generator(d.iso.outline);
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