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Last active September 12, 2017 22:57
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Atlas card builder
"type": "deck",
"name": "Earth",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "Terran Federation of Planets\nearth-africa-europe\nCIVILIZATION-earth-government\nC: You become the leader _(You get the first turn each round)_.\n_Often criticized for its ambiguous denomination mixing the ideas of supremacy and equality, the Terran Federation of Planets has in fact acted very differently throughout the history of its presidencies._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Interplanetary Finance Corporation\nbank\nCIVILIZATION-earth-corporation\nW: Add two credits to your account.\n_Everyone just refers to it as “the Bank”._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Universal Electric\nlight-bulb\nCIVILIZATION-earth-corporation\nSpend one credit: Add one *energy* counter to target permanent.\nSpend two *energy* counters: Add one credit to your account.\n_They are anywhere there is an energy source. And a market for it._"
"type": "card",
"code": "Cult of the New New Age\nyin-yang\nCIVILIZATION-earth-underworld\nC: Play a *virtual* card ignoring all costs.\n_When convinced by a higher purpose or money, hackers and technologists of the Cult are always available to open their gates to the dark depths of cyberspace._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Terran Navy\nrank-3\nCIVILIZATION-earth-military\nC: Target ship gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Panamerican Institute of Technology\nabstract-044\nCIVILIZATION-earth-academia\nC: Draw three cards from a deck of your choice. Then discard two cards.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Biologically Enhanced Humans\nrelationship-bounds\nCIVILIZATION-earth-race\nWW: Scan a deck of your choice for a *human* worker card and play it ignoring all costs.\n_Despite the attempts of eugenetics to remove any kind of randomness from the reproductive process, the resulting features of a full-grown individual are still unpredictable._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "?something hackish\n\nCIVILIZATION-earth-underworld\nC: Reactivate target ability.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Military Fighter\nstarfighter-mini\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n2/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Military Fighter\nstarfighter-mini\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n2/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Killer Orbiter\ntrefoil-shuriken\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n4/1\n*Spaceborne* _(This ship cannot land on territories.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Terran Navy Transport\ntransport-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n0/2\n*Troopers* _(The fleet has +2 attack for each *soldier* in its fleet's crew.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RRW Behemot\nbehemot\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n5/5\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Laser Beam\nringed-beam\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nDeal 2 damage to target ship.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Weapon Specialist\npyromaniac\nWORKER-bio-terran-soldier\nWhen this character crews a fleet, that fleet gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round."
"type": "card",
"code": "RR Display of Power\nmushroom-cloud\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nEliminate target enemy ship or structure.\n*Reach a milestone*.\n_At first, there was only dust. Then water, plants, cities, advanced civilizations... And then dust again. _"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Capsule\n\nSHIP-tech-tank\n0/2\nThis ship starts with one *H2O* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *H2O* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Oxygen Capsule\n\nSHIP-tech-tank\n0/2\nThis ship starts with one *O2* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *O2* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Specimen Hunter\n\nSHIP-tech-profit\n1/2\nWhen this ship lands on a territory, you may convert one local counter into one credit."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Terraforming Seed\nvanilla-flower\nOPERATION-bio\nRedistribute and convert counters local to a target territory in any combination of your choice."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Master Chemist\ngas-mask\nWORKER-bio-terran-terraformer\nTap this character: Move one counter from a friendly permanent to another target permanent. You may change that counter's type."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Air Recycling System\ncomputer-fan\nSTRUCTURE-tech-bio-tank\nNeeds to be built on a friendly territory.\nThis structure starts with two *O2* counters.\nSpend one local *O2*: Take two extra actions after this one."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Purification System\ntap\nSTRUCTURE-tech-bio-tank\nNeeds to be built on a friendly territory.\nThis structure starts with two *H2O* counters.\nSpend one local *H2O*: Untap and retrieve target worker."
"type": "card",
"code": "GG Seeder Ship\nabstract-003\nSHIP-tech-bio-colony\n0/2\nWhen this ship lands on a territory with *H2O* and *O2*, you may eliminate this ship and *reach a milestone*.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Resource Conundrum\njigsaw-box\nOPERATION-virtual-option\nChoose one option —\n• Add one counter to target pile.\n• Untap and retrieve target worker.\n• Draw two cards, then discard a card."
"type": "card",
"code": "BW Research Ship\nlunar-module-mini\nSHIP-tech-research\n1/3\n*Sensors* _(Whenever this ship moves to an unclaimed territory, draw a card.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Probe\nspoutnik-mini\nSHIP-tech-research\n0/1\n*Sensors* _(Whenever this ship moves to an unclaimed territory, draw a card.)_\n*Spaceborne* _(This ship cannot land on territories.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Probe\nspoutnik-mini\nSHIP-tech-research\n0/1\n*Sensors* _(Whenever this ship moves to an unclaimed territory, draw a card.)_\n*Spaceborne* _(This ship cannot land on territories.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Pioneer Broadcaster\nsattelite-mini\nSHIP-tech-profit\n0/1\nWhenever this ship moves to an unclaimed territory, add one credit to your account.\n*Spaceborne* _(This ship cannot land on territories.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Private Research\nmicroscope\nOPERATION-virtual-research\nDraw three cards. Then discard two cards.\n_Most of the projects you will work on will be utterly worthless. But that's just the life of the researcher: finding a little gem among an ocean of useless ideas...\n— James Taira, PIT opening speech_"
"type": "card",
"code": "BW Navigation AI\nmove\nSTRUCTURE-virtual-science\nYou can launch fleets without crew.\n_Many times in human history it has been speculated that Artificial Intelligence would eventually render humans obsolete. This went pretty close._"
"type": "card",
"code": "BB James Taira, the First Exologist\n\nWORKER-bio-terran-scientist\nIf this character crews a fleet when that fleet moves to an unclaimed territory, draw a card. Then, if this was the first time it happened during the game, *reach a milestone*.\n_I dreamt about reaching the stars every night since I was a little child..._"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Overtime Work Deal\nalarm-clock\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nUntap and retrieve up to two target workers. Then target opponent may untap and retrieve up to two workers.\n_This was one of the rare occasions on which both the Ares Corporation and Terran Technospaces agreed without heated discussions._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Open Borders\ntattered-banner\nOPERATION-virtual-scheduled-treaty\nAt the end of combat, if you and target opponent didn't damage each other, each of you gets 4 credits.\n_The opening of the Martian border was without doubts the trigger for the economic boom of 2250. Sure, the Martian Wars had to happen first._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "CW Retransmission\nrss\nOPERATION-virtual\nPlay target *virtual* operation from your discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_Some shows are worth watching twice._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Strategic Exchange\nannexation\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nMove target friendly ship. Then target opponent may choose one of his ships and move it. _(Each ship can either be sent to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Control Tower\nradio-tower\nSTRUCTURE-tech-transmission\nNeeds to be built on a friendly *land* territory.\nC: Move target friendly ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "C ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "CW ?\n\nWORKER-bio-terran-communicator\nWhenever this character is used to activate an ability of a civilization, take an extra action after this one.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "CC Contact Civ\n\nOPERATION\n? sth *reach a milestone*\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Sensor Ghost\ntargeting\nSHIP-virtual\n0/1\nEach opponent must send at least a fleet to this ship's destination, if able. Eliminate this ship at the beginning of your turn.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PP Unauthorized Duplication\ndouble-dragon\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nPlay target *virtual* operation from an enemy discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_“Hello..? Do you copy? I'm picking up a weird echo...”_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Cyber Agent\nspy\nWORKER-bio-terran-hacker\nYou can use this character to activate abilities on enemy permanents as it were one enemy worker of any color."
"type": "card",
"code": "P Helm Jamming\nubisoft-sun\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nStun target ship. _(Move that ship to its controller space and tap it. It cannot be crewed for the remainder of the round.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "P False Coordinates\nreturn-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nMove target in-flight enemy ship to another destination.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Hijacker\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/2\nAt end of combat, take control of target encountered ship.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PPW Remote Hijacking\ntron-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nTake control of target ship and send it to your friendly space.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "P Black Market Connection\nrobber-hand\nSTRUCTURE-virtual\nW: Discard a card. Then add three credits to your account.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YW Rebuild\nauto-repair\nOPERATION-tech-construction\nPlay target *tech* card from your discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_I always thought that “Unsinkable II” was not a really good name for a ship..._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Deflector Ship\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-tech-energy\n1/1\nStarts with two *E* counters.\n*Deflector shield* _(Whenever this ship takes damage, remove that many *E* counters from it. Prevent one damage for each counter removed this way.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Deflector Ship\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-tech-energy\n1/1\nStarts with two *E* counters.\n*Deflector shield* _(Whenever this ship takes damage, remove that many *E* counters from it. Prevent one damage for each counter removed this way.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YWW Big Jumper\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/4\n*FTL drive* _(You may form a fleet with this ship, crew it and move it as soon as this ship enters play.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Factory\nfactory\nSTRUCTURE-tech-construction\nNeeds to be built on a friendly *land* territory.\nY: Play a *tech* card from your hand ignoring all costs."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Replication\nlaser-sparks\nOPERATION-tech\nDouble the counters in target pile."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Consumer Power Conveyor\ntesla-coil\nSTRUCTURE-tech-energy-profit\nNeeds to be built on a friendly *land* territory.\nThis structure starts with two *E* counters.\nSpend one local *E*: Add one credit to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y ?\n\nSHIP-tech\n1/2\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WWW Terran Corvette\n\nSHIP-technological\n4/4\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Defender\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-technological\n1/3\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Heavy\nbig-ship\nSHIP-technological\n3/2\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Residential Module\nmodern-city\nSTRUCTURE-tech-colony\nNeeds to be built on a friendly *land* territory.\nAs soon as this territory has two or more structures, *reach a milestone*.\n_It was the construction of the first city to establish the Moon's minerary network as a political power._"
"type": "card",
"code": "W New Coordinates\nrocket-flight\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nMove target friendly ship. _(You can send it to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W New Coordinates\nrocket-flight\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nMove target friendly ship. _(You can send it to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Twins\n\nOPERATION\n?? 2 human workers, enter tapped"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Earth_old",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "Terran Federation of Planets\nearth-africa-europe\nCIVILIZATION-earth-government\nC: You become the leader _(You get the first turn each round)_.\n_Often criticized for its ambiguous denomination mixing the ideas of supremacy and equality, the Terran Federation of Planets has in fact acted very differently throughout the history of its presidencies._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Interplanetary Finance Corporation\nbank\nCIVILIZATION-earth-corporation\nW: Add two credits to your account.\n_Everyone just refers to it as “the Bank”._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Universal Electric\nlight-bulb\nCIVILIZATION-earth-corporation\nSpend one credit: Add one *energy* counter to target permanent.\nSpend two *energy* counters: Add one credit to your account.\n_They are anywhere there is an energy source. And a market for it._"
"type": "card",
"code": "Cult of the New New Age\nyin-yang\nCIVILIZATION-earth-underworld\nC: Play a *virtual* card ignoring all costs.\n_When convinced by a higher purpose or money, hackers and technologists of the Cult are always available to open their gates to the dark depths of cyberspace._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Terran Navy\nrank-3\nCIVILIZATION-earth-military\nC: Target ship gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Democratic Union of Eurasia\n\nCIVILIZATION-earth-government\nC: ???.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Panamerican Institute of Technology\nabstract-044\nCIVILIZATION-earth-academia\nC: Draw three cards from a deck of your choice. Then discard two cards.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Biologically Enhanced Humans\nrelationship-bounds\nCIVILIZATION-earth-race\nWW: Scan a deck of your choice for a *human* worker card and play it ignoring all costs.\n_Despite the attempts of eugenetics to remove any kind of randomness from the reproductive process, the resulting features of a full-grown individual are still unpredictable._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "?something hackish\n\nCIVILIZATION-earth-underworld\nC: Reactivate target ability.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Military Fighter\nstarfighter-mini\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n2/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Long-Range Missiles\nmissile-swarm\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nDeal 2 damage to target ship.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R ?\n\nSHIP\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RR Display of Power\nmushroom-cloud\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nEliminate target enemy structure.\n*Reach a milestone*.\n_At first, there was only dust. Then water, plants, cities, advanced civilizations... And then dust again. _"
"type": "card",
"code": "RRW Behemot\nbehemot\nSHIP-technological\n5/5\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Space Troopers Transport\ntransport-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n1/1\n*Troopers* _(This ship has +1 attack and +1 hit point for each worker in its fleet's crew.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Laser Turret\ntesla-turret\nSTRUCTURE-tech-energy-warfare\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nStarts with two *energy* counters.\nRemove a local *energy* counter: Deal 2 damage to target in-flight ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Weapon Specialist\npyromaniac\nWORKER-bio-terran-soldier\nWhen this worker crews a fleet, that fleet gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Capsule\n\nSHIP-tech-tank\n0/2\nThis ship starts with one *H2O* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *H2O* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Oxygen Capsule\n\nSHIP-tech-tank\n0/2\nThis ship starts with one *O2* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *O2* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Specimen Hunter\n\nSHIP-tech-profit\n1/1\nWhen this ship lands on a territory, you may convert one local counter into one credit."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Terraforming Seed\nvanilla-flower\nOPERATION-bio\nRedistribute and convert counters local to a target territory in any combination of your choice."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Master Chemist\ngas-mask\nWORKER-bio-terran-terraformer\nTap this worker: Move one counter from a friendly permanent to another target permanent. You may change that counter's type."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Air Recycling System\ncomputer-fan\nSTRUCTURE-tech-bio-tank\nNeeds to be built on a territory.\nThis structure starts with two *O2* counters.\nSpend one local *O2*: Take two extra actions after this one."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Purification System\ntap\nSTRUCTURE-tech-bio-tank\nNeeds to be built on a territory.\nThis structure starts with two *H2O* counters.\nSpend one local *H2O*: Untap and retrieve target worker."
"type": "card",
"code": "GG Colonizer Ship\nabstract-003\nSHIP-tech-bio-colony\n0/2\nWhen this ship reaches a *land* territory with *H2O* and *O2*, eliminate this ship and *reach a milestone*.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B (non alieno - carta nota)\ncompass\nOPERATION-technological-scheduled\nThe next time you reach an unclaimed territory on a planet, draw one card from that planet's deck and place it face down under this card.\nAt the beginning of your turn, you may play that card ignoring all costs.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "BW Research Ship\nlunar-module-mini\nSHIP-technological\n0/2\n*Sensors* _(When this ship reaches an unclaimed territory on a planet, draw a card from that planet's deck.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Probe\nsattelite-mini\nSHIP-technological\n0/1\n*Sensors* _(When this ship reaches an unclaimed territory on a planet, draw a card from that planet's deck.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Private Research\nmicroscope\nOPERATION-virtual\nDraw three cards. Then discard two cards.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Overtime Work Deal\nalarm-clock\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nYou and target opponent each retrieve and restore up to two workers.\n_This was one of the rare occasions on which both the Ares Corporation and Terran Technospaces agreed without heated discussions._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Open Borders\ntattered-banner\nOPERATION-virtual-scheduled-treaty\nAt the end of combat, if you and target opponent didn't damage each other, each of you gets 4 credits.\n_The opening of the Martian border was without doubts the trigger for the economic boom of 2250. Sure, the Martian Wars had to happen first._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "CW Retransmission\nrss\nOPERATION-virtual\nCopy another target *virtual* operation you control. You can choose new targets for the copy.\n_Some shows are worth watching twice._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Strategic Exchange\nannexation\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nMove target friendly ship. Then target opponent may choose one of his ships and move it. _(Each ship can either be sent to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "C ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Sensor Ghost\ntargeting\nSHIP-virtual\n0/1\nEach opponent must send at least a fleet to this ship's destination, if able. Eliminate this ship at the beginning of your turn.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Unauthorized Duplication\ndouble-dragon\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nCopy target enemy operation. You can choose new targets for the copy.\n_“Hello..? Do you copy? I'm picking up a weird echo...”_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Cyber Agent\nspy\nWORKER-bio-terran-hacker\nYou can use this worker to activate abilities on enemy permanents."
"type": "card",
"code": "P Cancel\ncancel\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nEliminate target *scheduled* operation.\n_“Hi, this is Smith again. I just placed an order for one-hundred-ish pizzas to be delivered to Phobos station at 9 AM. Well, about that order...”_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "P False Coordinates\nreturn-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nMove target in-flight enemy ship to another destination.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PW Hijacker\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/2\nAt end of combat, take control of target encountered ship.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PPW Remote Hijacking\ntron-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nTake control of target ship and send it to your friendly space.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "P Black Market Connection\nrobber-hand\nSTRUCTURE-virtual\nDiscard a card: You get 1 credit.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YW Rebuild\nauto-repair\nOPERATION-tech-construction\nPlay target *tech* card from your discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_I always thought that “Unsinkable II” was not a really good name for a ship..._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YW Secret Construction\ncrane\nOPERATION-tech-construction\nChoose another *tech* card from your hand and place it face down under this card.\nAt the beginning of your turn, you may play that card ignoring all costs. If you do, eliminate this operation.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Deflector Ship\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-tech-energy\n1/1\nStarts with two *E* counters.\n*Deflector shield* _(Whenever this ship takes damage, remove that many *E* counters from it. Prevent one damage for each counter removed this way.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YWW Big Jumper\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/4\n*FTL drive* _(You may form a fleet with this ship, crew it and move it as soon as this ship enters play.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YWW ?\n\nOPERATION\nstructure that grants ftl drive to all your ships\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YY ?\n\nOPERATION\nstructure that grants +1 hit point to all your ships\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Consumer Power Conveyor\ntesla-coil\nSTRUCTURE-tech-energy-profit\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nThis structure starts with two *E* counters.\nSpend one local *E*: Add one credit to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WWW Terran Corvette\n\nSHIP-technological\n4/4\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Defender\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-technological\n1/3\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Heavy\nbig-ship\nSHIP-technological\n3/2\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Life Module Prototype\nblock-house\nSTRUCTURE-tech-colony\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nWhen you play another structure in this territory, *reach a milestone*."
"type": "card",
"code": "W ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W New Coordinates\nrocket-flight\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nMove target friendly ship. _(You can send it to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W ?\n\nOPERATION\n?\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Twins\n\nOPERATION\n?? 2 human workers, enter tapped"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Mars",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Vacuum Transport System\n\nOPERATION\n\"hyperloop\"\nstructure that makes you gain 1 credit for each \"city\" on the planet (before and after?)"
"type": "card",
"code": "PR Foment Martian Terrorists\n\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nEliminate up to three target *terran* permanents."
"type": "deck",
"name": "Basic",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech-terran\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Terran Fighter\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech-terran\n1/1\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Hard Work Salary\nmoney-stack\nOPERATION-virtual-profit\nAdd two credits to your account."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Defender\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-tech-terran\n1/3\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Defender\nforward-field-mini\nSHIP-tech-terran\n1/3\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Heavy\nbig-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare-terran\n3/2\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Terran Heavy\nbig-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare-terran\n3/2\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Remote Piloting\nrocket-flight\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nMove target friendly ship. _(You can send it to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Remote Piloting\nrocket-flight\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nMove target friendly ship. _(You can send it to a territory or back to friendly space.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Unmanned Vessel\nrobotic-ship\nSHIP-tech-robotic\n1/1\n*AI* _(Can be launched without crew.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Unmanned Vessel\nrobotic-ship\nSHIP-tech-robotic\n1/1\n*AI* _(Can be launched without crew.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W TEST\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech\n1/1\n-\n-\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W TEST\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech\n1/1\n-\n-\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W TEST\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech\n1/1\n-\n-\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W TEST\nsimple-ship\nSHIP-tech\n1/1\n-\n-\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Strategic Exchange\nannexation\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nMove target friendly ship. Then target opponent may choose one of his ships and move it. _(Each ship can either be sent to a territory or back to friendly space.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Strategic Exchange\nannexation\nOPERATION-virtual-deal\nMove target friendly ship. Then target opponent may choose one of his ships and move it. _(Each ship can either be sent to a territory or back to friendly space.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Private Research\nmicroscope\nOPERATION-virtual-research\nDraw three cards. Then discard two cards."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Private Research\nmicroscope\nOPERATION-virtual-research\nDraw three cards. Then discard two cards."
"type": "card",
"code": "W False Coordinates\nreturn-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nMove target in-flight enemy ship to another destination."
"type": "card",
"code": "W False Coordinates\nreturn-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nMove target in-flight enemy ship to another destination."
"type": "card",
"code": "WWW Behemot\nbehemot\nSHIP-tech-warfare-terran\n5/5\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WWW Remote Hijacking\ntron-arrow\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nTake control of target ship and send it to your friendly space."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Space Troopers Transport\ntransport-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n1/1\n*Troopers* _(This ship has +1 attack and +1 hit point for each worker in its fleet's crew.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Space Troopers Transport\ntransport-ship\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n1/1\n*Troopers* _(This ship has +1 attack and +1 hit point for each worker in its fleet's crew.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Jumper\njumper-ship\nSHIP-tech-warp\n1/1\n*FTL drive* _(You may form a fleet with this ship, crew it and move it as soon as this ship enters play.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Jumper\njumper-ship\nSHIP-tech-warp\n1/1\n*FTL drive* _(You may form a fleet with this ship, crew it and move it as soon as this ship enters play.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Rebuild\nauto-repair\nOPERATION-tech-construction\nPlay target *tech* card from your discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_I always thought that “Unsinkable II” was not a really good name for a ship..._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Rebuild\nauto-repair\nOPERATION-tech-construction\nPlay target *tech* card from your discard pile ignoring all costs.\n_I always thought that “Unsinkable II” was not a really good name for a ship..._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Long-Range Missiles\nmissile-swarm\nOPERATION-tech-warfare\nDeal 2 damage to target ship.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Terran Federation of Planets\nearth-africa-europe\nCIVILIZATION-government-terran\nW: You become the leader _(You get the first turn each round)_.\n_Often criticized for its ambiguous denomination mixing the ideas of supremacy and equality, the Terran Federation of Planets has in fact acted very differently throughout the history of its presidencies._\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Factory\nfactory\nSTRUCTURE-tech-construction\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: Play a *tech* card from your hand ignoring all costs."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Control Tower\nradio-tower\nSTRUCTURE-tech-transmission\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: Move target friendly ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Tentative Settlement\nblock-house\nSTRUCTURE-tech-colony\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nWhen you play another structure in this territory, *reach a milestone*."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Mine\ngold-mine\nSTRUCTURE-tech-profit\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: You get 2 credits."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Mine\ngold-mine\nSTRUCTURE-tech-profit\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: You get 2 credits."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Barracks\nbarracks\nSTRUCTURE-tech-training\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: You get two additional *soldier* workers for the remainder of the round."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Laser Turret\ntesla-turret\nSTRUCTURE-tech-warfare\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nW: Deal 2 damage to target in-flight ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Helper Minibot\nvintage-robot\nWORKER-tech-robotic-droid\nTap this worker: Untap and retrieve target worker."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Scholar Prodige\ngraduate-cap\nWORKER-bio-terran-scientist\nTap this worker: Draw two cards and discard a card."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Weapon Specialist\npyromaniac\nWORKER-bio-terran-soldier\nWhen this worker crews a fleet, that fleet gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Cyber Agent\nspy\nWORKER-bio-terran-hacker\nYou can use this worker to activate abilities on enemy permanents."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Colonizer Ship\nabstract-003\nSHIP-tech-colony\n0/2\nWhen this ship reaches a *land* territory, eliminate this ship and *reach a milestone*.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Colonizer Ship\nabstract-003\nSHIP-tech-colony\n0/2\nWhen this ship reaches a *land* territory, eliminate this ship and *reach a milestone*.\n"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Stealth",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\ncards that can be played face down, especially ships\nalso, the territories always stay face down, and the Observers civ is autoplayed by the planet"
"type": "card",
"code": "Observers\n\nCIVILIZATION\nW: Look at target face-down card or territory, then draw one card. Repeat this process another time if you used a *scientist* to pay for this action."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Phenian Fighter\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Phenian Fighter\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "RW Phenian Warship\n\nSHIP-technological\n3/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Phenian Troop Transport\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nThis ship has +1 attack and +1 hit point for each worker in its fleet's crew.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Phenian Probe\n\nSHIP-technological\n0/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nWhen you turn this ship face up, draw one card for each encountered face-down ship or territory.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YW Phenian Heavy\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/3\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "C Phenian Detector\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nYou can look at each encountered face-down ship or territory any time you want.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "P False Signal\n\nSHIP-virtual\n0/0\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nWhen this ship is turned face up, eliminate it.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "PP Possessing Projection\n\nSHIP-virtual\n0/0\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nWhen this ship is turned face up, eliminate it, take control of target encountered ship, and send it to your friendly space.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "GGW Phenian Colonizer\n\nSHIP-virtual\n0/2\n*Phantom* _(You can play this ship face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay this ship's cost: Turn this ship face up.)_\nWhen this ship reaches a *land* territory, eliminate this ship and *score one achievement*.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Phenian Artifact\n\nSTRUCTURE-technological\n[maybe it's better as a territory]\nWhen this structure enters play, put the first card of the *phantom* deck face down under this card.\nAt the beginning of your turn, look at the card under this structure. You may play that card ignoring all costs. If you do, eliminate this structure."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Materializing Ray\n\nOPERATION-technological\nTurn target face-down card or territory face up."
"type": "card",
"code": "B Scan the Unknown\n\nOPERATION-virtual\nLook at up to two target face-down cards or territories. Draw a card."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nSTRUCTURE\nAll you ships have *phantom*. _(You can play a ship with phantom face down at no cost. While face down, it is considered a 0/1 ship. Pay that ship's cost: Turn that ship face up.)_"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Abyss",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\ntop-down world of watery abysses - need underwater ships to reach some territories - draw cards from this deck is possible from other planets"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Arboria",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\ntop-down world with giant jungle - natural/biological ships - draw cards from this deck is possible from other planets"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\ncannibal/evolving workers"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Seed of Life\n\nSHIP-bio-colony\n0/1\nWhen this ship lands on a *water* territory, eliminate this ship and *reach a milestone*.\n"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Ideas",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "BW Navigation AI\nmove\nSTRUCTURE-virtual-science\nYou can form and move fleets without crew.\n_Many times in human history it has been speculated that Artificial Intelligence would eventually render humans obsolete. This went pretty close._"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Basic Research\n\nSTRUCTURE-virtual-science\nB: Draw one card from the *base* deck and place it face down under this card.\nAt the beginning of your turn, you may play one of the cards under this card ignoring all costs."
"type": "card",
"code": "B Stealth Technology\ninvisible\nSTRUCTURE-virtual-science\nB: Draw one card from the *stealth* deck and place it face down under this card.\nAt the beginning of your turn, you may play one of the cards under this card ignoring all costs."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nè necessario vedere se questi \"at the beginning, do this\" sono azioni in più che danno fastidio, e quindi nel caso farle diventare azioni vere e proprie. però potrebbero essere clunkyssime"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nterritory or planet that requires at least N workers on the crew to be claimed (ground battle) - can be done as an environment ability"
"type": "card",
"code": "P Mainframe Hack\n\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nLook at target player's hand. You may choose a card from it and add it to your hand."
"type": "card",
"code": "WW Laser Turret\ntesla-turret\nSTRUCTURE-technological\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nStarts with two *energy* counters.\nRemove a local *energy* counter: Deal 2 damage to target in-flight ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Purifying Algae\nalgae\nSTRUCTURE-natural\nNeeds to be built on a *water* territory.\nRemove a local *H2O* counter: Untap target worker. [untap can be confusing since there's no way to track the controller of a meeple on a civ card nor to know if the meeple comes from a worker card]"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Ares Firewall\ndefensive-wall\nSTRUCTURE-virtual\n*Intrusion* operations targeting you or a card or territory you control cost an additional P.\n*Brainstorm* _(Discard this card from your hand: Draw a card.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W ???\n\nSHIP\n1/1\n*???* _(This ship enters play assigned to target in-flight friendly fleet.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Specimen Hunter\n\nSHIP-technological\n1/1\nWhen this ship lands on a territory, you may convert one local counter into a credit."
"type": "card",
"code": "? Merchants\n\nCIVILIZATION-corporation\nThis civilization starts with four random face-up *basic* cards assigned to it.\nC: Choose and play one of those cards ignoring all costs.\n[\"ignore cost\" clashes with \"merchants\"]"
"type": "card",
"code": "YY Matter-Energy Converter\npower-generator\nSTRUCTURE-technological\nRemove a counter from a friendly permanent: Put an *energy* counter on target permanent."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Master Chemist\n\nWORKER-human-terraformer\nTap this worker: Move one counter from a friendly permanent to another target permanent. You may change that counter's type."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Terraforming Drone\n\nSHIP-technological\n0/1\n*Shaper* _(When this ship lands on a territory, redistribute and convert local counters in any combination.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Oxygenator\n\nSHIP-technological-tank\n1/1\nThis ship starts with three *oxygen* counters.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *oxygen* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Oxygen Capsule\n\nSHIP-technological-tank\n0/1\nThis ship starts with one *O2* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *O2* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Capsule\n\nSHIP-technological-tank\n0/1\nThis ship starts with one *H2O* counter.\n*Cargo* _(When this ship lands on a territory, you may load or unload a single *H2O* counter.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Colony\n\nSTRUCTURE-technological\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nWhen you build this structure, you may remove one local *oxygen* counter and one local *H2O* counter. If you do, *score one achievement*."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Basic Settlement\n\nSTRUCTURE-natural\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory with *oxygen* and *H2O*.\nWhen you build this structure, *score one achievement*."
"type": "card",
"code": "GW Terraforming Seeds\n\nOPERATION-natural\nRedistribute and convert counters local to a target territory in any combination."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Basic actions explained\n\nOPERATION\nTap a combination of workers matching the cost of a card in your hand: Play that card.\nForm a fleet of ships, crew it with one or more workers: Move the fleet to a territory."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Basic actions explained\n\nOPERATION\nSpend one *credit* from your account: You get an additional worker for the remainder of the round.\nTap a worker: Add one *credit* to your account.\nTap a worker: Draw a card."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Resources explained\n\nOPERATION\nSpend X *titanium*: Play a ship card that costs X woker units.\nSpend one *H2O*: Untap and retrieve target worker. _(You can retrieve workers played by other players. A retrieved worker is never placed onto a worker card.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Resources explained\n\nOPERATION\nSpend X *uranium*: Do sth good but suffer 1 damage.\nSpend one *oxygen*: ?"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Name\n\nOPERATION-virtual-option\nChoose one option:\n-\n-\n-"
"type": "card",
"code": "B Name\n\nSTRUCTURE-virtual\nYou can choose two options instead of one when you play *option* operations."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nCIVILIZATION\n[civ identity] At the beginning of the game, set aside _Water Capsule_ and _Oxygen Capsule_ from the *basic* deck. Add them to your hand at the beginning of the first round.\nAs soon as you control at least five territories with local *oxygen* and *H2O*, *score two achievements*."
"type": "card",
"code": "G Water Purification System\n\nSTRUCTURE-technological-tank\nNeeds to be built on a *water* territory.\nThis structure starts with two *H2O* counters.\nSpend one local *H2O*: Untap and retrieve target worker."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Titanium Shipyard\n\nSTRUCTURE-technological-storage\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nThis structure starts with two *titanium* counters.\nSpend X local *titanium*: Play a ship card that costs X worker units."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Unmanned Vessel\n\nSHIP-tech-robotic\n1/1\n*AI* _(This ship can move without crew.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Strategic Maneuver\n\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nPlay two extra actions after this one."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nEliminate target damaged ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Unstable Portal\nstar-gate\nSTRUCTURE-tech-warp\nEliminate a friendly ship from an in-flight fleet: Move the rest of that fleet."
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Tidal Generator\n\nSTRUCTURE-tech-gravity-energy\nNeeds to be built on a *water* territory.\nStarts with two *energy* counters.\nSpend one local *energy*: Add one *energy* counter to target permanent."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nSHIP-tech-nuclear\n2/2\nWhen you play this ship, deal 1 damage to target friendly ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "P Dissimulating Projection\n\nSTRUCTURE-virtual\nNeeds to be built on a territory.\nEnemy ships can't move to this territory. This territory can't be targeted by opponents."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Nuclear Reactor\n\nSTRUCTURE-tech-nuclear-energy\nNeeds to be built on a territory.\nStarts with one *uranium* counter.\nSpend one local *uranium*: Add two *energy* counters to target permanent. Then deal 1 damage to target friendly ship."
"type": "card",
"code": "G DNA Bank\n\nSTRUCTURE-virtual-data\nYou can play *bio* cards from your discard pile."
"type": "card",
"code": "P Blackout\n\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion-flash\nTake another action after this one.\nTarget player skips his or her next turn. When that turn is skipped, eliminate this operation."
"type": "card",
"code": "W ?\n\nOPERATION\nstarting civ that has an additional action to make credits or play profit cards. spend 10 credits: ? and reach a milestone"
"type": "card",
"code": "P Exploding Consoles\n\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion-warfare\nRemove up to two target workers from their fleet."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nmaybe all ops should state when they are eliminated, and \"copy\" effect can be rewritten as \"play from discard pile\" effects"
"type": "card",
"code": "CC Welfare Program\n\nOPERATION-virtual\nIf you control no territories or an opponent lands on any of your territories, eliminate this operation.\nAt the beginning of your next turn, ? and *reach a milestone*. Then Eliminate this operation."
"type": "card",
"code": "BB First Contact\n\nOPERATION-virtual-transmission\nPlay a random undiscovered civilization and *reach a milestone*. Then, if you control a permanent with at least a tag in common with that civilization, take an extra action after this one."
"type": "card",
"code": "R Military-Grade Fighter\n\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n1/1\n*Captain's seat* _(This ship has +2 attack and +2 hit points as long as a *soldier* is in its fleet's crew.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "RRW Admiral Ship\n\nSHIP-tech-warfare\n2/2\n*Admiral's seat* _(Each ship in this fleet has +1 attack and +1 hit points as long as a *soldier* is in its fleet's crew.)_"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nstarting civ that makes credits when reaches milestones / makes colonies (this could be recurrent)"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y Name\n\nSHIP-tech-energy\n1/1\nStarts with one *energy* counter.\n*Deflector shield* _(Whenever this ship takes damage, remove that many *energy* counters from it. Prevent one damage for each counter removed this way.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "RRW Flag\nflying-flag\nSTRUCTURE-tech\nNeeds to be built on a *land* territory.\nWhen you play this structure, *reach a milestone*.\nR: Untap and retrieve up to two other *soldiers*."
"type": "card",
"code": "YW Jumper\njumper-ship\nSHIP-tech\n1/1\n*FTL drive* _(You may form a fleet with this ship, crew it and move it as soon as this ship enters play.)_\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "Y ?\n\nOPERATION\n\"VR reality show\"\nvirtual structure that makes you gain 1 credit whenever you claim a territory\ncould also be C\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "R Send Reinforcements\nafterburn\nOPERATION-virtual-scheduled\nAt the beginning of combat, target ship gets +2 attack for the remainder of the round.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "P Retargeting\narrow-scope\nOPERATION-virtual-intrusion\nChoose new targets for target *scheduled* operation.\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nNo ships can be sent to target territory for the remainder of the round."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nterritory or event that forces to have a specific property of your crew (e.g., harsh territory that requires more workers, magnetic storm that requires a soldier or two workers, etc.)"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nmilestones: cannot be lost or stealed; cannot be reached more than once; are unique (no source-trigger pair to reach a milestone is equal to another - no multiple copies of milestone giving cards); tie into your weight in space exploration history"
"type": "card",
"code": "CC Peace\n\nOPERATION\n? sth *reach a milestone*\n"
"type": "card",
"code": "YYY Dyson Sphere\n\nSTRUCTURE-tech-energy\nNeeds to be built on a star.\nWhen you play this structure, *reach a milestone*.\nW: Double the amount of *E* counters in each friendly pile.\nWARNING non-interactive, non-workaroundable effect"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nWhat if stars enter play with a certain amount of *E* counters (0, 1 or 2) determining a multiplier for light-based cards?"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nbellicose natives - suffer 3 damage unless communicator is part of the crew"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Hot",
"children": [
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\na planet can ask for a special deck composition (e.g., half cold, half hot)"
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nDeal 1 *heat* damage = If damaged, it's also eliminated.\nDeal 1 *freeze* damage = If damaged, it's also stunned."
"type": "card",
"code": "W Name\n\nOPERATION\nsth (territory and card) that damages again a ship that's already damaged (fire)"
"type": "deck",
"name": "Cold",
"children": []
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