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Last active May 18, 2018 03:51
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import nimbench
StrQueue = object
s: string
pos: int
filled: int
b: seq[Slice[int]]
head: int
tail: int
i: int
proc initStrQueue(strsize, qsize: int): StrQueue {.inline.} =
s: newString(strsize),
pos: 0,
filled: 0,
b: newSeq[Slice[int]](qsize),
head: qsize-1,
tail: 0,
i: 0)
proc len(q: StrQueue): int {.inline.} =
proc left(q: StrQueue): int {.inline.} =
## Return available space
proc pop(q: var StrQueue): Slice[int] {.inline.} =
assert q.i > 0
result = q.b[q.tail]
q.tail = (q.tail+1) mod q.b.len
dec q.i
dec(q.filled, result.b-result.a)
assert q.filled >= 0
proc add(q: var StrQueue, x: string) {.inline.} =
while q.len > 0 and x.len > q.left:
discard q.pop()
if x.len > q.s.len:
raise newException(ValueError, "string too long")
q.head = (q.head+1) mod q.b.len
q.b[q.head] = q.pos .. q.pos+x.len-1
q.i = min(q.b.len, q.i+1)
for c in x:
q.s[q.pos] = c
q.pos = (q.pos+1) mod q.s.len
inc(q.filled, x.len)
assert q.filled <= q.s.len
proc popAnd(q: var StrQueue): Slice[int] {.inline.} =
assert q.i > 0
result = q.b[q.tail]
q.tail = (q.tail+1) and (q.b.len-1)
dec q.i
dec(q.filled, result.b-result.a)
assert q.filled >= 0
proc addAnd(q: var StrQueue, x: string) {.inline.} =
while q.len > 0 and x.len > q.left:
discard q.popAnd()
if x.len > q.s.len:
raise newException(ValueError, "string too long")
q.head = (q.head+1) and (q.b.len-1)
q.b[q.head] = q.pos .. q.pos+x.len-1
q.i = min(q.b.len, q.i+1)
for c in x:
q.s[q.pos] = c
q.pos = (q.pos+1) and (q.s.len-1)
inc(q.filled, x.len)
assert q.filled <= q.s.len
proc addMemCopy(q: var StrQueue, x: var string) {.inline.} =
while q.len > 0 and x.len > q.left:
discard q.popAnd()
if x.len > q.s.len:
raise newException(ValueError, "string too long")
q.head = (q.head+1) and (q.b.len-1)
q.b[q.head] = q.pos .. q.pos+x.len-1
q.i = min(q.b.len, q.i+1)
let mLen = min(x.len, q.s.len-q.pos)
copyMem(addr q.s[q.pos], addr x[0], mLen)
if x.len < mLen:
copyMem(addr q.s[0], addr x[mLen], x.len-mLen)
q.pos = (q.pos+x.len) and (q.s.len-1)
inc(q.filled, x.len)
assert q.filled <= q.s.len
iterator items(q: StrQueue): Slice[int] {.inline.} =
var i = 0
while i < q.i:
yield q.b[(q.head-i) mod q.b.len]
inc i
proc `$`(q: StrQueue): string {.inline.} =
## For debugging purposes only
result = ""
for b in q:
let o = result.len
for i in b:
result[o+i-b.a] = q.s[i mod q.s.len]
var x = initStrQueue(32, 32)
assert $x == "helloE|helloD|helloC|helloB|helloA|"
assert $x == "helloF|helloE|helloD|helloC|helloB|"
assert $x == "helloG|helloF|helloE|helloD|helloC|"
const iterations = 100
#var qStrSize = 1024
var qStrSize = 65536
#var qSize = 256
var qSize = 1024
var s = newString(1000)
for i in 0 .. s.len-1:
s[i] = 'a'
bench(addWithModulo, m):
var x = initStrQueue(qStrSize, qSize)
for _ in 0 ..< m:
for _ in 0 .. iterations:
benchRelative(addWithAnd, m):
var x = initStrQueue(qStrSize, qSize)
for _ in 0 ..< m:
for _ in 0 .. iterations:
benchRelative(addWithMemCopy, m):
var x = initStrQueue(qStrSize, qSize)
for _ in 0 ..< m:
for _ in 0 .. iterations:
bench(simpleStrCopy, m):
var s2 = s
for _ in 0 ..< m:
for _ in 0 .. iterations:
for i in 0 .. s.len-1:
s2[i] = s[i]
benchRelative(strMemCopy, m):
var s2 = s
for i in 0 ..< m:
for _ in 0 .. iterations:
copyMem(addr s2[0], addr s[0], s.len)
assert s2 == s
bench(noOp, m):
for i in 0 ..< m:
# Results on my laptop, YMMV
GlobalBenchmark relative time/iter iters/s
GlobalBenchmark 334.15ps 2.99G
crap.nim relative time/iter iters/s
addWithModulo 1.38ms 722.64
addWithAnd 1652.41% 83.75us 11.94K
addWithMemCopy 36495.54% 3.79us 263.73K
simpleStrCopy 3.39us 294.82K
strMemCopy 270.54% 1.25us 797.60K
noOp 0.00fs inf
# The smaller the string the less diff there is between memcpy/simpleCpy,
# with a string of length 100 there is little difference.
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