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Created April 10, 2019 10:13
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def predict(row, weights):
activation = weights[0]
for i in range(len(row)-1):
activation += weights[i + 1] * row[i]
return 1.0 if activation > 0.0 else 0.0
def train_weights(dataset, l_rate, n_epoch):
weights = [0.0 for i in range(len(dataset[0]))]
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
sum_error = 0.0
for row in dataset:
error = row[-1] - predict(row, weights)
sum_error += error**2
weights[0] = weights[0] + l_rate * error
for i in range(len(row)-1):
weights[i + 1] = weights[i + 1] + l_rate * error * row[i]
print('epoch=%d, error=%.2f' % (epoch, sum_error))
print (weights)
dataset = [[0.4,0.3,1],
l_rate = 0.1
n_epoch = 6
train_weights(dataset, l_rate, n_epoch)
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jesman commented Jun 19, 2024

To improve the efficiency of your code, I made several changes:

optimizing array operations, minimizing redundant computations
and reducing the number of times I convert between list and array.

import numpy as np # pip3 install numpy

def predict(row, weights):
activation =, row)
return 1.0 if activation > 0.0 else 0.0

def train_weights(dataset, l_rate, n_epoch):
dataset = np.array(dataset) # Convert the entire dataset to a NumPy array once
weights = np.zeros(dataset.shape[1]) # Initialize weights as a NumPy array

for epoch in range(n_epoch):
    sum_error = 0.0
    for row in dataset:
        # Predict using all columns except the last using slicing
        prediction = predict(row[:-1], weights)  
        error = row[-1] - prediction
        sum_error += error**2

        # Update weights using vectorized operations
        weights += l_rate * error * row[:-1]
    print(f'epoch={epoch}, error={sum_error:.2f}')

dataset = [
[0.4, 0.3, 1],
[0.6, 0.8, 1],
[0.7, 0.5, 1],
[0.9, 0.2, 0]

l_rate = 0.1
n_epoch = 6
train_weights(dataset, l_rate, n_epoch)

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