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nitincodery /
Created January 30, 2023 06:17
Android Emacs Build Simple Steps

Android Emacs Build Steps

  1. install java (if not) get path of it via `ls -l /etc/alternatives/java` for JAVA_HOME
  2. mkdir android, cd android
  3. git clone git:// git checkout feature/android
Create Tables and select the one you need to input data.
Create Validations Table for each Table as TableName-Val.
Create Three Fields as Text in Validations Table as Column, Regex, Remark
Enter Column Names to Validate into Column Field in Validation Table.
Give Regex to validate and Remark to show when invalid data entered.
/* Ask to input data in table whose validation table exists. */
let allTables = base.tables.filter(table =>"-Val")).map(table =>,-4))
nitincodery /
Created May 3, 2021 09:14
Resize 3 Windows Side-by-Side Linux
# assign keyboard shortcut to bash
# run shortcut on the window to resize
# it auto cycles to the position (0)left, (1)middle, (2)right
# create a counter file to store positions
if [[ -f $counter ]]; then