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Last active July 20, 2020 05:30
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Proxmox VM Utilization + Folding@Home VM Control
import json
import requests
import time
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from typing import List, Tuple
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message='Unverified HTTPS request')
class VMStatus(Enum):
stopped = "stopped"
running = "running"
class VM:
name: str
vmid: str
status: VMStatus
uptime: int
class ProxmoxAPIClient:
_hostname = None
_node = None
_username = None
_password = None
_CSRFPreventionToken = None
_ticket = None
_auth_timestamp = 0
def __init__(self, hostname: str, node: str, username: str, password:str, port: int = 8006):
self._hostname = hostname
self._node = node
self._port = port
self._username = username
self._password = password
def _endpoint(self) -> str:
return f'https://{self._hostname}:{self._port}/api2/json'
def login(self):
payload = {'username': self._username, 'password': self._password}
req = + f'/access/ticket', data=payload, verify=False)
if req.status_code == 401:
raise Exception("Invalid Proxmox credentials.")
response = req.json()
self._CSRFPreventionToken = response['data']['CSRFPreventionToken']
self._ticket = response['data']['ticket']
self._auth_timestamp = time.time()
def _get(self, url) -> requests.Response:
if not self._ticket or self._auth_timestamp >= 7200:
headers = {'CSRFPreventionToken': self._CSRFPreventionToken}
cookies = {'PVEAuthCookie': self._ticket}
response = requests.get(self._endpoint() + url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, verify=False)
return response
def _post(self, url, payload: dict = None) -> requests.Response:
if not self._ticket or (time.time() - self._auth_timestamp) >= 7200:
headers = {'CSRFPreventionToken': self._CSRFPreventionToken}
cookies = {'PVEAuthCookie': self._ticket}
response =
self._endpoint() + url,
data=json.dumps(payload) if payload is not None else None
return response
def get_vms(self) -> List[VM]:
response = self._get(f'/nodes/{self._node}/qemu/').json()
return [VM.from_dict(x) for x in response['data']]
# An Average of the last N maximum CPU values per interval within a timeframe
def get_avg_cpu(self, vm: VM, timeframe: str = 'hour', minutes: int = None) -> float:
if vm.status != VMStatus.running:
return 0
response = self._get(f'/nodes/{self._node}/qemu/{vm.vmid}/rrddata?timeframe={timeframe}&cf=MAX').json()
cpu_values: List[float] = [x['cpu'] for x in response['data'] if 'cpu' in x]
if minutes:
minutes = min(minutes, len(cpu_values))
cpu_values = cpu_values[-minutes:]
return sum(cpu_values) / len(cpu_values)
except Exception as e:
def get_node_memory(self) -> Tuple[float, float]:
response = self._get(f'/nodes/{self._node}/rrddata?timeframe=hour&cf=MAX').json()
results = response['data']
last_15_minutes = [x for x in results if (time.time() - x['time']) < 900 and 'memtotal' in x]
mem_used_values = [x['memused'] for x in last_15_minutes]
average_mem_used = sum(mem_used_values) / len(mem_used_values)
total_memory = last_15_minutes[-1]['memtotal']
return average_mem_used, total_memory
def start_vm(self, vm_id):
response = self._post(f'/nodes/{self._node}/qemu/{vm_id}/status/start')
return response.status_code == 200
def stop_vm(self, vm_id) -> bool:
response = self._post(f'/nodes/{self._node}/qemu/{vm_id}/status/shutdown')
return response.status_code == 200
# apt-get update && apt-get install python3-pip -y
# pip3 install folding-at-home
# pip3 install proxmox-python
# pip3 install dataclasses_json
# mkdir proxmox/ && touch proxmox/
# copy file to proxmox/
# chmox +x
# setup cron (eg. "*/5 * * * * /root/")
from folding_at_home.api import FAHClientAPI
from proxmox.api import ProxmoxAPIClient
from typing import Dict
# Proxmox
host: str = ''
node: str = 'stormy'
username: str = 'root@pam' # or '<user>@pve'
password: str = '<password>'
# Throttle options
sample_avg_minutes = 5 # average cpu load for last 5 minutes
# pause folding if using any of these
high_priority_vms = ['1', '2'] # must be string
high_priority_cpu_threshold = 10 # percent
# LIGHT if using any of these
low_priority_vms = ['3', '4', '5'] # must be string
low_priority_cpu_threshold = 20 # percent
folding = FAHClientAPI(host='')
prox = ProxmoxAPIClient(hostname=host, node=node, username=username, password=password)
vms = prox.get_vms()
avg_cpu: Dict[str, float] = {}
for vm in vms:
cpu_percentage = round(prox.get_avg_cpu(vm, minutes=sample_avg_minutes) * 100, 2)
avg_cpu[vm.vmid] = cpu_percentage
print(f'{} - {vm.status} (Avg CPU: {cpu_percentage}%)')
high_exceed = [key for key, value in avg_cpu.items() if key in high_priority_vms and value >= high_priority_cpu_threshold]
if len(high_exceed) > 0:
print(f'Paused Folding due to VM(s): {high_exceed}')
# resume, no effect if already running
print(f'Resumed Folding!')
low_exceed = [key for key, value in avg_cpu.items() if key in low_priority_vms and value >= low_priority_cpu_threshold]
if len(low_exceed) > 0:
print('Set Folding power to LIGHT')
print('Set Folding power to FULL')
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nitrag commented Jul 20, 2020

Setup instructions in, comments at top of file.

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nitrag commented Jul 20, 2020

Example Output:

# ./ 
FoldingHome - VMStatus.running (Avg CPU: 47.11%)
VMExample1 - VMStatus.running (Avg CPU: 2.14%)
VMExample2 - VMStatus.running (Avg CPU: 5.26%)
Resumed Folding!
Set Folding power to FULL

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