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Last active July 25, 2016 05:26
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  • Save nitrobin/a802ad31ec5bfc6bada899664168895a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nitrobin/a802ad31ec5bfc6bada899664168895a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The application works stable on previos version with -Dlegacy.
haxe 3.2.1
hxcpp 3.2.193
lime 2.7.0
openfl 3.4.0
App crashes immediately after start or works incorrect.
haxe 3.2.1
hxcpp 3.3.49
lime 3.0.2
openfl 4.0.2
xiaomi redmi note 2
android 5.1.1
cyanogenmod 12.1
App crashes immediately after start.
I/Timeline( 629): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{28fe46d3 u0 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity t577} time:313226063
D/GraphicBuffer( 245): free, handle(0x7f91c245c0) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
D/IMGSRV ( 245): gralloc_device_free:1251: ID=551906 ref=0
D/GraphicBuffer( 629): unregister, handle(0x7f6a66a160) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000933)
D/IMGSRV ( 629): gralloc_unregister_buffer:1503: ID=552090 ref=0
D/GraphicBuffer( 245): free, handle(0x7f922750e0) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000933)
D/IMGSRV ( 245): gralloc_device_free:1251: ID=552090 ref=0
--------- beginning of crash
F/libc (13639): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 13674 (SDLThread)
I/DEBUG ( 262): property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
I/DEBUG ( 262): HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
I/DEBUG ( 262): HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
I/DEBUG ( 262): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 262): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_hermes/hermes:5.1.1/LMY49J/270963265a:userdebug/test-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 262): Revision: '0'
I/DEBUG ( 262): ABI: 'arm'
I/DEBUG ( 262): pid: 13639, tid: 13674, name: SDLThread >>> ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets <<<
I/DEBUG ( 262): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
I/DEBUG ( 262): r0 dda4b000 r1 00000000 r2 00000000 r3 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 262): r4 ef6998b0 r5 ef699528 r6 eacc6231 r7 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 262): r8 00000000 r9 e084b0f8 sl 00000010 fp 00000040
I/DEBUG ( 262): ip ead1ad80 sp e084b0e0 lr eac73189 pc f735454c cpsr 60070010
I/DEBUG ( 262):
I/DEBUG ( 262): backtrace:
I/DEBUG ( 262): #00 pc 0001054c /system/lib/ (memcpy+96)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #01 pc 00013187 /system/vendor/lib/egl/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #02 pc 000135af /system/vendor/lib/egl/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #03 pc 000149ff /system/vendor/lib/egl/ (glDrawArrays+662)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #04 pc 01103948 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl7display17DisplayObject_obj10__renderGLEN2hx9ObjectPtrINS_9_internal8renderer17RenderSession_objEEE+4804)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #05 pc 010f7ab8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl7display26DisplayObjectContainer_obj10__renderGLEN2hx9ObjectPtrINS_9_internal8renderer17RenderSession_objEEE+488)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #06 pc 010f7d34 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl7display26DisplayObjectContainer_obj10__renderGLEN2hx9ObjectPtrINS_9_internal8renderer17RenderSession_objEEE+1124)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #07 pc 0039e3f8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl9_internal8renderer6opengl14GLRenderer_obj6renderEN2hx9ObjectPtrINS_7display9Stage_objEEE+1684)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #08 pc 002d4cf8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl7display9Stage_obj6renderEN2hx9ObjectPtrIN4lime8graphics12Renderer_objEEE+3072)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #09 pc 002d4dd8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN6openfl7display17__Stage_objrenderEPN2hx6ObjectERK7Dynamic+68)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #10 pc 011ffc3c /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN2hx16CMemberFunction15__runERK7Dynamic+64)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #11 pc 00114e14 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN7DynamicclERKS_+72)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #12 pc 002c3c38 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZZN6openfl7display9Stage_obj11addRendererEN2hx9ObjectPtrIN4lime8graphics12Renderer_objEEEEN13_Function_2_13runEv+180)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #13 pc 002c3cf4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZZN6openfl7display9Stage_obj11addRendererEN2hx9ObjectPtrIN4lime8graphics12Renderer_objEEEEN13_Function_2_15__runEv+20)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #14 pc 001200f0 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN7DynamicclEv+64)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #15 pc 008b1058 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN4lime3app19Event_Void_Void_obj8dispatchEv+456)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #16 pc 008948f8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN4lime8_backend6native21NativeApplication_obj17handleRenderEventEv+912)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #17 pc 00894ba0 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN4lime8_backend6native40__NativeApplication_objhandleRenderEventEPN2hx6ObjectE+36)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #18 pc 011ff66c /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN2hx16CMemberFunction05__runEv+56)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #19 pc 0118fbd8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (val_call0+56)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #20 pc 000674d0 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #21 pc 0005eda0 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #22 pc 0005d3a8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #23 pc 00035c14 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #24 pc 00891ae8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN4lime8_backend6native21NativeApplication_obj4execEv+1300)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #25 pc 00e063d4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN4lime3app15Application_obj4execEv+212)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #26 pc 01187688 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN19ApplicationMain_obj6createEv+864)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #27 pc 01188b10 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (_ZN19ApplicationMain_obj4mainEv+176)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #28 pc 0118b9a4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (__hxcpp_main+4)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #29 pc 0118b8b8 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (hxcpp_main+40)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #30 pc 0118b994 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (Java_org_haxe_HXCPP_main+12)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #31 pc 002a4b0d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2@base.apk@classes.dex
W/ActivityManager( 629): Force finishing activity 1 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity
I/DEBUG ( 262):
I/DEBUG ( 262): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_03
App crashes immediately after start.
I/Timeline( 629): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{1bdc03bb u0 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity t585} time:314116829
V/SDL (21529): onWindowFocusChanged(): true
V/SDL (21529): surfaceChanged()
V/SDL (21529): pixel format RGB_565
V/SDL (21529): Window size: 1080x1880
D/IMGSRV (21529): gralloc_register_buffer:1390: hnd=0xf53a16a0 ID=560349 fd=50 ref=1
D/GraphicBuffer(21529): register, handle(0xf53a16a0) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
D/IMGSRV (21529): gralloc_register_buffer:1390: hnd=0xf53a1e20 ID=560350 fd=53 ref=1
D/GraphicBuffer(21529): register, handle(0xf53a1e20) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
I/haxe plugin(21529): Got Load Proc e02aa190
I/haxe plugin(21529): Got Load Proc e02aa190
I/haxe plugin(21529): Got Load Proc e02aa190
--------- beginning of crash
F/libc (21529): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x4 in tid 21572 (SDLThread)
I/DEBUG ( 262): property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
I/DEBUG ( 262): HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
I/DEBUG ( 262): HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
I/DEBUG ( 262): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG ( 262): Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/cm_hermes/hermes:5.1.1/LMY49J/270963265a:userdebug/test-keys'
I/DEBUG ( 262): Revision: '0'
I/DEBUG ( 262): ABI: 'arm'
I/DEBUG ( 262): pid: 21529, tid: 21572, name: SDLThread >>> ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets <<<
I/DEBUG ( 262): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
I/DEBUG ( 262): r0 e084ba08 r1 ef590000 r2 e06184c0 r3 ef595a30
I/DEBUG ( 262): r4 e084ba18 r5 e061aea4 r6 e084ba78 r7 e084ba68
I/DEBUG ( 262): r8 e084ba70 r9 00000000 sl e0563c28 fp e084bbb8
I/DEBUG ( 262): ip 00005a2c sp e084b9b0 lr e0106718 pc e0106718 cpsr 800f0010
I/DEBUG ( 262):
I/DEBUG ( 262): backtrace:
I/DEBUG ( 262): #00 pc 007e9718 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #01 pc 007ec08c /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #02 pc 007ec3f4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #03 pc 007b1890 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #04 pc 007b1d90 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #05 pc 00988e84 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
I/DEBUG ( 262): #06 pc 009891dc /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (hxcpp_main+32)
I/DEBUG ( 262): #07 pc 002a4b0d /data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2@base.apk@classes.dex
D/GraphicBuffer( 245): free, handle(0x7f92111ee0) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000933)
D/IMGSRV ( 245): gralloc_device_free:1251: ID=560287 ref=0
D/GraphicBuffer( 245): free, handle(0x7f91c24e60) (w:1080 h:1880 s:1088 f:0x1 u:0x000b00)
D/IMGSRV ( 245): gralloc_device_free:1251: ID=559724 ref=0
W/ActivityManager( 629): Force finishing activity 1 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity
I/DEBUG ( 262):
I/DEBUG ( 262): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_06
samsung a5
android 6.0.1
Black screen. Music playing.
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 E Zygote : v2
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 I libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10299
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 I libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD not a persona
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 I SELinux : Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, index[1], SPD-policy is existed. and_ver=SEPF_SM-A510F_5.1.1 ver=51
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 W SELinux : Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram, index[1], priority [2], priority version is VE=SEPF_SECMOBILE_6.0.1_0013
07-25 11:38:10.637 2689 4922 I ActivityManager: Start proc 17026:ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/u0a299 for activity ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 E Zygote : accessInfo : 0
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 W SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=default, level=s0:c512,c768, pkgname=ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets
07-25 11:38:10.637 17026 17026 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
07-25 11:38:10.667 17026 17026 D TimaKeyStoreProvider: TimaSignature is unavailable
07-25 11:38:10.667 17026 17026 D ActivityThread: Added TimaKeyStore provider
07-25 11:38:10.687 17026 17026 D ResourcesManager: For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
07-25 11:38:10.697 17026 17026 D ContextRelationManager: ContextRelationManager() : FEATURE_ENABLED=true
07-25 11:38:10.697 17026 17026 D RelationGraph: garbageCollect()
07-25 11:38:10.717 17026 17026 D RelationGraph: garbageCollect()
07-25 11:38:10.737 17026 17026 V SDL : Device: a5xelte
07-25 11:38:10.737 17026 17026 V SDL : Model: SM-A510F
07-25 11:38:10.737 17026 17026 V SDL : onCreate(): null
07-25 11:38:10.737 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:10.747 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:10.747 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:10.757 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:10.777 17026 17026 I OpenAL_SLES: alc_opensles_init
07-25 11:38:10.777 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:10.777 17026 17026 W linker : '/data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/' library has invalid DT_NEEDED entry '/Users/johann.martinache/Desktop/android/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib/'
07-25 11:38:10.777 17026 17026 W linker : '/data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/' library has invalid DT_NEEDED entry '/Users/johann.martinache/Desktop/android/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib/'
07-25 11:38:10.787 17026 17026 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
07-25 11:38:10.837 17026 17026 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
07-25 11:38:10.867 17026 17026 W PopupManager: You have not specified a View to use as content view for popups. Falling back to the Activity content view. Note that this may not work as expected in multi-screen environments
07-25 11:38:10.907 17026 17026 W System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/user/0/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/shared_prefs/
07-25 11:38:10.917 17026 17026 V SDL : onResume()
07-25 11:38:10.947 17026 17026 D ViewRootImpl: #1 mView =$DecorView{3279d60 I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
07-25 11:38:10.947 17026 17048 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
07-25 11:38:10.967 2689 4920 D InputDispatcher: Focus entered window: 17026
07-25 11:38:11.037 17026 17048 D libEGL : loaded /vendor/lib/egl/
07-25 11:38:11.127 17026 17048 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xee8bf7c4
07-25 11:38:11.127 17026 17048 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
07-25 11:38:11.127 17026 17048 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
07-25 11:38:11.137 17026 17026 V SDL : surfaceCreated()
07-25 11:38:11.137 17026 17026 V SDL : surfaceChanged()
07-25 11:38:11.137 17026 17026 V SDL : pixel format RGB_565
07-25 11:38:11.137 17026 17026 V SDL : Window size: 1080x1680
07-25 11:38:11.147 17026 17026 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 7184, BOSCH Accelerometer Sensor, 20000, 0,
07-25 11:38:11.147 17026 17064 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init()
07-25 11:38:11.147 17026 17064 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init() finished!
07-25 11:38:11.147 2689 4922 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{70f39db u0 d0 p17026 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
07-25 11:38:11.157 17026 17064 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-1/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:38:11.157 2689 4464 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{70f39db u0 d0 p17026 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=READY_TO_SHOW
07-25 11:38:11.157 17026 17048 D libGLESv1: DTS_GLAPI : DTS is not allowed for Package : ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets
07-25 11:38:11.307 17026 17064 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc dd2bceac
07-25 11:38:11.307 17026 17064 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc dd2bceac
07-25 11:38:11.307 17026 17064 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc dd2bceac
07-25 11:38:11.347 17026 17064 I OpenAL_SLES: opensles_open_playback pDevice=0xdb35d000, deviceName=(null)
07-25 11:38:11.347 17026 17064 I OpenAL_SLES: alc_opensles_probe DEVICE_PROBE
07-25 11:38:11.347 17026 17064 I OpenAL_SLES: opensles_reset_playback pDevice=0xdb35d000
07-25 11:38:11.347 17026 17064 I OpenAL_SLES: bits=16, channels=2, samples=1024, size=4096, freq=44100
07-25 11:38:11.347 17026 17064 I OpenAL_SLES: create audio player
07-25 11:38:11.357 17026 17064 W AudioTrack: AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client; transfer 1, track 44100 Hz, output 48000 Hz
07-25 11:38:11.357 2689 3325 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{12a1ad5 u0 d0 p17026 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets.MainActivity}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
07-25 11:38:11.367 17026 17064 W libc : pthread_create sched_setscheduler call failed: Operation not permitted
07-25 11:38:11.367 17026 17069 I OpenAL_SLES: playback_function started
07-25 11:38:11.367 17026 17069 I OpenAL : _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN=8
07-25 11:38:11.397 17026 17026 D ViewRootImpl: MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: ci=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 72 - 0, 0) or=1
07-25 11:38:11.397 17026 17026 V SDL : onWindowFocusChanged(): true
07-25 11:38:11.407 2689 2771 D StatusBarManagerService: manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{12a1ad5 u0 d0 p17026 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets.MainActivity}
07-25 11:38:11.407 17026 17064 D libEGL : eglInitialize EGLDisplay = 0xdd97f0ac
07-25 11:38:11.407 17026 17064 D mali_winsys: new_window_surface returns 0x3000, [1080x1680]-format:4
07-25 11:38:11.427 17026 17026 V SDL : surfaceChanged()
07-25 11:38:11.427 17026 17026 V SDL : pixel format RGB_565
07-25 11:38:11.427 17026 17026 V SDL : Window size: 1080x1920
07-25 11:38:11.437 2689 4123 V WindowStateAnimator: Finishing drawing window Window{12a1ad5 u0 d0 p17026 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets.MainActivity}: mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
App crashes immediately after start.
07-25 10:50:22.511 2604 2723 I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{3719814 u0 ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity t1427} time:137391172
07-25 10:50:22.511 2604 2687 D CustomFrequencyManagerService: acquireDVFSLockLocked : type : DVFS_MIN_LIMIT frequency : 1500000 uid : 1000 pid : 2604 pkgName : ACTIVITY_RESUME_BOOSTER@9
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a5xeltexx/a5xelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/A510FXXU2BPF9:user/release-keys'
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : Revision: '3'
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : pid: 28633, tid: 28666, name: SDLThread >>> ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets <<<
07-25 10:50:22.511 2247 2247 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
07-25 10:50:22.521 2232 2232 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xffa4df34
07-25 10:50:22.521 2247 2247 F DEBUG : r0 de63f4c8 r1 dd3e0000 r2 de40a4c0 r3 dd3e5a84
07-25 10:50:22.521 2247 2247 F DEBUG : r4 de63f4d8 r5 de40cea4 r6 de63f538 r7 de63f528
07-25 10:50:22.521 2247 2247 F DEBUG : r8 de63f530 r9 00000000 sl de355c28 fp de63f6c4
07-25 10:50:22.521 2247 2247 F DEBUG : ip 00005a80 sp de63f470 lr ddef8718 pc ddef8718 cpsr 800f0010
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG :
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : backtrace:
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #00 pc 007e9718 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #01 pc 007ec08c /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #02 pc 007ec3f4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #03 pc 007b1890 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #04 pc 007b1d90 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00988e84 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #06 pc 009891dc /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (hxcpp_main+32)
07-25 10:50:22.531 2247 2247 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00a8c025 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x7c2000)
07-25 10:50:22.671 2232 2232 D libEGL : eglTerminate EGLDisplay = 0xffa4df34
one plus one
android 6.0.1
Black screen. Music playing.
07-25 11:12:48.041 1506 2791 I ActivityManager: Start proc 16801:ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/u0a76 for activity ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity
07-25 11:12:48.043 16801 16801 I art : Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
07-25 11:12:48.114 16801 16801 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in package com.cyngn.hexo
07-25 11:12:48.161 16801 16801 V SDL : Device: A0001
07-25 11:12:48.162 16801 16801 V SDL : Model: A0001
07-25 11:12:48.162 16801 16801 V SDL : onCreate(): null
07-25 11:12:48.164 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:12:48.169 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:12:48.174 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:12:48.182 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:12:48.201 16801 16801 I OpenAL_SLES: alc_opensles_init
07-25 11:12:48.203 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:12:48.203 16801 16801 W linker : '/data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/' library has invalid DT_NEEDED entry '/Users/johann.martinache/Desktop/android/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib/'
07-25 11:12:48.203 16801 16801 W linker : '/data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/' library has invalid DT_NEEDED entry '/Users/johann.martinache/Desktop/android/ndk/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib/'
07-25 11:12:48.206 16801 16801 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
07-25 11:12:48.249 16801 16801 D trace : Construct LindenFlurry
07-25 11:12:48.258 16801 16801 W ResourceType: No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000
07-25 11:12:48.265 16801 16801 D trace : LindenFlurry created
07-25 11:12:48.270 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: Debug log enabled.
07-25 11:12:48.270 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: Forcing mConnectOnStart=false
07-25 11:12:48.270 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: Setup: requested clients: 1
07-25 11:12:48.303 16801 16801 W PopupManager: You have not specified a View to use as content view for popups. Falling back to the Activity content view. Note that this may not work as expected in multi-screen environments
07-25 11:12:48.305 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: onStart
07-25 11:12:48.305 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: Not attempting to connect becase mConnectOnStart=false
07-25 11:12:48.305 16801 16801 D GameHelper: GameHelper: Instead, reporting a sign-in failure.
07-25 11:12:48.331 16801 16801 V SDL : onResume()
07-25 11:12:48.341 16801 16827 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: E031.29.00.00
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: Build Date: 12/04/15 Fri
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: Local Branch: mybranch17080070
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: Remote Branch: quic/LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.5
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: Local Patches: NONE
07-25 11:12:48.396 16801 16827 I Adreno-EGL: Reconstruct Branch: NOTHING
07-25 11:12:48.404 16801 16801 V SDL : surfaceCreated()
07-25 11:12:48.404 16801 16801 V SDL : surfaceChanged()
07-25 11:12:48.404 16801 16801 V SDL : pixel format RGB_565
07-25 11:12:48.405 16801 16801 V SDL : Window size: 1080x1680
07-25 11:12:48.405 16801 16827 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
07-25 11:12:48.411 16801 16831 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init()
07-25 11:12:48.411 16801 16831 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init() finished!
07-25 11:12:48.425 16801 16831 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
App crashes immediately after start.
07-25 11:22:31.968 28168 28168 V SDL : surfaceCreated()
07-25 11:22:31.968 28168 28168 V SDL : surfaceChanged()
07-25 11:22:31.968 28168 28168 V SDL : pixel format RGB_565
07-25 11:22:31.974 28168 28168 V SDL : Window size: 1080x1680
07-25 11:22:31.974 28168 28191 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
07-25 11:22:31.985 28168 28193 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init()
07-25 11:22:31.986 28168 28193 I SDL : SDL_Android_Init() finished!
07-25 11:22:31.989 28168 28193 W linker : /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ is missing DT_SONAME will use basename as a replacement: ""
07-25 11:22:32.015 28168 28193 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc 9d466190
07-25 11:22:32.017 28168 28193 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc 9d466190
07-25 11:22:32.018 28168 28193 I haxe plugin: Got Load Proc 9d466190
--------- beginning of crash
07-25 11:22:32.020 28168 28193 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x4 in tid 28193 (SDLThread)
07-25 11:22:32.021 252 252 I DEBUG : property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
07-25 11:22:32.021 252 252 I DEBUG : HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
07-25 11:22:32.021 252 252 I DEBUG : HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
07-25 11:22:32.061 1506 1628 I ActivityManager: Displayed ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity: +380ms
07-25 11:22:32.062 28168 28168 V SDL : onWindowFocusChanged(): true
07-25 11:22:32.093 28168 28168 V SDL : surfaceChanged()
07-25 11:22:32.093 28168 28168 V SDL : pixel format RGB_565
07-25 11:22:32.093 28168 28168 V SDL : Window size: 1080x1920
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : CM Version: '13.1-ZNH2KAS254-bacon'
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'oneplus/bacon/A0001:6.0.1/MHC19Q/ZNH2KAS254:user/release-keys'
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : pid: 28168, tid: 28193, name: SDLThread >>> ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets <<<
07-25 11:22:32.124 252 252 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x4
07-25 11:22:32.137 252 252 F DEBUG : r0 9db4b4c8 r1 9ca20000 r2 9d7d44c0 r3 9ca25a84
07-25 11:22:32.137 252 252 F DEBUG : r4 9db4b4d8 r5 9d7d6ea4 r6 9db4b538 r7 9db4b528
07-25 11:22:32.137 252 252 F DEBUG : r8 9db4b530 r9 00000000 sl 9d71fc28 fp 9db4b6c4
07-25 11:22:32.137 252 252 F DEBUG : ip 00005a80 sp 9db4b470 lr 9d2c2718 pc 9d2c2718 cpsr 800f0010
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG :
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : backtrace:
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #00 pc 007e9718 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #01 pc 007ec08c /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #02 pc 007ec3f4 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #03 pc 007b1890 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #04 pc 007b1d90 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #05 pc 00988e84 /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #06 pc 009891dc /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/lib/arm/ (hxcpp_main+32)
07-25 11:22:32.141 252 252 F DEBUG : #07 pc 00a6c00d /data/app/ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets-2/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x7a9000)
7-25 11:22:32.516 1506 28199 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity ru.iceowl.TinyPlanets/.MainActivity
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