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Last active August 23, 2021 22:24
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PWA For Beginners

1. Core Concepts

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 What is a PWA?

1.1.2 Why learn PWA development?

1.1.4 Relevant Reading

1.2 Fundamentals

1.2.1 PWA Principles

1.2.2 PWA Requirements

1.2.3 PWA Components

1.3 Installability

1.3.1 Web App Manifest

1.3.2 Add To Home Screen

1.3.2 Custom in-app Install

1.4 Reliability

1.4.1 Service Workers: Introduction

1.4.2 Cache Policies

1.4.3 Service Workers: Use Cases

1.4.4 Support: Workbox.js

1.5 Capabilities

1.5.1 Web Capabilities

1.5.2 Project Fugu

1.5.3 Support: Fugu API Tracker

1.6 Discoverability & Re-Engagement

1.6.1 Browser-based: Search Engine Optimization

1.6.2 Browser: URL Handlers

1.6.2 App Stores: Android

1.6.3 App Stores: Microsoft / Windows

2. Tools & Techniques

2.1 PWA Debugging (Dev Tools)

2.2 PWA Testing (Puppeteer, Playwright)

2.3 PWA Auditing (Lighthouse, PWA Builder)

2.4 PWA & Web Components (Lit-Element, FAST)

2.5 PWA & Static Web Apps

2.6 Best Practices: -ilities

2.6 Performance: Lazy Loading, TTI, SSR

3. Using PWA Builder

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Typescript Quickstart

3.3 PWA-Starter: Quickstart

3.4 PWA-Started: Hosting

3.5 PWA-Builder: Audit

3.6 App Samples: Drawing, Inking, Dual-Screen

4. PWA Quickstarts For X

4.2 PWA for React Devs

4.4 PWA for Power Apps

4.6 HNPWA: For Completeness

5. Bonus Topics

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