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Created October 29, 2020 12:58
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Useful commands for docker

Thanks to the tutorial Docker for Beginners from KodeKloud.


  • Contains only live as long as their entry point is running
    • Running e.g. docker run ubuntu will exit as soon as ubuntu has finished starting
      • docker run ubuntu sleep 5 executes sleep 5 and then exits
  • Find docker's files
    • Unix: /var/lib/docker
    • Windows
      • Run docker run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -i sh
      • Navigate to /var/lib/docker

The docker commands

  • Run a docker image (downloads it if not available)
    • docker run <user/image> (automatically tags it with :latest)
    • docker run <user/image:version>
    • Map a port
      • -p <host-port>:<container-path>
    • Run interactively, i.e. allowing the app to capture input from the console
      • -i and -it, the latter is helpful when linebreaks are different (ie running unix in a windows shell)
    • Run container in detached mode
      • -d
    • Map directory/volume on host to container
      • -v <host-path>:<container-path>
      • -v my_volume:/myvolume will create the folder /myvolume in the container and create the my_volume on the host
    • Set environment variable in container
      • -e <ENV_VAR>=<value>
      • You can find out which environment variables are set by using docker inspect
    • Change the entrypoint
      • --entrypoint sh
    • Pass parameters to the entry point / configure the entry point
      • For the ubuntu image the entry point bash but when you're not running interactively, it'll immediately exit
      • To pass in parameters to it (which, because it's bash, will be run), append them: docker run ubuntu sleep 5
        • To make this permanent, create a new image with the Dockerfile containing:
          From ubuntu
          CMD ["sleep", "5"]
      • Pass parameters to the entrypoint's program
        From ubuntu
        ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
        CMD ["5"]
        And docker run ubuntusleeper 7 will result in sleep being called with the parameter 7 while docker run ubuntusleep will result in the default parameter 5 for sleep
      • --link <containerid/name>:<alias>
        • Creates an entry in the hosts file for the host name <alias> and linking to the ip of <containerid/name>. This is deprecated in favor of user-defined networks!
        • If containerid/name and alias are the same, one may use --link <alias>
      • Performance
        • --cpus=0.5 limits the container's CPU usage to 50% of the host's CPU
        • --memory=100m limits the memory usable by the container to 100MB
    • Networks
      • --network=<network>
      • Bridge
        • It's the default
        • Contains get their own IP and thus different containers can use the same port, since it's like they're on different machiens
        • IPs are usually and onwards
      • None
        • No network available
      • Host
        • Runs in host network
        • IP same as host
        • Ports usable only once
      • Networks can be created with docker network create ...
  • Attach to the terminal of a running container
    • docker attach <containerid>
    • Disconnect with ctrl+c
  • List containers
    • docker ps
    • In the PORTS column you will see the published ports.
      • e.g.>3456/tcp,>80/tcp where 3456 and 80 are the ports on the container and 3456 and 38080 are on the host, forwarding to the container.
    • List all
      • docker ps a
  • Stop/Remove a continer
    • docker stop <containerid> [<containerid2> ..]
    • docker rm <containerid> [<containerid2> ..]
  • Images
    • List
      • docker image ls
    • Remove
      • docker image rm <imageid>
  • Details of a container
    • docker inspect <containerid> will yield all information in JSON
    • To get the IP address
      • docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" <containerid>
  • Logs
    • docker logs <containerid>
  • Building an image
    • docker build -t <name>[:<tag>] <foldername>
      • In that foldery there must be a file called Dockerfile (upper case D!)
  • See layers in image and their sizes
    • docker history <imageid>
      • Example: ubuntu 120MB, python 300MB, pip packages 5MB, source code 500B)
    • The layers are cached, to speed up building of images
  • Network
    • ls List all
    • docker network create --driver bridge subnet custom-isolated-network creates a new one with the given IP range and name
    • To connect to others hosts on the same network, one can use
      • their IP, but that's not optimal as it can change etc
      • their container name, which is resolved via DNS (the server is at

Docker Compose

Name the file docker-compose.yml and run docker-compose up

version: "2" # must be string
    image: "mmumshad/simple-webapp"
    image: "mongo"
    image: "redis:alpine"
    image: "ansible/galaxy"
    build: ./myapp # instead of pulling an image from docker, build this folder
      - 5000:80 # map host:5000 to container:80
      - database # link to mongodb, no longer required from 2 onwards
      - messaging # messaging must start before this one

From version 2 onwards:

  • all containers are within services:
  • a dedicated network is created so links are no longer required since the container names are resolvable via DNS

From version 3 onwards:

  • Docker swarm is supported

Docker image registries

When specifying an image in docker run <image> or a docker-compose.yml file, the format is: registries/username/imagename:tag

  • registries if omitted will default to but there's also for google's kubernetes related images and many other.
  • username is the name of the registered user on docker
  • imagename is optional as well, some users publish only a single image under their name alone
  • tag is optional and will default to :latest

Private repositories/images

Some registries allow to mark images as private, requiring login credentials

  • docker login <private-registry-url> will query you for credentials
  • docker run <private-registry-url>/<image> then should work if the user used above has access to <image>

Run your own registry

There is a docker image called registry that serves a docker registry.

  • docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry to start it
  • To push an image to the registry
    • docker image tag my-image localhost:5000/my-image to tag it
    • docker push localhost:5000/my-image and push it
  • `docker pull

Running Windows Containers

When on Windows, Docker utilizes Microsoft's Hyper-V to run Linux Containers. To run Windows containers, go to the task bar, right click on the Docker icon and select Switch to Windows containers

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