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Created February 17, 2012 23:57
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Slow as molasses.
import Data.Array
import Data.Graph
import Data.IORef
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
main = do
graphRef <- newIORef .
array (1, 1000) $ zip [1 .. 1000] (repeat [])
let f = do
graph <- readIORef graphRef
let numEdges = length $ edges graph
numForests = length $ scc graph
print (numEdges, numForests)
if numEdges < 9936 && numForests > 1
then do
i <- randomRIO (1, 1000)
j <- randomRIO (1, 1000)
unless (path graph i j) $ do
p <- randomIO :: IO Double
when (p < 0.05) $
modifyIORef graphRef
(// [(i, j : (graph ! i)), (j, i : (graph ! j))])
else return ()
graph <- readIORef graphRef
let g (i, j) = "\t" ++ show i ++ " -> " ++ show j ++ ";\n"
h v = "\t" ++ show v ++ ";\n"
out = "graph {\n" ++ concatMap g (edges graph) ++ concatMap h (vertices graph) ++ "}"
writeFile "ER.gv" out
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