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Created January 10, 2023 10:41
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weighted randomizer
;; port of
(defn weighted-randomizer [weights]
(let [N (count weights)
avg (/ (reduce + weights) N)
aliases (volatile! (vec (repeat N [1 nil])))
{:keys [smalls bigs]} (->> (map-indexed
(fn [idx weight]
(if (< weight avg)
[[idx (/ weight avg)] :smalls]
[[idx (/ weight avg)] :bigs]))
(group-by peek))]
(loop [smalls (mapv first smalls)
bigs (mapv first bigs)]
(let [small (first smalls)
big (first bigs)]
(when (and big small)
(vswap! aliases assoc
(nth small 0)
[(nth small 1) (nth big 0)])
(let [new-val [(nth big 0)
(- (nth big 1)
(- 1 (nth small 1)))]]
(if (< (nth new-val 1) 1)
(recur (assoc smalls 0 new-val)
(rest bigs))
(recur (rest smalls)
(assoc bigs 0 new-val)))))))
(fn weighted-random[]
(let [r (* N (rand))
i (int r)
[odds alias] (nth @aliases i)]
(if (> (- r i) odds)
(def tester (weighted-randomizer [1 2 10]))
(sort-by val (frequencies (repeatedly 5000 (fn [] (tester)))))
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