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Last active October 6, 2023 18:22
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animated value in electric
(def timer*
(->> e/<clock ;; produce time
(y/sample e/-get-system-time-ms) ;; label time
(y/reductions (fn([] {:t (e/-get-system-time-ms) :dt 0})
([acc next] ;; produce difference
{:t (e/-get-system-time-ms)
:dt (- next (:t acc))})))))
(defn pid [<setpoint {:keys [<force error-threshold k <clock]
:or {<force (y/watch (atom 10))
<clock (y/eduction (map :dt) timer*)
k 0.0005
error-threshold 0.2}}]
(let [!curr (atom 0)
!gate (atom true)]
(y/?< <setpoint)
(reset! !gate true)
(let [<gated-clock (if (y/?< (y/watch !gate)) <clock (y/ap))
[setpoint force curr dt]
(y/?< (y/sample vector
<setpoint <force (y/watch !curr) <gated-clock
err (- setpoint curr)]
(if (< (Math/abs err) error-threshold)
(do (reset! !gate false) setpoint)
(swap! !curr + (* err dt k force)))))))
(defmacro animated-value [setpoint & {:as args}]
`(let [!v# (atom 0)]
(reset! !v# ~setpoint)
(new (pid (y/watch !v#) ~args))))
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