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Forked from muddana/
Created April 21, 2021 19:05
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sentiment analysis of twitter data.
# down the test/train data :
#into a folder "corpus" at the level of this file (else u need to change inside the code for now)
import nltk
import random
import re
import gc
from pymongo import Connection
#method defs
#reads tweets, each tweet is a tuple(?, is tat what it is called in python) (string, integer). string is the tweet text, integer is 0 for :(, 4 for :)
def read_tweets(filename):
arr = []
f = open(filename, 'r')
for line in f:
tweet = line.split(';;')
arr.append((list(re.sub('\.+', ' ', tweet[5]).split()), tweet[0]))
return arr
def get_tweets(filenames):
tweets = []
print "reading tweets..."
for name in filenames:
tweets = tweets + read_tweets(name)
return tweets
def generate_tweet_set(filenames, feature_extractor, RECALC_FEATURES = True, NUM_WORD_FEATURES = 500):
tweets = get_tweets(filenames)
print "total tweets read: ", len(tweets)
WORD_FEATURES = get_word_features(getwords_in_tweets(tweets), NUM_WORD_FEATURES)
print "building train set..."
from nltk.classify import apply_features
return apply_features(feature_extractor, tweets)
def getwords_in_tweets(tweets):
all_words = []
for (words, sentiment) in tweets:
for word in words:
if not(word.lower().strip(',').strip('!') in ["we","was","2", "at", "that", "it", "for", "is", "i", "on", "of", "am", "i'm", ":)", ":(", ":-)", ":-(", ")", "(", "=", "=)", "^_^", "-", "$lt;3", ":/", ":|", "www",""", "?",",", "--", ">", ";)",":'(", ";/", ";\\", "'", "=d", "in", "the", ":d", "!!", "+", "!!!", ":p", "&gt", "&gt:", ":o", ";o", "<3", "a"]) and (not word.lower().isdigit()) and (not word.lower().startswith('#')) and (not word.lower().startswith('@')) and (not word.lower().startswith('http')):
return all_words
#feature extraction
def extract_features(document):
document_words = set(document)
features = {}
for word in WORD_FEATURES:
features['contains(%s)' % word] = (word in document_words)
return features
def get_word_features(wordlist, FEATURE_COUNT):
print "Building Freqency Distribution..."
wordlist = nltk.FreqDist(wordlist)
print "Total words: ", len(wordlist)
#print "Selecting: ", FEATURE_COUNT
word_features = wordlist.keys()[:10000]
return word_features
def train_classifier(training_set):
print "training ..."
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(training_set)
print classifier.show_most_informative_features(100)
return classifier
def test_classifier(classifier, test_set, LEN = 100):
print "testing ..."
import marshal
accuracy = nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set[:LEN])
#marshal.dump(classifier,open("./classifiers/" + str(accuracy), 'wb'))
print accuracy
training_filenames = ["corpus/frowny.txt.processed.2009.05.25", "corpus/smiley.txt.processed.2009.05.25"]
trg_set = generate_tweet_set(training_filenames, extract_features, True, 10000)
classifier = train_classifier(trg_set[:10000])
trg_set = None
test_filenames = ["corpus/testdata.manual.2009.05.25"]
test_classifier(classifier, generate_tweet_set(test_filenames, extract_features, False), 500)
connection = Connection()
db = connection["sample_data"]
tweet_coll = db["sample"]
def classify_tweets_from_db(tweet_coll, count):
for tweet in tweet_coll.find()[:count]:
out = classifier.classify(extract_features(tweet["text"]))
if "0" == out:
print ":("
elif "4" == out:
print ":)"
raise Exception("doenst match the class given")
if tweet["user"]["lang"] == "en":
print tweet["text"].encode('utf_8')
def classify_tweets_with(query):
print "classifying tweets..."
global classifier
global tweet_coll
print tweet_coll.find({ "lang" : u"en"}).count()
for tweet in tweet_coll.find({ "text" : re.compile(".*"+query+".*") }).limit(100):
out = classifier.classify(extract_features(tweet["text"]))
if "0" == out:
print ":("
elif "4" == out:
print ":)"
raise Exception("doenst match the class given")
if tweet["user"]["lang"] == "en":
print tweet["text"].encode('utf_8')
classify_tweets_from_db(tweet_coll, 100)
# classify_tweets_from_db(tweet_coll, 10000)
#except Exception as mess:
# print mess
# exit(1)
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