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PierraKimathi-zz /
Created February 10, 2019 19:52
Munene Word Search
Munene is extremely disappointed to find out that no one in the office knows his first name. Even his close mates call him only by his last name. Frustrated, he decides to make his fellow workmates know his first name by forcing them to solve this question.
You are given a long string as input in each testcase, containing any ASCII character. Your task is to find out the number of times SUVO and SUVOJIT appears in it.
Note: This problem CAN BE SOLVED IN Java, Python or PHP.
Input Format
The first line contains the number of testcases, T. Next, T lines follow each containing a long string S.
Output Format
For each long string S, display the no. of times SUVO and SUVOJIT appears in it."""
DannyQuah /
Last active March 18, 2024 16:12
Pulse Secure Client on Ubuntu Linux

Pulse Secure Client on Ubuntu Linux

by Danny Quah, June 2020 (revised Jan 2022)

Pulse Secure Client is a VPN client that allows secure connection to a Pulse Connect Secure SSL VPN gateway. Many universities use that latter for faculty, staff, and student access to their computer systems. However, because Linux comes in many different flavors, the standard Pulse Secure Client installer does not always run to completion. (For one, [][] suggests "PulseSecure's understanding of Linux package managers and distributions in general seems very limited.") The user is then either forced to use a Windows machine, somehow, or fail VPN access when traveling with their Linux notebook.

This Gist describes the steps I took to install Pulse Secure Client on my Ubuntu-based Linux machines, including a Pixelbook running GalliumOS 3.1 and Dell desktops running Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. Other writeups elsewhere that I've looked at describe the same problems I encountered, but were either out-dated, overly localised,