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Created March 27, 2019 22:47
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module TM where
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Stream as Stream
import Data.List (drop, dropWhile, head, iterate)
data TMAnswer = Accept | Reject deriving (Show)
data Shift = LeftShift | RightShift deriving (Show)
data State = State String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data TMChar = TMChar Char | Empty deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Tape = Tape {left, right :: Stream.Stream TMChar , cell :: TMChar} deriving (Show)
-- a single configuration of a turing machine at a certain point in it's run
data Configuration = Configuration { machine :: TM
, tape :: Tape
, curState :: State
} deriving (Show)
type TM = TuringMachine -- for easier usage of TMs
data TuringMachine = TuringMachine { states :: Set.Set State
, alphabet :: Set.Set TMChar
, inpAlphabet :: Set.Set TMChar
, start :: State
, accepters :: Set.Set State
, halters :: Set.Set State
, transFunction :: State -> TMChar -> (State, TMChar, Shift)
instance Show TuringMachine where
show (TuringMachine stts ab iab s acc hs _) = let
sttsStr = show stts
abStr = show ab
iabStr = show iab
sStr = show s
accStr = show acc
hsStr = show hs
in concat ["States: ", sttsStr, "\n",
"ABC: ", abStr, "\n",
"IABC: ", iabStr, "\n",
"Start: ", sStr, "\n",
"Accs: ", accStr, "\n",
"Halts: ", hsStr, "\n"]
applyTransition :: Tape -> TMChar -> Shift -> Tape
applyTransition tp ch dir = case dir of
LeftShift -> let
oldLeft = left tp
newCell = Stream.head oldLeft
newLeft = Stream.drop 1 oldLeft
newRight = Stream.Cons ch (right tp)
in Tape { left = newLeft, right = newRight, cell = newCell }
RightShift -> let
oldRight = right tp
newCell = Stream.head oldRight
newRight = Stream.drop 1 oldRight
newLeft = Stream.Cons ch (left tp)
in Tape { left = newLeft, right = newRight, cell = newCell }
step :: Configuration -> Configuration
step cfg = let
m = machine cfg
delta = transFunction m
oldTape = tape cfg
(newState, ch, dir) = delta (curState cfg) (cell oldTape)
newTape = applyTransition oldTape ch dir
nextConf = Configuration {machine = m, tape = newTape, curState = newState}
in trace ("nextConf: " ++ (show nextConf)) nextConf
listToTMCharList :: [Char] -> [TMChar]
listToTMCharList l = map (\a -> TMChar a) l
-- create an infinite stream of the empty char and then prepend the string
listToStream :: [TMChar] -> Stream.Stream TMChar
listToStream l = Stream.prefix l (Stream.repeat Empty)
initTM :: TM -> [TMChar] -> Configuration
initTM m word = let
tp = Tape {left = Stream.repeat Empty, right = listToStream $ drop 1 word, cell = head word}
Configuration { machine = m
, tape = tp
, curState = start m
isRunning :: Configuration -> Bool
isRunning conf = let
isrunningans = not $ Set.member (curState conf) (halters $ machine conf)
curs = (curState conf)
hlts = (halters $ machine conf)
in trace ("isrunans = " ++ (show isrunningans) ++ "\n" ++
"curstate = " ++ (show (curs)) ++ "\n" ++
"hlts = " ++ (show hlts) ++ "\n") isrunningans
isAccept :: Configuration -> Bool
isAccept conf = Set.member (curState conf) (accepters $ machine conf)
getAnswer :: Configuration -> TMAnswer
getAnswer conf = case Set.member (curState conf) (accepters $ machine conf) of
True -> Accept
False -> Reject
machineRun :: TM -> [TMChar] -> [Configuration]
machineRun m word = let
conf0 = initTM m word
in iterate step conf0
machineResult :: TM -> [Char] -> TMAnswer
machineResult m word = getAnswer $ head $ dropWhile isRunning (machineRun m tmword)
where tmword = listToTMCharList word
-- a definition of a turing machine that recognizes the word "Niv"
nivStates = Set.fromList [State "start", State "n", State "ni", State "niv", State "end"]
ab = Set.fromList (listToTMCharList (['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']))
iab = ab
st = State "start"
acc = Set.fromList [State "niv"]
halts = Set.fromList [State "niv", State "end"]
delta (State s) (TMChar ch) = let
next = trace ("got state, ch: " ++ (show (s,ch))) (case (s, ch) of
("start", 'n') -> (State "n", TMChar 'n', RightShift)
("n", 'i') -> (State "ni", TMChar 'i', RightShift)
("ni", 'v') -> (State "niv", TMChar 'v', RightShift)
(_, _) -> (State "end", TMChar 'x', RightShift))
bla = trace ("next State: " ++ (show next)) next
in next
main :: IO ()
main = let
nivTM = TuringMachine nivStates ab iab st acc halts delta
in do
-- print nivTM
print (machineResult nivTM "niv")
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