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Last active April 4, 2023 06:54
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A batch script wrapper for portable apps or applications.
@echo off
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------
REM Batch Script Wrapper Caller for Portable Apps or Scripts (cmd)
REM ---------------------------------------------------------------
REM Author : cacc@greenleaflabworks | Christian Arvin C. Cabo
REM Date : 2023-01-07
REM Paypal : @caccabo
REM GCash : 09276311928
REM This is a wrapper for portable apps that updates to the same directory with a different app name.
REM A complete example is rufus portable. Just create a new directory and register this path to windows environment variable.
REM Create a rufus directory and place the rufus app inside. On the root directory rename this wrapper to rufus.cmd and configure the variables below.
REM Example Setup
REM D:/user-bin -->| (D:/user-bin is the registered path)
REM /rufus.cmd
REM /rufus-portable -->|
REM /rufus-3.21.exe (this will be called) (rufus latest version)
REM /rufus-3.20.exe
REM /rufus-3.18.exe
REM /...(other files and directory)
:: --- Instructions Start ---
:: place this wrapper cmd outside the root directory you want to wrap
:: change the configuration variables to your needs
:: --- Instructions End ---
:: configuration variables
set target_dir=rufus-portable
set target_exe=rufus*.exe
:: constant variables
set working_dir=%~dp0
:: --- code flow start ---
:: 1. save current caller directory
:: 2. create a local with enabled delayed expansion (not really needed but enabled for future uses)
:: 3. call the drive letter ** this is important if our app is on another drive **
:: 4. cd to the directory using the configuration variables
:: 5. loop into the target directory and execute the first result ** /r is used as to select the current app, e.g. rufus-x-x.exe **
:: Notes: inside the loop if our application has a GUI add a "start" command before the %%a %*
:: --- code flow end ---
:: #script start
pushd %cd%
cd %working_dir%%target_dir%
for /f "usebackq delims=''" %%a in (`dir /b /a:-d /s %target_exe% ^| sort /r`) do (
pushd %%~dpa
:: ------------------------------------------
:: For console Apps use this without start
%%a %*
:: ------------------------------------------
:: For GUI Apps use this
:: start %%a %*
) & goto:exit
:: #script end
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