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Last active July 23, 2016 11:03
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  • Save niwaniwa/42414f9e8f4dde760a31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save niwaniwa/42414f9e8f4dde760a31 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<map proto="1.3.3">
<name>Infinite Road</name>
<objective>Grab the wool from the enemy's wool room and place it on your victory monument.</objective>
<author uuid="f010845ca9ac4a04bf2761d92f8b03ff"/>
<!-- teams -->
<team color="blue" max="35">Blue Team</team>
<team color="dark_red" max="35">Red Team</team>
<kit name="spawn">
<item slot="0">IRON_SWORD</item>
<item slot="1">BOW</item>
<item slot="2">IRON_PICKAXE</item>
<item slot="3">IRON_AXE</item>
<item slot="6" amount="64" damage="11">GLASS</item>
<item slot="7" amount="64">LOG</item>
<item slot="8" name="French bread!" amount="32">BREAD</item>
<item slot="9" amount="64" bind="true">ARROW</item>
<kit name="blue" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="0066cc" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="0066cc" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<kit name="red" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="F27FA5" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="F27FA5" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<kit name="HEAL">
<potion duration="30" amplifier="100">HEAL</potion>
<kit name="HEAL2">
<potion duration="30" amplifier="300">HEAL</potion>
<kit name="a">
<potion duration="5" amplifier="30">damage resistance</potion>
<!-- item remove -->
<!-- sword and bow -->
<!-- 装備 -->
<!-- leather -->
<!-- iron -->
<!-- etc -->
<!-- toolrepair -->
<!-- spawns -->
<spawn team="blue" yaw="-180" kit="blue">
<cuboid min="1,52,181" max="-1,52,179" />
<spawn team="dark_red" yaw="0" kit="red">
<cuboid min="-1,52,-1" max="1,52,1" />
<default yaw="90">
<cuboid min="-1,122,93" max="1,122,91" />
<!-- filters -->
<!-- y=50を起点に作成したためvoidフィルターを使用しても意味がない問題... -->
<filter name="only-blue">
<filter name="only-red">
<filter name="wool">
<filter name="kit-filter">
<filter name="woolrome">
<filter name="time">
<elapsed min="15m" max="24m" />
<filter name="time2">
<elapsed min="25m" max="30m" />
<filter name="velocity">
<elapsed min="10m" />
<union name="outside">
<union name="void">
<cuboid min="130,45,120" max="-94,0,272" />
<cuboid min="-121,45,60" max="98,0,-99" />
<cuboid min="37,42,58" max="-41,0,124" />
<union name="game-arena">
<union name="all-woolroom">
<union name="blue-team">
<rectangle min="-10,-49" max="10,-69" />
<rectangle min="69,10" max="49,-10" />
<rectangle min="-49,-10" max="-69,10" />
<union name="red-team">
<rectangle min="49,170" max="69,190" />
<rectangle min="10,229" max="-10,249" />
<rectangle min="-49,190" max="-69,170" />
<union name="all-base">
<union name="blue-base">
<rectangle min="2,164" max="-2,195" />
<rectangle min="-16,178" max="16,182" />
<rectangle min="8,172" max="-8,188" />
<rectangle min="-11,185" max="11,175" />
<rectangle min="-5,169" max="5,191" />
<rectangle min="3,192" max="3,192" />
<rectangle min="6,189" max="6,189" />
<rectangle min="9,186" max="9,186" />
<rectangle min="12,183" max="12,183" />
<rectangle min="3,168" max="3,168" />
<rectangle min="6,189" max="6,171" />
<rectangle min="9,186" max="9,174" />
<rectangle min="12,183" max="12,177" />
<rectangle min="-3,168" max="-3,168" />
<rectangle min="-6,189" max="-6,171" />
<rectangle min="-9,186" max="-9,174" />
<rectangle min="-12,183" max="-12,177" />
<rectangle min="-3,192" max="-3,192" />
<rectangle min="-6,189" max="-6,189" />
<rectangle min="-9,186" max="-9,186" />
<rectangle min="-12,183" max="-12,183" />
<union name="red-base">
<rectangle min="-2,-16" max="2,15" />
<rectangle min="16,2" max="-16,-2" />
<rectangle min="-8,-8" max="8,8" />
<rectangle min="11,5" max="-11,-5" />
<rectangle min="-5,-11" max="5,11" />
<rectangle min="-2,16" max="2,16" />
<rectangle min="3,12" max="3,12" />
<rectangle min="6,9" max="6,9" />
<rectangle min="9,6" max="9,6" />
<rectangle min="12,3" max="12,3" />
<rectangle min="12,-3" max="12,-3" />
<rectangle min="9,-6" max="9,-6" />
<rectangle min="6,-9" max="6,-9" />
<rectangle min="3,-12" max="3,-12" />
<rectangle min="-3,-12" max="-3,-12" />
<rectangle min="-6,-9" max="-6,-9" />
<rectangle min="-9,-6" max="-9,-6" />
<rectangle min="-12,-3" max="-12,-3" />
<rectangle min="-12,3" max="-12,3" />
<rectangle min="-9,6" max="-9,6" />
<rectangle min="-6,9" max="-6,9" />
<rectangle min="-3,12" max="-3,12" />
<union name="arena">
<rectangle min="-88,261" max="83,-82" />
<union name="jump">
<cuboid min="-34,52,132" max="-33,51,131" />
<cuboid min="34,52,132" max="33,51,131" />
<cuboid min="34,52,49" max="33,51,48" />
<cuboid min="-34,52,48" max="-33,51,49" />
<union name="modify-jump-arena">
<rectangle min="35,133" max="32,130" />
<rectangle min="-35,130" max="-32,133" />
<rectangle min="35,50" max="32,47" />
<rectangle min="-35,47" max="-32,50" />
<complement name="bases">
<region name="all-base" />
<block location="1,53,189" />
<block location="0,53,189" />
<block location="-1,53,189" />
<block location="0,53,-9" />
<block location="-1,53,-9" />
<block location="1,53,-9" />
<!-- <union name="all-kitArea"> <union name="blue-kitarea"> </union> <union
name="red-kitarea"> </union> </union> -->
<!-- Block Rules -->
<!-- 定義順の変更 -->
<apply block="woolrome" message="You may not modify wool room chest.">
<region name="all-woolroom" />
<apply use="only-blue">
<region name="blue-team" />
<apply use="only-red">
<region name="red-team" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify base.">
<region name="bases" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify jump Area.">
<region name="modify-jump-arena" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify redstone lamp.">
<cuboid min="1,52,89" max="-1,54,91" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify outside.">
<region name="outside" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify.">
<rectangle min="-34,132" max="-33,131" />
<rectangle min="34,132" max="33,131" />
<rectangle min="34,49" max="33,48" />
<rectangle min="-34,48" max="-33,49" />
<apply block="only-blue" message="You may not modify your own wool room.">
<region name="blue-team" />
<apply block="only-red" message="You may not modify your own wool room.">
<region name="red-team" />
<!-- Player Rulues -->
<apply enter="only-blue" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="blue-base" />
<apply enter="only-red" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="red-base" />
<apply enter="only-red" message="You may not enter your own wool room.">
<region name="red-team" />
<apply enter="only-blue" message="You may not enter your own wool room.">
<region name="blue-team" />
<apply velocity="0,2,0" kit="a">
<region name="jump" />
<apply filter="time" kit="HEAL">
<region name="all-woolroom" />
<region name="all-base" />
<apply filter="time2" kit="HEAL2">
<region name="all-woolroom" />
<region name="all-base" />
<!-- Capture the Wool (CTW) -->
<wool team="blue" color="YELLOW">
<block location="1,53,189" />
<wool team="blue" color="Lime">
<block location="0,53,189" />
<wool team="blue" color="ORANGE">
<block location="-1,53,189" />
<wool team="red" color="PINK">
<block location="0,53,-9" />
<wool team="red" color="LIGHT_BLUE">
<block location="-1,53,-9" />
<wool team="red" color="PURPLE">
<block location="1,53,-9" />
<!-- spawn objects (iron ore) -->
<!-- blockdrops -->
<!-- Blue Wool rooms -->
<!-- Orange -->
<item amount="3" damage="1">wool</item>
<!-- Lime -->
<item amount="3" damage="5">wool</item>
<!-- Yellow -->
<item amount="3" damage="4">wool</item>
<!-- red wool room -->
<!-- purple -->
<item amount="3" damage="10">wool</item>
<!-- light blue -->
<item amount="3" damage="3">wool</item>
<!-- pink -->
<item amount="3" damage="6">wool</item>
<!-- mid iron -->
<item amount="2">iron ingot</item>
<!-- all Lapis -->
<rectangle min="-45,142" max="53,37" />
<item amount="1">GOLDEN_APPLE</item>
<item amount="5" bind="true">ARROW</item>
<include src="tutorial.xml" />
<!-- tutorial -->
<stage title="Capture the Wool (CTW)">
<line>This map is a `a`lCapture the Wool`r(CTW) map.</line>
<line>The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>このマップは`a`lInfinite Road`r(CTW)マップです。</line>
<stage title="Observer spawn">
<title lang="ja_JP">観戦者スポーン</title>
<line>This is `bObserver `r spawn.</line>
<line>Let's watch a signboard well</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="-90" pitch="30">0,122,92</point>
<stage title="Blue team spawn">
<title lang="ja_JP">青チームスポーン</title>
<line>This is `9Blue `rteam spawn.</line>
<line>There are three pedestals, and a color is written on a signboard each.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="0">0,52,171</point>
<stage title="Red team spawn">
<title lang="ja_JP">赤チームスポーン</title>
<line>This is `cRed `rteam spawn.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="180">0,52,9</point>
<stage title="Red team wool room">
<title lang="ja_JP">赤チーム羊毛部屋</title>
<line>There are three wool room. The position is located in right and left and the depths of the enemy base.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="0">1,90,116</point>
<stage title="Blue team wool room">
<title lang="ja_JP">青チーム羊毛部屋</title>
<line>`9Blue team wool room</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="180">0,90,69</point>
<stage title="Other specifications">
<title lang="ja_JP">その他の仕様</title>
<stage title="Pottion effect">
<title lang="ja_JP">ポーション効果</title>
<line>A base and the wool room are given the effect of the reproduction power by progress at time.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<stage title="Lapis Lazuli Block">
<title lang="ja_JP">ラピスラズリブロックについて</title>
<line>can fly to the top by getting on the `9Lapis Lazuli Block`r at the specific position.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<!-- 多言語化(ja_JP ...) -->
<include src="Infinite Road/locale.xml"/>
<script src="map.js" />
<autorespawn time="5m"/>
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