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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<map proto="1.3.3">
<name>Sky Cube</name>
<objective>Grab the wool from the enemy's wool room and place it on your victory monument.</objective>
<!-- 制作 -->
<!-- チーム -->
<team color="gold" max="36">Orange Team</team>
<team color="blue" max="36">Blue Team</team>
<!-- kit -->
<kit name="spawn">
<item slot="0">stone sword</item>
<item slot="1">bow</item>
<item slot="2">fishing rod</item>
<item slot="3">iron pickaxe</item>
<item slot="4">iron axe</item>
<item slot="7" amount="16" damage="1">log</item>
<item slot="8" amount="32">bread</item>
<item slot="9" amount="32">arrow</item>
<kit name="Orange" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="D87F33" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="D87F33" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="D87F33" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="D87F33" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2" damage="-3000">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<item slot="6" amount="64" damage="1">STAINED_GLASS</item>
<kit name="Blue" parents="spawn">
<helmet color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE" damage="-3000">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2" damage="-3000">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<item slot="6" amount="64" damage="3">STAINED_GLASS</item>
<!-- item remove -->
<!-- spawn -->
<spawn team="gold" yaw="-135" kit="Orange">
<cuboid min="-111,58,120" max="-108,58,117"/>
<spawn team="blue" yaw="45" kit="Blue">
<cuboid min="10,58,-1" max="13,58,-4"/>
<default yaw="0">
<cuboid min="-42,130,56" max="-42,130,56"/>
<filter name="only-orange">
<filter name="only-blue">
<filter name="wool">
<!-- regions -->
<union name="outside">
<union name="bedrock">
<cuboid min="-172,50,165" max="69,0,-63"/>
<union name="all-arena">
<union name="all-base">
<union name="orange-base">
<rectangle min="-95,104" max="-114,123"/>
<union name="blue-base">
<rectangle min="-3,12" max="16,-7"/>
<union name="all-wool-room">
<union name="chest">
<cuboid min="53,60,21" max="53,59,29"/>
<cuboid min="-20,60,-43" max="-12,59,-43"/>
<cuboid min="-151,60,95" max="-151,59,87"/>
<cuboid min="-78,60,159" max="-86,59,159"/>
<union name="orange-team">
<rectangle min="-9,-30" max="-21,-44"/>
<rectangle min="40,32" max="54,20"/>
<union name="blue-team">
<rectangle min="-89,146" max="-77,160"/>
<rectangle min="-139,84" max="-152,96"/>
<union name="area">
<rectangle min="-3,55" max="43,13"/>
<rectangle min="33,55" max="-3,139"/>
<rectangle min="-3,-33" max="-42,-23"/>
<rectangle min="-95,-23" max="-131,61"/>
<rectangle min="-95,61" max="-141,103"/>
<rectangle min="-95,139" max="-56,149"/>
<rectangle min="-95,139" max="-3,-23"/>
<!-- Block Rules -->
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify enemy wool room chest.">
<region name="chest"/>
<apply block="wool" message="You may not modify base.">
<region name="all-base"/>
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify outside.">
<region name="outside"/>
<apply block="only-orange" message="You may not modify enemy wool room.">
<region name="orange-team"/>
<apply block="only-blue" message="You may not modify enemy wool room.">
<region name="blue-team"/>
<!-- Player Rulues -->
<apply enter="only-orange" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="orange-base"/>
<apply enter="only-blue" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="blue-base" />
<apply enter="only-orange" message="Don't enter the enemy Wool room.">
<region name="orange-team"/>
<apply enter="only-blue" message="Don't enter the enemy Wool room.">
<region name="blue-team"/>
<!-- wool -->
<wool team="gold" color="yellow">
<block location="-110,59,113"/>
<wool team="gold" color="pink">
<block location="-104,59,119"/>
<wool team="blue" color="green">
<block location="12,59,3"/>
<wool team="blue" color="light blue">
<block location="6,59,-3"/>
<!-- blockdrops -->
<!-- green -->
<cuboid min="-82,60,155" max="-82,60,155"/>
<item amount="3" damage="13">wool</item>
<!-- light blue -->
<cuboid min="-147,60,91" max="-147,60,91"/>
<item amount="3" damage="3">wool</item>
<!-- orange -->
<cuboid min="49,60,25" max="49,60,25"/>
<item amount="3" damage="4">wool</item>
<!-- pink -->
<cuboid min="-16,60,-39" max="-16,60,-39"/>
<item amount="3" damage="6">wool</item>
<!-- portals -->
<portal x="@-10" y="@58" z="@132" yaw="-90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-61,57,133" max="-59,57,131"/>
<portal x="@-62" y="@58" z="@132" yaw="90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-11,57,131" max="-13,57,133"/>
<portal x="@-62" y="@58" z="@132" yaw="90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-11,51,131" max="-13,51,133"/>
<portal x="@26" y="@58" z="@96" yaw="0" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="25,57,48" max="27,57,50"/>
<portal x="@26" y="@58" z="@47" yaw="180" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="25,51,95" max="27,51,93"/>
<portal x="@-88" y="@58" z="@-16" yaw="90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-37,57,-17" max="-39,57,-15"/>
<portal x="@-36" y="@58" z="@-16" yaw="-90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-85,57,-17" max="-87,57,-15"/>
<portal x="@-36" y="@58" z="@-16" yaw="-90" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-85,51,-17" max="-87,51,-15"/>
<portal x="@-124" y="@58" z="@69" yaw="0" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-125,57,21" max="-123,57,23"/>
<portal x="@-124" y="@58" z="@69" yaw="0" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-125,51,21" max="-123,51,23"/>
<portal x="@-124" y="@58" z="@20" yaw="180" pitch="0">
<cuboid min="-125,57,66" max="-123,57,68"/>
</portals> -->
<item amount="1">GOLDEN_APPLE</item>
<item amount="5">ARROW</item>
<include src="tutorial.xml"/>
<stage title="Square cube(CTW)">
<title lang="ja_JP">(CTW)</title>
<line>This map is a `f`lWhite object`r(CTW) map.</line>
The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base.
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>このマップは`f`lSquare cube `r(CTW)マップです。</line>
<point yaw="0">-42,130,56</point>
<stage title="Orange team's Wool rooms">
<title lang="ja_JP">Orangeチームの羊毛部屋</title>
These are `6Orange team`r's wool rooms housing `2green `rand `1light blue`r.
<line>`2Lime Team `rhas `dpink `rand `6orange`rwools.</line>
`6Orange team`r should defend these rooms against `2Lime Team `rinvaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive.
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>`6Orange チーム`rには`2Green `rと`1Light Blue `rの羊毛ルームがあります</line>
<line>`1Lime チーム `rには`dpink`rと`2orange`rの羊毛があります。</line>
<point yaw="-30" pitch="30">-93,68,137</point>
<stage title="Orange team spawn">
<title lang="ja_JP">Orangeチームスポーン</title>
<line>Here is the `6Orange team `rvictory monument and spawn where the captured wool must be placed.</line>
<line>Both wool must be placed to win.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>ここは`6Orange チーム`rスポーンポイントと台座です。</line>
<point yaw="-130">-112,59,122</point>
<locale lang="ja_JP">
<string name="Grab the wool from the enemy's wool room and place it on your victory monument." value="敵本拠地横にある羊毛を奪取し、台座に設置"/>
<string name="You may not modify base." value="拠点は編集できません。"/>
<string name="You may not modify outside." value="範囲外は編集できません。"/>
<string name="Don't enter the enemy spawn." value="敵の陣地には侵入できません。"/>
<string name="Don't enter the enemy Wool room." value="敵の羊毛部屋には侵入できません。"/>
<string name="You may not modify enemy wool room." value="敵の羊毛部屋は編集できません。"/>
<string name="You may not modify enemy wool room chest." value="羊毛部屋のチェストは編集できません。"/>
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