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Last active August 2, 2016 00:48
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ map Stony Road
+ author KokekoKko_
+ version 1.1.2 -->
<map proto="1.3.3">
<name>Stony Road</name>
<objective>Grab the wool from the enemy's wool room and place it on your victory monument.</objective>
<author uuid="f010845c-a9ac-4a04-bf27-61d92f8b03ff">KokekoKko_</author>
<!-- team -->
<team color="blue" max="35">Blue Team</team>
<team color="dark_red" max="35">Red Team</team>
<!-- kit -->
<kit name="default">
<item slot="0">IRON_SWORD</item>
<item slot="1">BOW</item>
<item slot="2" enchantment="DIG_SPEED:1">IRON_PICKAXE</item>
<item slot="3">IRON_AXE</item>
<item slot="6" amount="64">GLASS</item>
<item slot="7" amount="64">LOG</item>
<item slot="8" name="French bread!" amount="32">BREAD</item>
<item slot="9" amount="64" bind="true">ARROW</item>
<item slot="10" amount="64" bind="true">ARROW</item>
<item slot="11" amount="16">ARROW</item>
<!-- old 16453 -->
<item slot="34" damage="16421" bind="true">potion</item>
<item slot="35" damage="16421" bind="true">potion</item>
<potion duration="7" amplifier="2">increase_damage</potion>
<potion duration="7" amplifier="2">damage_resistance</potion>
<kit name="blue" parents="default">
<helmet color="0066cc" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="0066cc" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="6699D8" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<kit name="red" parents="default">
<helmet color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_HELMET</helmet>
<chestplate color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_CHESTPLATE</chestplate>
<leggings color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_LEGGINGS</leggings>
<boots color="cd0000" enchantment="PROTECTION_PROJECTILE;PROTECTION_FALL:2"
damage="-3000" bind="true">LEATHER_BOOTS</boots>
<kit name="poison">
<potion duration="7" amplifier="200">POISON</potion>
<kit name="damage">
<potion duration="5" amplifier="30">damage resistance</potion>
<!-- sword and bow -->
<!-- 装備 -->
<!-- chainmail -->
<item>chainmail chestplate</item>
<item>chainmail leggings</item>
<item>chainmail boots</item>
<item>leather helmet</item>
<!-- leather -->
<!-- iron -->
<!-- diamon -->
<!-- tool -->
<!-- block -->
<!-- spawn -->
<spawn team="blue" yaw="0" kit="blue">
<cuboid min="1,66,-3" max="-1,66,-5" />
<spawn team="dark_red" yaw="-180" kit="red">
<cuboid min="-1,66,299" max="1,66,301" />
<default yaw="-90">
<cuboid min="-100,114,144" max="-104,114,150" />
<!-- filter -->
<filter name="only-blue">
<filter name="only-red">
<filter name="void">
<void />
<filter name="chest">
<filter name="iron" parents="deny-break">
<block>iron block</block>
<filter name="block-red" parents="deny-blocks">
<filter name="block-blue" parents="deny-blocks">
<!-- region -->
<union name="bases">
<union name="blue-base">
<rectangle min="-11,-14" max="11,-3" />
<rectangle min="-10,-2" max="10,-2" />
<rectangle min="-9,-1" max="9,-1" />
<rectangle min="-8,0" max="8,0" />
<rectangle min="-7,1" max="7,1" />
<rectangle min="-6,2" max="6,2" />
<rectangle min="-5,3" max="5,3" />
<rectangle min="-4,4" max="4,4" />
<rectangle min="-8,4" max="8,0" />
<rectangle min="-4,12" max="4,5" />
<union name="red-base">
<rectangle min="-11,310" max="11,299" />
<rectangle min="-10,298" max="10,299" />
<rectangle min="-9,297" max="9,298" />
<rectangle min="-8,296" max="8,297" />
<rectangle min="-7,295" max="7,296" />
<rectangle min="-6,294" max="6,295" />
<rectangle min="-5,293" max="5,294" />
<rectangle min="-4,292" max="4,293" />
<rectangle min="8,292" max="-8,296" />
<rectangle min="-4,291" max="4,284" />
<!-- hayatarou_ 様ご協力 -->
<union name="all-wool-chest">
<union name="blue-chest">
<cuboid max="98,78,-83" min="97,78,-83"/>
<cuboid max="94,78,-86" min="94,78,-87"/>
<cuboid max="98,78,-91" min="99,78,-91"/>
<cuboid max="102,78,-88" min="102,78,-87"/>
<cuboid max="-94,78,-87" min="-94,78,-86"/>
<cuboid max="-97,78,-83" min="-98,78,-83"/>
<cuboid max="-99,78,-91" min="-98,78,-91"/>
<cuboid max="-102,78,-87" min="-102,78,-88"/>
<union name="red-chest">
<cuboid min="102,78,384" max="102,78,383"/>
<cuboid min="98,78,387" max="99,78,387"/>
<cuboid min="94,78,382" max="94,78,383"/>
<cuboid min="97,78,379" max="98,78,379"/>
<cuboid min="-98,78,387" max="-99,78,387"/>
<cuboid min="-102,78,383" max="-102,78,384"/>
<cuboid min="-94,78,382" max="-94,78,383"/>
<cuboid min="-97,78,379" max="-98,78,379"/>
<union name="all-wool">
<union name="blue-wool">
<union name="blue-source">
<!-- lime -->
<cylinder base="-95,0,380" radius="11" height="255" />
<!-- green -->
<cylinder base="95,0,380" radius="11" height="255" />
<region name="blue-chest"/>
<union name="red-wool">
<union name="red-source">
<!-- pink -->
<cylinder base="95,0,-84" radius="11" height="255" />
<!-- magenta -->
<cylinder base="-95,0,-84" radius="11" height="255" />
<region name="red-chest"/>
<union name="pedestal">
<!-- blue -->
<cylinder name="blue-pedestal" base="0,0,46" radius="5" height="255" />
<!-- red -->
<cylinder name="red-pedestal" base="0,0,250" radius="5" height="255" />
<block location="1,74,45" />
<block location="-1,74,45" />
<block location="-1,74,251" />
<block location="1,74,251" />
<union name="jump">
<union name="blue-jump">
<cuboid min="-7,66,2" max="-6,66,3"/>
<cuboid min="7,66,2" max="6,66,3"/>
<block location="-6,66,2" />
<block location="6,66,2" />
<union name="red-jump">
<cuboid min="7,66,294" max="6,66,293"/>
<cuboid min="-7,66,294" max="-6,66,293"/>
<block location="-6,66,294" />
<block location="6,66,294" />
<!-- block -->
<apply block-break="chest" message="You may not modify chest.">
<region name="red-chest" />
<region name="blue-chest" />
<apply block-break="only-blue" block-place="only-blue" message="You may not modify your own wool room.">
<region name="blue-wool" />
<apply block-break="only-red" block-place="only-red" message="You may not modify your own wool room.">
<region name="red-wool" />
<apply block-break="iron" message="You may not modify base.">
<region name="bases" />
<apply block="deny-all" message="You may not modify base.">
<region name="bases" />
<apply block="deny-blocks" message="You may not modify.">
<region name="pedestal" />
<apply block-place="deny-all" message="You may not modify.">
<cuboid min="-500,49,-500" max="500,1,500" />
<apply block="void" message="You may not modify outside.">
<rectangle min="-oo,-oo" max="oo,oo" />
<apply velocity="0,2,0" kit="damage">
<region name="jump"/>
<!-- player -->
<apply enter="only-blue" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="blue-base" />
<apply enter="only-red" message="Don't enter the enemy spawn.">
<region name="red-base" />
<apply enter="only-red" message="You may not enter your own wool room.">
<region name="red-wool" />
<apply enter="only-blue" message="You may not enter your own wool room.">
<region name="blue-wool" />
<apply filter="only-red" kit="poison">
<region name="blue-pedestal" />
<cuboid min="-2,57,66" max="2,77,52"/>
<apply filter="only-blue" kit="poison">
<region name="red-pedestal" />
<cuboid min="-2,77,244" max="2,57,230"/>
<!-- kill -->
<item amount="1">GOLDEN_APPLE</item>
<kill-streak min="1" max="5" />
<item amount="1">GOLDEN_APPLE</item>
<kill-streak min="5" max="10" />
<item amount="8">EXP_BOTTLE</item>
<!-- Capture the Wool (CTW) -->
<wool team="blue" color="lime">
<block location="1,74,45" />
<wool team="blue" color="green">
<block location="-1,74,45" />
<wool team="dark_red" color="pink">
<block location="-1,74,251" />
<wool team="dark_red" color="magenta">
<block location="1,74,251" />
<!-- blockdrop -->
<!-- iron 1-->
<!-- bule -->
<cuboid min="-4,59,-4" max="4,59,4" />
<!-- red -->
<cuboid min="4,59,300" max="-4,59,292" />
<block>iron block</block>
<item amount="1">iron block</item>
<replacement>iron block</replacement>
<!-- iron 2-->
<!-- bule -->
<cuboid min="-4,61,-4" max="4,60,4" />
<!-- red -->
<cuboid min="4,61,300" max="-4,60,292" />
<block>iron block</block>
<item amount="1">iron block</item>
<replacement>iron block</replacement>
<!-- pink -->
<block location="101,80,-90" />
<item damage="6" amount="1">wool</item>
<!-- magenta -->
<block location="-101,80,-90" />
<item damage="2" amount="1">wool</item>
<!-- lime -->
<block location="-101,80,386" />
<item damage="5" amount="1">wool</item>
<!-- green -->
<block location="101,80,386" />
<item damage="13" amount="1">wool</item>
<!-- etc... -->
<rectangle min="-oo,-oo" max="oo,oo" />
<include src="tutorial.xml" />
<!-- tutorial -->
<stage title="Capture the Wool (CTW)">
<line>This map is a `a`lCapture the Wool`r(CTW) map.</line>
<line>The objective is to grab the wool on the other team's side and return it to your base.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>このマップは`a`lCapture the Wool`r(CTW)マップです。</line>
<stage title="Observer spawn">
<title lang="ja_JP">観戦者スポーン</title>
<line>This is `bObserver `r spawn.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="-90" pitch="40">-82,128,147</point>
<stage title="Blue team's Wool rooms">
<title lang="ja_JP">Blueチームの羊毛ルーム</title>
<line>These are `9Blue team`r's wool rooms housing `aLime`r and `2Green`r.</line>
<line>`cRed Team `rhas `dPink`r and `5Purple`r wools.</line>
<line>Blue Team should defend these rooms against Red Team invaders who are trying to steal the wool and make it back alive.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<line>`9Blueチーム `rは`dPink`rと`5Magenta`rの羊毛ルームがあります。</line>
<line>`cRedチーム `rには`aLime`rと`2Green`rの羊毛があります。</line>
<point yaw="180" pitch="59">1,140,19</point>
<stage title="Red team's Base">
<title lang="ja_JP">Redチームの拠点</title>
<line>Here is the `cRed team `rspawn.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="0" pitch="0">0,66,296</point>
<stage title="Red team's victory monument">
<title lang="ja_JP">Redチームの拠点</title>
<line>Here is the `cRed team `rvictory monument where the captured wool must be placed.</line>
<line>Both wool must be placed to win.</line>
<message lang="ja_JP">
<point yaw="0" pitch="0">0,73,245</point>
<include src="Stony Road/locale.xml" />
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