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Last active April 30, 2023 03:49
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# Commands to be executed directly by this shell.
# The builtin `cd` for changing the shell's working directory.
BUILTINS['cd'] = lambda do |args|
# Change to the home directory by default.
args << ENV['HOME'] if args.empty?
# Read the destination path, doing very basic path expansion.
dest = args.pop.gsub(/~/, ENV['HOME'])
# Try to change this shell's working directory.
rescue Exception
puts("no such directory: #{dest}")
# The builtin to exit the shell.
BUILTINS['exit'] = lambda do |args|
# Exit with a status of 0 by default.
args << 0 if args.empty?
# Exit the shell.
exit args.pop.to_i
# Print a prompt, then read a line from STDIN.
def read
print('$ ')
# Try to read a line, exiting if there's no more lines.
line = STDIN.gets
if line
line.chomp.split(' ')
# Run the given command in a subprocess.
def evaluate(argv)
if BUILTINS[argv[0]]
success = system(*argv)
unless success
puts("unknown command '#{argv[0]}'")
# Don't exit on `SIGINT`, instead simply return a new prompt.
trap('INT') { print("\n$ ") }
# The glorious REPL itself.
loop { evaluate(read) }
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::process::{Command, Output};
use std::str;
// Our shell, for the greater good. Ready and waiting.
fn main() {
// Standard input file descriptor (0), used for user input from the user
// of the shell.
let mut stdin = io::stdin();
// Standard output file descriptor (1), used to display program output to
// the user of the shell.
let mut stdout = io::stdout();
// STDIN, input buffer, used to `read` text into for further processing.
// TODO: Full fledged parser will be neato.
let mut input = [0; 24];
loop {
// XXX: Blindly drop the contents of input, again this will be better
// with a real parser.
input = [0; 24];
// Print a boring static prompt.
print!("oursh> ");
loop {
// TODO: Enable raw access to STDIN, so we can read as the user
// types. By default the underlying file is line buffered. This
// will allow us to process history, syntax, and more!
// Read what's avalible to us. input).expect("error reading STDIN");
// Once we've read a complete "program" (§2.10.2) we handle it,
// until then we keep reading. Once we have a proper parser this
// wont look like a huge hack.
let vec: Vec<&[u8]> = input.splitn(2, |b| *b == '\n' as u8).collect();
match &vec[..] {
[line, rest] => {
let program = str::from_utf8(&line).expect("error reading utf8");
let mut output = handle_program(program);
stdout.write(&output.stdout).expect("error writing to STDOUT");
_ => {},
// Obviously very wrong. Most notably this blocks until the command completes.
fn handle_program(program: &str) -> Output {
.expect("error executing program")
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Rust / Ruby Filesize equivalent.

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oursh progress

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Rust                             7            100            478            594

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Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Rust                            30            296            788           2257

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