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Created February 25, 2021 07:47
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DM's Create for EX4
drop database if exists dm_ex4;
create database dm_ex4;
use dm_ex4;
drop table if exists assessment;
create table assessment
AID int not null primary key,
Aname varchar(15),
weight decimal(3, 2)
insert into assessment(AID, Aname, weight) values
(1, "Midterm Exam", 0.3),
(2, "Final Exam", 0.4),
(3, "Project", 0.3);
drop table if exists student;
create table student
SID int not null primary key,
SName varchar(15) not null
insert into student(SID, Sname) values
(38214, "Ama"),
(54907, "Bob"),
(66324, "Clark"),
(70542, "Dave"),
(15789, "Eme");
drop table if exists course;
create table course
CID char(8) not null primary key,
CName varchar(15) not null
insert into course(CID, Cname) values
("ISM 3113", "Syst Analysis"),
("ISM 3112", "Syst Design"),
("ISM 4212", "Database"),
("ISM 4930", "Networking");
drop table if exists registration;
create table registration
SID int not null,
CID char(8) not null,
semester char(6),
constraint registration_pk primary key (SID, CID),
constraint registration_fk1 foreign key (SID) references student (SID),
constraint registration_fk2 foreign key (CID) references course (CID)
insert into registration(SID, CID, Semester) values
(38214, "ISM 4212", "I-2001"),
(54907, "ISM 4212", "I-2001"),
(54907, "ISM 4930", "I-2001"),
(54907, "ISM 3112", "I-2001"),
(54907, "ISM 3113", "I-2001"),
(66324, "ISM 3113", "I-2002"),
(66324, "ISM 3112", "I-2001"),
(70542, "ISM 3112", "I-2001"),
(70542, "ISM 4212", "I-2002");
drop table if exists performance;
create table performance
SID int not null,
CID char(8) not null,
AID int not null,
Mark int,
constraint performance_pk primary key (SID, CID, AID),
constraint performance_fk1 foreign key (SID) references registration (SID),
constraint performance_fk2 foreign key (CID) references registration (CID),
constraint performance_fk3 foreign key (AID) references assessment (AID)
insert into performance(SID, CID, AID, Mark) values
(38214, "ISM 4212", 1, 64),
(38214, "ISM 4212", 2, 79),
(38214, "ISM 4212", 3, 80),
(54907, "ISM 4212", 1, 92),
(54907, "ISM 4212", 2, 89),
(54907, "ISM 4212", 3, 94),
(54907, "ISM 4930", 1, 60),
(54907, "ISM 4930", 2, 72),
(54907, "ISM 4930", 3, 68),
(54907, "ISM 3112", 1, 54),
(54907, "ISM 3112", 2, 61),
(54907, "ISM 3112", 3, 70),
(54907, "ISM 3113", 1, 88),
(54907, "ISM 3113", 2, 93),
(54907, "ISM 3113", 3, 98),
(66324, "ISM 3113", 1, 78),
(66324, "ISM 3113", 2, 82),
(66324, "ISM 3113", 3, 66),
(66324, "ISM 3112", 1, 67),
(66324, "ISM 3112", 2, 72),
(66324, "ISM 3112", 3, 70),
(70542, "ISM 3112", 1, 68),
(70542, "ISM 3112", 2, 77),
(70542, "ISM 3112", 3, 74),
(70542, "ISM 4212", 1, 84),
(70542, "ISM 4212", 2, 78),
(70542, "ISM 4212", 3, 65);
drop table if exists faculty;
create table faculty
FID int not null primary key,
Fname varchar(15)
insert into faculty(FID, FName) values
(2143, "Ama"),
(3467, "Berry"),
(4756, "Coke"),
(5123, "Dave"),
(1789, "Ester");
drop table if exists qualification;
create table qualification
FID int not null,
CID char(8) not null,
date_qualified date,
constraint qualification_pk primary key (FID, CID),
constraint qualification_fk1 foreign key (FID) references faculty (FID),
constraint qualification_fk2 foreign key (CID) references course (CID)
insert into qualification(FID, CID, date_qualified) values
(2143, "ISM 3112", '19880901'),
(2143, "ISM 3113", '19880501'),
(2143, "ISM 4212", '19950101'),
(2143, "ISM 4930", '20001125'),
(3467, "ISM 4212", '19950601'),
(3467, "ISM 4930", '19960901'),
(4756, "ISM 3113", '19910901'),
(4756, "ISM 3112", '19970701'),
(5123, "ISM 3112", '19920601');
drop table if exists room;
create table room
RID int not null primary key,
Type varchar(20),
Capacity int
insert into room (RID, Type, capacity) Values
(3, "Class Room", 20),
(4, "Meeting Room", 3),
(5, "Class Room", 40),
(6, "Seminar Room", 50),
(7, "Seminar Room", 70),
(8, "Meeting Room", 3),
(9, "Study Room", 2);
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