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Created February 12, 2021 11:32
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Open APC R helper
#' Get most current Open APC snapshot
#' Open APC shares several csv files via GitHub, which contain data about
#' institutional spending for open access articles.
#' @param open_apc_cols character vector representing Open APC collections.
#' See `open_apc_collections()` for an overview.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter `%>%` inner_join
#' @importFrom purrr map_df
#' @return Tibble with article-level subset of Open APC dataset including
#' collection.
#' @export
open_apc_get <- function(open_apc_cols = NULL) {
req <- open_apc_collections() %>%
filter(open_apc_collection %in% open_apc_cols) %>%
out <- purrr::map_df(req, open_apc_get_)
inner_join(out, open_apc_collections(), by = "gh_link")
#' Get single Open APC dataset using GitHub Data API
#' @param gh_link URL to GitHub blob
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate
#' @importFrom tidyselect any_of
#' @export
open_apc_get_ <- function(gh_link = NULL) {
gh_file(gh_link, to_disk = FALSE) %>%
read_csv() %>%
select(any_of(c("institution", "doi", "period", "euro", "is_hybrid", "agreement"))) %>%
mutate(gh_link = gh_link)
#' Open APC collections
#' @importFrom tibble tribble
#' @export
open_apc_collections <- function() {
~open_apc_collection, ~gh_link,
"main", "",
"co-funding", "",
"transformative agreements", "",
"deal-wiley-optout", ""
#' Gets a file from a github repo, using the Data API blob endpoint
#' This avoids the 1MB limit of the content API and uses [gh::gh] to deal with
#' authorization and such. See
#' @author Noam Ross
#' @param url the URL of the file to download via API, of the form
#' `
#' @param ref the reference of a commit: a branch name, tag, or commit SHA
#' @param owner,repo,path,ref alternate way to specify the file. These will
#' override values in `url`
#' @param to_disk,destfile write file to disk (default=TRUE)? If so, use the
#' name in `destfile`, or the original filename by default
#' @param .token,.api_url,.method,.limit,.send_headers arguments passed on to
#' [gh::gh]
#' @importFrom gh gh
#' @importFrom stringi stri_match_all_regex
#' @importFrom purrr %||% keep
#' @importFrom base64enc base64decode
#' @return Either the local path of the downloaded file (default), or a raw
#' vector
gh_file <- function(url = NULL, ref=NULL,
owner = NULL, repo = NULL, path = NULL,
to_disk=TRUE, destfile=NULL,
.token = NULL, .api_url= NULL, .method="GET",
.limit = NULL, .send_headers = NULL) {
if (!is.null(url)) {
matches <- stri_match_all_regex(
owner <- owner %||% matches[[1]][3]
repo <- repo %||% matches[[1]][4]
ref <- ref %||% matches[[1]][5]
path <- path %||% matches[[1]][6]
pathdir <- dirname(path)
pathfile <- basename(path)
dir_contents <- gh(
owner = owner, repo = repo, path = pathdir, ref = ref,
.token = NULL, .api_url = NULL, .method = "GET",
.limit = NULL, .send_headers = NULL
file_sha <- keep(dir_contents, ~ .$path == path)[[1]]$sha
blob <- gh(
owner = owner, repo = repo, sha = file_sha,
.token = NULL, .api_url = NULL, .method = "GET",
.limit = NULL, .send_headers = NULL
raw <- base64decode(blob[["content"]])
if (to_disk) {
destfile <- destfile %||% pathfile
writeBin(raw, con = destfile)
} else {
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