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Experimenting with outline methods
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h b/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h
index c3c6a366dab..40d21b7d1d3 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h
@@ -1,995 +1,1284 @@
//===- llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h - 'Normally small' vectors --------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the SmallVector class.
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/Support/AlignOf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemAlloc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
/// This is all the stuff common to all SmallVectors.
/// The template parameter specifies the type which should be used to hold the
/// Size and Capacity of the SmallVector, so it can be adjusted.
/// Using 32 bit size is desirable to shrink the size of the SmallVector.
/// Using 64 bit size is desirable for cases like SmallVector<char>, where a
/// 32 bit size would limit the vector to ~4GB. SmallVectors are used for
/// buffering bitcode output - which can exceed 4GB.
template <class Size_T> class SmallVectorBase {
void *BeginX;
Size_T Size = 0, Capacity;
/// The maximum value of the Size_T used.
static constexpr size_t SizeTypeMax() {
return std::numeric_limits<Size_T>::max();
SmallVectorBase() = delete;
SmallVectorBase(void *FirstEl, size_t TotalCapacity)
: BeginX(FirstEl), Capacity(TotalCapacity) {}
/// This is an implementation of the grow() method which only works
/// on POD-like data types and is out of line to reduce code duplication.
/// This function will report a fatal error if it cannot increase capacity.
void grow_pod(void *FirstEl, size_t MinSize, size_t TSize);
+ size_t grow_size(size_t MinSize = 0) {
+ // Ensure we can fit the new capacity.
+ // This is only going to be applicable when the capacity is 32 bit.
+ if (MinSize > this->SizeTypeMax())
+ report_size_overflow(MinSize);
+ // Ensure we can meet the guarantee of space for at least one more element.
+ // The above check alone will not catch the case where grow is called with a
+ // default MinSize of 0, but the current capacity cannot be increased.
+ // This is only going to be applicable when the capacity is 32 bit.
+ if (capacity() == SizeTypeMax())
+ report_at_maximum_capacity();
+ // Always grow, even from zero.
+ size_t NewCapacity = size_t(NextPowerOf2(capacity() + 2));
+ return std::min(std::max(NewCapacity, MinSize), SizeTypeMax());
+ }
/// Report that MinSize doesn't fit into this vector's size type. Throws
/// std::length_error or calls report_fatal_error.
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN static void report_size_overflow(size_t MinSize);
/// Report that this vector is already at maximum capacity. Throws
/// std::length_error or calls report_fatal_error.
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN static void report_at_maximum_capacity();
size_t size() const { return Size; }
size_t capacity() const { return Capacity; }
LLVM_NODISCARD bool empty() const { return !Size; }
/// Set the array size to \p N, which the current array must have enough
/// capacity for.
/// This does not construct or destroy any elements in the vector.
/// Clients can use this in conjunction with capacity() to write past the end
/// of the buffer when they know that more elements are available, and only
/// update the size later. This avoids the cost of value initializing elements
/// which will only be overwritten.
void set_size(size_t N) {
assert(N <= capacity());
Size = N;
template <class T>
using SmallVectorSizeType =
typename std::conditional<sizeof(T) < 4 && sizeof(void *) >= 8, uint64_t,
/// Figure out the offset of the first element.
template <class T, typename = void> struct SmallVectorAlignmentAndSize {
AlignedCharArrayUnion<SmallVectorBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>>> Base;
AlignedCharArrayUnion<T> FirstEl;
+namespace detail {
+template <typename Size_T> class GrowBufferBase;
+} // namespace detail
/// This is the part of SmallVectorTemplateBase which does not depend on whether
/// the type T is a POD. The extra dummy template argument is used by ArrayRef
/// to avoid unnecessarily requiring T to be complete.
template <typename T, typename = void>
class SmallVectorTemplateCommon
: public SmallVectorBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>> {
using Base = SmallVectorBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>>;
+ friend class detail::GrowBufferBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>>;
/// Find the address of the first element. For this pointer math to be valid
/// with small-size of 0 for T with lots of alignment, it's important that
/// SmallVectorStorage is properly-aligned even for small-size of 0.
void *getFirstEl() const {
return const_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(this) +
offsetof(SmallVectorAlignmentAndSize<T>, FirstEl)));
// Space after 'FirstEl' is clobbered, do not add any instance vars after it.
SmallVectorTemplateCommon(size_t Size) : Base(getFirstEl(), Size) {}
void grow_pod(size_t MinSize, size_t TSize) {
Base::grow_pod(getFirstEl(), MinSize, TSize);
/// Return true if this is a smallvector which has not had dynamic
/// memory allocated for it.
bool isSmall() const { return this->BeginX == getFirstEl(); }
/// Put this vector in a state of being small.
void resetToSmall() {
this->BeginX = getFirstEl();
this->Size = this->Capacity = 0; // FIXME: Setting Capacity to 0 is suspect.
using size_type = size_t;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using value_type = T;
using iterator = T *;
using const_iterator = const T *;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using reference = T &;
using const_reference = const T &;
using pointer = T *;
using const_pointer = const T *;
using Base::capacity;
using Base::empty;
using Base::size;
// forward iterator creation methods.
iterator begin() { return (iterator)this->BeginX; }
const_iterator begin() const { return (const_iterator)this->BeginX; }
iterator end() { return begin() + size(); }
const_iterator end() const { return begin() + size(); }
// reverse iterator creation methods.
reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const{ return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin());}
size_type size_in_bytes() const { return size() * sizeof(T); }
size_type max_size() const {
return std::min(this->SizeTypeMax(), size_type(-1) / sizeof(T));
size_t capacity_in_bytes() const { return capacity() * sizeof(T); }
/// Return a pointer to the vector's buffer, even if empty().
pointer data() { return pointer(begin()); }
/// Return a pointer to the vector's buffer, even if empty().
const_pointer data() const { return const_pointer(begin()); }
reference operator[](size_type idx) {
assert(idx < size());
return begin()[idx];
const_reference operator[](size_type idx) const {
assert(idx < size());
return begin()[idx];
reference front() {
return begin()[0];
const_reference front() const {
return begin()[0];
reference back() {
return end()[-1];
const_reference back() const {
return end()[-1];
+namespace detail {
+template <typename T>
+static constexpr bool
+ is_pod_like_v = (is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value) &&
+ (is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value) &&
+ std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value;
+template <typename Size_T> class GrowBufferBase {
+ GrowBufferBase(Size_T Size, Size_T Capacity, Size_T TSize)
+ : Size(Size), Capacity(Capacity) {
+ BeginX = llvm::safe_malloc(Capacity * TSize);
+ }
+ ~GrowBufferBase() {
+ assert(BeginX == nullptr && "Buffers haven't been swapped out");
+ }
+ Size_T size() const { return Size; }
+ Size_T capacity() const { return Capacity; }
+ void *BeginX;
+ Size_T Size, Capacity;
+ void increaseSize(Size_T NumItems = 1) { Size += NumItems; }
+ void setSize(Size_T NewSize) { Size = NewSize; }
+ template <typename T> void take_buffers(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec) {
+ if (!Vec.isSmall())
+ free(Vec.begin());
+ Vec.BeginX = BeginX;
+ Vec.Size = Size;
+ Vec.Capacity = Capacity;
+ BeginX = nullptr;
+ Size = 0U;
+ Capacity = 0U;
+ }
+template <typename T, bool = is_pod_like_v<T>>
+class GrowBuffer : public GrowBufferBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>> {
+ using Size_T = SmallVectorSizeType<T>;
+ using Base = GrowBufferBase<Size_T>;
+ using Base::capacity;
+ using Base::increaseSize;
+ using Base::size;
+ GrowBuffer(Size_T Size, Size_T Capacity) : Base(Size, Capacity, sizeof(T)) {}
+ T *begin() { return static_cast<T *>(this->BeginX); }
+ T *end() { return begin() + size(); }
+ void default_construct_at_end(Size_T Count) {
+ assert((size() + Count) <= capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ T *First = end();
+ increaseSize(Count);
+ T *Last = end();
+ for (; First != Last; ++First) {
+ ::new (static_cast<void *>(First)) T;
+ }
+ }
+ void push(const T &Elt) {
+ assert(size() < capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ ::new (static_cast<void *>(end())) T(Elt);
+ increaseSize();
+ }
+ void push(T &&Elt) {
+ assert(size() < capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ ::new (static_cast<void *>(end())) T(std::move(Elt));
+ increaseSize();
+ }
+ template <typename... ArgTypes> void emplace(ArgTypes &&...Args) {
+ assert(size() < capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ ::new (static_cast<void *>(end())) T(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
+ increaseSize();
+ }
+ void append(Size_T Count, const T &Elt) {
+ assert((size() + Count) <= capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ std::uninitialized_fill_n(end(), Count, Elt);
+ increaseSize(Count);
+ }
+ template <typename in_iter,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<in_iter>::iterator_category,
+ std::input_iterator_tag>::value>>
+ void append(in_iter Start, in_iter End) {
+ assert(size() + std::distance(Start, End) <= capacity() &&
+ "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ T *NewEnd = std::uninitialized_copy(Start, End, end());
+ this->setSize(NewEnd - begin());
+ }
+ void swap_out_buffer(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec);
+ void swap_out_split_buffer(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec,
+ Size_T SplitIndex);
+template <typename T>
+class GrowBuffer<T, true> : public GrowBufferBase<SmallVectorSizeType<T>> {
+ using Size_T = SmallVectorSizeType<T>;
+ using Base = GrowBufferBase<Size_T>;
+ using Base::capacity;
+ using Base::increaseSize;
+ using Base::size;
+ GrowBuffer(Size_T Size, Size_T Capacity) : Base(Size, Capacity, sizeof(T)) {}
+ T *begin() { return static_cast<T *>(this->BeginX); }
+ T *end() { return begin() + size(); }
+ void default_construct_at_end(Size_T Count) {
+ assert((size() + Count) <= capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ // No need to do any construction here.
+ increaseSize(Count);
+ }
+ void push(const T &Elt) {
+ assert(size() < capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ memcpy(end(), &Elt, sizeof(Elt));
+ increaseSize();
+ }
+ template <typename... ArgTypes> void emplace(ArgTypes &&...Args) {
+ assert(size() < capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ ::new ((void *)end()) T(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
+ increaseSize();
+ }
+ template <typename in_iter,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
+ typename std::iterator_traits<in_iter>::iterator_category,
+ std::input_iterator_tag>::value>>
+ void append(in_iter Start, in_iter End) {
+ assert(size() + std::distance(Start, End) <= capacity() &&
+ "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ T *NewEnd = std::uninitialized_copy(Start, End, end());
+ this->setSize(NewEnd - begin());
+ }
+ void append(T *Start, T *End) {
+ Size_T NumItems = End - Start;
+ assert(size() + NumItems <= capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ memcpy(end(), Start, NumItems * sizeof(T));
+ increaseSize(NumItems);
+ }
+ void append(Size_T Count, const T &Elt) {
+ assert((size() + Count) <= capacity() && "Overflowed GrowBuffer storage");
+ T *First = end();
+ increaseSize(Count);
+ T *Last = end();
+ for (; First != Last; ++First) {
+ memcpy(First, &Elt, sizeof(Elt));
+ }
+ }
+ void swap_out_buffer(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec);
+ void swap_out_split_buffer(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec,
+ Size_T SplitIndex);
+template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
+void GrowBuffer<T, TriviallyCopyable>::swap_out_buffer(
+ SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec) {
+ std::uninitialized_copy(std::make_move_iterator(Vec.rbegin()),
+ std::make_move_iterator(Vec.rend()),
+ std::reverse_iterator<T *>(begin() + Vec.size()));
+ // Destory the items in the old vector.
+ for (T &Item : Vec)
+ Item.~T();
+ this->take_buffers(Vec);
+template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
+void GrowBuffer<T, TriviallyCopyable>::swap_out_split_buffer(
+ SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec, Size_T SplitIndex) {
+ std::uninitialized_copy(std::make_move_iterator(std::reverse_iterator<T *>(
+ Vec.begin() + SplitIndex)),
+ std::make_move_iterator(Vec.rend()),
+ std::reverse_iterator<T *>(begin() + SplitIndex));
+ std::uninitialized_copy(std::make_move_iterator(&Vec[SplitIndex]),
+ std::make_move_iterator(Vec.end()), end());
+ increaseSize(Vec.size() - SplitIndex);
+ // Destory the items in the old vector.
+ for (T &Item : Vec)
+ Item.~T();
+ this->take_buffers(Vec);
+template <typename T>
+void GrowBuffer<T, true>::swap_out_buffer(SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec) {
+ memcpy(begin(), Vec.begin(), Vec.size_in_bytes());
+ this->take_buffers(Vec);
+template <typename T>
+void GrowBuffer<T, true>::swap_out_split_buffer(
+ SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> &Vec, Size_T SplitIndex) {
+ memcpy(begin(), Vec.begin(), SplitIndex * sizeof(T));
+ memcpy(end(), &Vec[SplitIndex], (Vec.size() - SplitIndex) * sizeof(T));
+ increaseSize(Vec.size() - SplitIndex);
+ this->take_buffers(Vec);
+} // namespace detail
/// SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = false> - This is where we put
/// method implementations that are designed to work with non-trivial T's.
/// We approximate is_trivially_copyable with trivial move/copy construction and
/// trivial destruction. While the standard doesn't specify that you're allowed
/// copy these types with memcpy, there is no way for the type to observe this.
/// This catches the important case of std::pair<POD, POD>, which is not
/// trivially assignable.
-template <typename T, bool = (is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value) &&
- (is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value) &&
- std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value>
+template <typename T, bool = detail::is_pod_like_v<T>>
class SmallVectorTemplateBase : public SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> {
SmallVectorTemplateBase(size_t Size) : SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T>(Size) {}
static void destroy_range(T *S, T *E) {
while (S != E) {
/// Move the range [I, E) into the uninitialized memory starting with "Dest",
/// constructing elements as needed.
template<typename It1, typename It2>
static void uninitialized_move(It1 I, It1 E, It2 Dest) {
std::make_move_iterator(E), Dest);
/// Copy the range [I, E) onto the uninitialized memory starting with "Dest",
/// constructing elements as needed.
template<typename It1, typename It2>
static void uninitialized_copy(It1 I, It1 E, It2 Dest) {
std::uninitialized_copy(I, E, Dest);
/// Grow the allocated memory (without initializing new elements), doubling
/// the size of the allocated memory. Guarantees space for at least one more
/// element, or MinSize more elements if specified.
void grow(size_t MinSize = 0);
void push_back(const T &Elt) {
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity()))
- this->grow();
+ if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity())) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(), this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.push(Elt);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
::new ((void*) this->end()) T(Elt);
this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
void push_back(T &&Elt) {
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity()))
- this->grow();
+ if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity())) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(), this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.push(std::move(Elt));
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
::new ((void*) this->end()) T(::std::move(Elt));
this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
void pop_back() {
this->set_size(this->size() - 1);
// Define this out-of-line to dissuade the C++ compiler from inlining it.
template <typename T, bool TriviallyCopyable>
void SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, TriviallyCopyable>::grow(size_t MinSize) {
- // Ensure we can fit the new capacity.
- // This is only going to be applicable when the capacity is 32 bit.
- if (MinSize > this->SizeTypeMax())
- this->report_size_overflow(MinSize);
- // Ensure we can meet the guarantee of space for at least one more element.
- // The above check alone will not catch the case where grow is called with a
- // default MinSize of 0, but the current capacity cannot be increased.
- // This is only going to be applicable when the capacity is 32 bit.
- if (this->capacity() == this->SizeTypeMax())
- this->report_at_maximum_capacity();
- // Always grow, even from zero.
- size_t NewCapacity = size_t(NextPowerOf2(this->capacity() + 2));
- NewCapacity = std::min(std::max(NewCapacity, MinSize), this->SizeTypeMax());
+ size_t NewCapacity = this->grow_size(MinSize);
T *NewElts = static_cast<T*>(llvm::safe_malloc(NewCapacity*sizeof(T)));
// Move the elements over.
this->uninitialized_move(this->begin(), this->end(), NewElts);
// Destroy the original elements.
destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
// If this wasn't grown from the inline copy, deallocate the old space.
if (!this->isSmall())
this->BeginX = NewElts;
this->Capacity = NewCapacity;
/// SmallVectorTemplateBase<TriviallyCopyable = true> - This is where we put
/// method implementations that are designed to work with trivially copyable
/// T's. This allows using memcpy in place of copy/move construction and
/// skipping destruction.
template <typename T>
class SmallVectorTemplateBase<T, true> : public SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T> {
SmallVectorTemplateBase(size_t Size) : SmallVectorTemplateCommon<T>(Size) {}
// No need to do a destroy loop for POD's.
static void destroy_range(T *, T *) {}
/// Move the range [I, E) onto the uninitialized memory
/// starting with "Dest", constructing elements into it as needed.
template<typename It1, typename It2>
static void uninitialized_move(It1 I, It1 E, It2 Dest) {
// Just do a copy.
uninitialized_copy(I, E, Dest);
/// Copy the range [I, E) onto the uninitialized memory
/// starting with "Dest", constructing elements into it as needed.
template<typename It1, typename It2>
static void uninitialized_copy(It1 I, It1 E, It2 Dest) {
// Arbitrary iterator types; just use the basic implementation.
std::uninitialized_copy(I, E, Dest);
/// Copy the range [I, E) onto the uninitialized memory
/// starting with "Dest", constructing elements into it as needed.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
static void uninitialized_copy(
T1 *I, T1 *E, T2 *Dest,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename std::remove_const<T1>::type,
T2>::value> * = nullptr) {
// Use memcpy for PODs iterated by pointers (which includes SmallVector
// iterators): std::uninitialized_copy optimizes to memmove, but we can
// use memcpy here. Note that I and E are iterators and thus might be
// invalid for memcpy if they are equal.
if (I != E)
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(Dest), I, (E - I) * sizeof(T));
/// Double the size of the allocated memory, guaranteeing space for at
/// least one more element or MinSize if specified.
void grow(size_t MinSize = 0) { this->grow_pod(MinSize, sizeof(T)); }
void push_back(const T &Elt) {
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity()))
- this->grow();
+ if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity())) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(), this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.push(Elt);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(this->end()), &Elt, sizeof(T));
this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
void pop_back() { this->set_size(this->size() - 1); }
/// This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to
/// reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter.
template <typename T>
class SmallVectorImpl : public SmallVectorTemplateBase<T> {
using SuperClass = SmallVectorTemplateBase<T>;
using iterator = typename SuperClass::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename SuperClass::const_iterator;
using reference = typename SuperClass::reference;
using size_type = typename SuperClass::size_type;
// Default ctor - Initialize to empty.
explicit SmallVectorImpl(unsigned N)
: SmallVectorTemplateBase<T>(N) {}
SmallVectorImpl(const SmallVectorImpl &) = delete;
~SmallVectorImpl() {
// Subclass has already destructed this vector's elements.
// If this wasn't grown from the inline copy, deallocate the old space.
if (!this->isSmall())
void clear() {
this->destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
this->Size = 0;
void resize(size_type N) {
if (N < this->size()) {
this->destroy_range(this->begin()+N, this->end());
} else if (N > this->size()) {
if (this->capacity() < N)
for (auto I = this->end(), E = this->begin() + N; I != E; ++I)
new (&*I) T();
void resize(size_type N, const T &NV) {
if (N < this->size()) {
this->destroy_range(this->begin()+N, this->end());
} else if (N > this->size()) {
- if (this->capacity() < N)
- this->grow(N);
+ if (this->capacity() < N) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(), this->grow_size(N));
+ Buffer.append(N - this->size(), NV);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
std::uninitialized_fill(this->end(), this->begin()+N, NV);
void reserve(size_type N) {
if (this->capacity() < N)
LLVM_NODISCARD T pop_back_val() {
T Result = ::std::move(this->back());
return Result;
void swap(SmallVectorImpl &RHS);
/// Add the specified range to the end of the SmallVector.
template <typename in_iter,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
typename std::iterator_traits<in_iter>::iterator_category,
void append(in_iter in_start, in_iter in_end) {
size_type NumInputs = std::distance(in_start, in_end);
- if (NumInputs > this->capacity() - this->size())
- this->grow(this->size()+NumInputs);
+ if (NumInputs > this->capacity() - this->size()) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(),
+ this->grow_size(this->size() + NumInputs));
+ Buffer.append(in_start, in_end);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
this->uninitialized_copy(in_start, in_end, this->end());
this->set_size(this->size() + NumInputs);
/// Append \p NumInputs copies of \p Elt to the end.
void append(size_type NumInputs, const T &Elt) {
- if (NumInputs > this->capacity() - this->size())
- this->grow(this->size()+NumInputs);
+ if (NumInputs > this->capacity() - this->size()) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(),
+ this->grow_size(this->size() + NumInputs));
+ Buffer.append(NumInputs, Elt);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
std::uninitialized_fill_n(this->end(), NumInputs, Elt);
this->set_size(this->size() + NumInputs);
void append(std::initializer_list<T> IL) {
append(IL.begin(), IL.end());
// FIXME: Consider assigning over existing elements, rather than clearing &
// re-initializing them - for all assign(...) variants.
void assign(size_type NumElts, const T &Elt) {
- clear();
- if (this->capacity() < NumElts)
- this->grow(NumElts);
- this->set_size(NumElts);
- std::uninitialized_fill(this->begin(), this->end(), Elt);
+ if (this->capacity() < NumElts) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(0, this->grow_size(NumElts));
+ Buffer.append(NumElts, Elt);
+ this->clear();
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (NumElts == this->size()) {
+ std::fill(this->begin(), this->end(), Elt);
+ } else if (NumElts < this->size()) {
+ this->destroy_range(this->begin() + NumElts, this->end());
+ this->set_size(NumElts);
+ std::fill(this->begin(), this->end(), Elt);
+ } else {
+ std::fill(this->begin(), this->end(), Elt);
+ std::uninitialized_fill_n(this->end(), NumElts - this->size(), Elt);
+ this->set_size(NumElts);
+ }
template <typename in_iter,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
typename std::iterator_traits<in_iter>::iterator_category,
void assign(in_iter in_start, in_iter in_end) {
- clear();
- append(in_start, in_end);
+ size_type NumElts = std::distance(in_start, in_end);
+ if (this->capacity() < NumElts) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(0, this->grow_size(NumElts));
+ Buffer.append(in_start, in_end);
+ this->clear();
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (NumElts == this->size()) {
+ std::copy(in_start, in_end, this->begin());
+ } else if (NumElts < this->size()) {
+ this->destroy_range(this->begin() + NumElts, this->end());
+ this->set_size(NumElts);
+ std::copy(in_start, in_end, this->begin());
+ } else {
+ for (auto &I : *this)
+ I = *in_start++;
+ this->uninitialized_copy(in_start, in_end, this->end());
+ this->set_size(NumElts);
+ }
- void assign(std::initializer_list<T> IL) {
- clear();
- append(IL);
- }
+ void assign(std::initializer_list<T> IL) { assign(IL.begin(), IL.end()); }
iterator erase(const_iterator CI) {
// Just cast away constness because this is a non-const member function.
iterator I = const_cast<iterator>(CI);
assert(I >= this->begin() && "Iterator to erase is out of bounds.");
assert(I < this->end() && "Erasing at past-the-end iterator.");
iterator N = I;
// Shift all elts down one.
std::move(I+1, this->end(), I);
// Drop the last elt.
iterator erase(const_iterator CS, const_iterator CE) {
// Just cast away constness because this is a non-const member function.
iterator S = const_cast<iterator>(CS);
iterator E = const_cast<iterator>(CE);
assert(S >= this->begin() && "Range to erase is out of bounds.");
assert(S <= E && "Trying to erase invalid range.");
assert(E <= this->end() && "Trying to erase past the end.");
iterator N = S;
// Shift all elts down.
iterator I = std::move(E, this->end(), S);
// Drop the last elts.
this->destroy_range(I, this->end());
this->set_size(I - this->begin());
iterator insert(iterator I, T &&Elt) {
if (I == this->end()) { // Important special case for empty vector.
return this->end()-1;
assert(I >= this->begin() && "Insertion iterator is out of bounds.");
assert(I <= this->end() && "Inserting past the end of the vector.");
if (this->size() >= this->capacity()) {
size_t EltNo = I-this->begin();
- this->grow();
- I = this->begin()+EltNo;
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(EltNo, this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.push(std::move(Elt));
+ Buffer.swap_out_split_buffer(*this, EltNo);
+ return this->begin() + EltNo;
::new ((void*) this->end()) T(::std::move(this->back()));
// Push everything else over.
std::move_backward(I, this->end()-1, this->end());
this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
// If we just moved the element we're inserting, be sure to update
// the reference.
T *EltPtr = &Elt;
if (I <= EltPtr && EltPtr < this->end())
*I = ::std::move(*EltPtr);
return I;
iterator insert(iterator I, const T &Elt) {
if (I == this->end()) { // Important special case for empty vector.
return this->end()-1;
assert(I >= this->begin() && "Insertion iterator is out of bounds.");
assert(I <= this->end() && "Inserting past the end of the vector.");
if (this->size() >= this->capacity()) {
size_t EltNo = I-this->begin();
- this->grow();
- I = this->begin()+EltNo;
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(EltNo, this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.push(Elt);
+ Buffer.swap_out_split_buffer(*this, EltNo);
+ return this->begin() + EltNo;
::new ((void*) this->end()) T(std::move(this->back()));
// Push everything else over.
std::move_backward(I, this->end()-1, this->end());
this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
// If we just moved the element we're inserting, be sure to update
// the reference.
const T *EltPtr = &Elt;
if (I <= EltPtr && EltPtr < this->end())
*I = *EltPtr;
return I;
iterator insert(iterator I, size_type NumToInsert, const T &Elt) {
// Convert iterator to elt# to avoid invalidating iterator when we reserve()
size_t InsertElt = I - this->begin();
if (I == this->end()) { // Important special case for empty vector.
append(NumToInsert, Elt);
return this->begin()+InsertElt;
assert(I >= this->begin() && "Insertion iterator is out of bounds.");
assert(I <= this->end() && "Inserting past the end of the vector.");
- // Ensure there is enough space.
- reserve(this->size() + NumToInsert);
- // Uninvalidate the iterator.
- I = this->begin()+InsertElt;
+ if ((this->size() + NumToInsert) > this->capacity()) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(InsertElt,
+ this->grow_size(this->size() + NumToInsert));
+ Buffer.append(NumToInsert, Elt);
+ Buffer.swap_out_split_buffer(*this, InsertElt);
+ return this->begin() + InsertElt;
+ }
// If there are more elements between the insertion point and the end of the
// range than there are being inserted, we can use a simple approach to
// insertion. Since we already reserved space, we know that this won't
// reallocate the vector.
if (size_t(this->end()-I) >= NumToInsert) {
T *OldEnd = this->end();
append(std::move_iterator<iterator>(this->end() - NumToInsert),
// Copy the existing elements that get replaced.
std::move_backward(I, OldEnd-NumToInsert, OldEnd);
std::fill_n(I, NumToInsert, Elt);
return I;
// Otherwise, we're inserting more elements than exist already, and we're
// not inserting at the end.
// Move over the elements that we're about to overwrite.
T *OldEnd = this->end();
this->set_size(this->size() + NumToInsert);
size_t NumOverwritten = OldEnd-I;
this->uninitialized_move(I, OldEnd, this->end()-NumOverwritten);
// Replace the overwritten part.
std::fill_n(I, NumOverwritten, Elt);
// Insert the non-overwritten middle part.
std::uninitialized_fill_n(OldEnd, NumToInsert-NumOverwritten, Elt);
return I;
template <typename ItTy,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
typename std::iterator_traits<ItTy>::iterator_category,
iterator insert(iterator I, ItTy From, ItTy To) {
// Convert iterator to elt# to avoid invalidating iterator when we reserve()
size_t InsertElt = I - this->begin();
if (I == this->end()) { // Important special case for empty vector.
append(From, To);
return this->begin()+InsertElt;
assert(I >= this->begin() && "Insertion iterator is out of bounds.");
assert(I <= this->end() && "Inserting past the end of the vector.");
size_t NumToInsert = std::distance(From, To);
- // Ensure there is enough space.
- reserve(this->size() + NumToInsert);
- // Uninvalidate the iterator.
- I = this->begin()+InsertElt;
+ if ((this->size() + NumToInsert) > this->capacity()) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(InsertElt,
+ this->grow_size(this->size() + NumToInsert));
+ Buffer.append(From, To);
+ Buffer.swap_out_split_buffer(*this, InsertElt);
+ return this->begin() + InsertElt;
+ }
// If there are more elements between the insertion point and the end of the
// range than there are being inserted, we can use a simple approach to
// insertion. Since we already reserved space, we know that this won't
// reallocate the vector.
if (size_t(this->end()-I) >= NumToInsert) {
T *OldEnd = this->end();
append(std::move_iterator<iterator>(this->end() - NumToInsert),
// Copy the existing elements that get replaced.
std::move_backward(I, OldEnd-NumToInsert, OldEnd);
std::copy(From, To, I);
return I;
// Otherwise, we're inserting more elements than exist already, and we're
// not inserting at the end.
// Move over the elements that we're about to overwrite.
T *OldEnd = this->end();
this->set_size(this->size() + NumToInsert);
size_t NumOverwritten = OldEnd-I;
this->uninitialized_move(I, OldEnd, this->end()-NumOverwritten);
// Replace the overwritten part.
for (T *J = I; NumOverwritten > 0; --NumOverwritten) {
*J = *From;
++J; ++From;
// Insert the non-overwritten middle part.
this->uninitialized_copy(From, To, OldEnd);
return I;
void insert(iterator I, std::initializer_list<T> IL) {
insert(I, IL.begin(), IL.end());
template <typename... ArgTypes> reference emplace_back(ArgTypes &&... Args) {
- if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity()))
- this->grow();
- ::new ((void *)this->end()) T(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
- this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
+ if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(this->size() >= this->capacity())) {
+ detail::GrowBuffer<T> Buffer(this->size(), this->grow_size());
+ Buffer.emplace(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
+ Buffer.swap_out_buffer(*this);
+ } else {
+ ::new ((void *)this->end()) T(std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...);
+ this->set_size(this->size() + 1);
+ }
return this->back();
SmallVectorImpl &operator=(const SmallVectorImpl &RHS);
SmallVectorImpl &operator=(SmallVectorImpl &&RHS);
bool operator==(const SmallVectorImpl &RHS) const {
if (this->size() != RHS.size()) return false;
return std::equal(this->begin(), this->end(), RHS.begin());
bool operator!=(const SmallVectorImpl &RHS) const {
return !(*this == RHS);
bool operator<(const SmallVectorImpl &RHS) const {
return std::lexicographical_compare(this->begin(), this->end(),
RHS.begin(), RHS.end());
template <typename T>
void SmallVectorImpl<T>::swap(SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {
if (this == &RHS) return;
// We can only avoid copying elements if neither vector is small.
if (!this->isSmall() && !RHS.isSmall()) {
std::swap(this->BeginX, RHS.BeginX);
std::swap(this->Size, RHS.Size);
std::swap(this->Capacity, RHS.Capacity);
if (RHS.size() > this->capacity())
if (this->size() > RHS.capacity())
// Swap the shared elements.
size_t NumShared = this->size();
if (NumShared > RHS.size()) NumShared = RHS.size();
for (size_type i = 0; i != NumShared; ++i)
std::swap((*this)[i], RHS[i]);
// Copy over the extra elts.
if (this->size() > RHS.size()) {
size_t EltDiff = this->size() - RHS.size();
this->uninitialized_copy(this->begin()+NumShared, this->end(), RHS.end());
RHS.set_size(RHS.size() + EltDiff);
this->destroy_range(this->begin()+NumShared, this->end());
} else if (RHS.size() > this->size()) {
size_t EltDiff = RHS.size() - this->size();
this->uninitialized_copy(RHS.begin()+NumShared, RHS.end(), this->end());
this->set_size(this->size() + EltDiff);
this->destroy_range(RHS.begin()+NumShared, RHS.end());
template <typename T>
SmallVectorImpl<T> &SmallVectorImpl<T>::
operator=(const SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {
// Avoid self-assignment.
if (this == &RHS) return *this;
// If we already have sufficient space, assign the common elements, then
// destroy any excess.
size_t RHSSize = RHS.size();
size_t CurSize = this->size();
if (CurSize >= RHSSize) {
// Assign common elements.
iterator NewEnd;
if (RHSSize)
NewEnd = std::copy(RHS.begin(), RHS.begin()+RHSSize, this->begin());
NewEnd = this->begin();
// Destroy excess elements.
this->destroy_range(NewEnd, this->end());
// Trim.
return *this;
// If we have to grow to have enough elements, destroy the current elements.
// This allows us to avoid copying them during the grow.
// FIXME: don't do this if they're efficiently moveable.
if (this->capacity() < RHSSize) {
// Destroy current elements.
this->destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
CurSize = 0;
} else if (CurSize) {
// Otherwise, use assignment for the already-constructed elements.
std::copy(RHS.begin(), RHS.begin()+CurSize, this->begin());
// Copy construct the new elements in place.
this->uninitialized_copy(RHS.begin()+CurSize, RHS.end(),
// Set end.
return *this;
template <typename T>
SmallVectorImpl<T> &SmallVectorImpl<T>::operator=(SmallVectorImpl<T> &&RHS) {
// Avoid self-assignment.
if (this == &RHS) return *this;
// If the RHS isn't small, clear this vector and then steal its buffer.
if (!RHS.isSmall()) {
this->destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
if (!this->isSmall()) free(this->begin());
this->BeginX = RHS.BeginX;
this->Size = RHS.Size;
this->Capacity = RHS.Capacity;
return *this;
// If we already have sufficient space, assign the common elements, then
// destroy any excess.
size_t RHSSize = RHS.size();
size_t CurSize = this->size();
if (CurSize >= RHSSize) {
// Assign common elements.
iterator NewEnd = this->begin();
if (RHSSize)
NewEnd = std::move(RHS.begin(), RHS.end(), NewEnd);
// Destroy excess elements and trim the bounds.
this->destroy_range(NewEnd, this->end());
// Clear the RHS.
return *this;
// If we have to grow to have enough elements, destroy the current elements.
// This allows us to avoid copying them during the grow.
// FIXME: this may not actually make any sense if we can efficiently move
// elements.
if (this->capacity() < RHSSize) {
// Destroy current elements.
this->destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
CurSize = 0;
} else if (CurSize) {
// Otherwise, use assignment for the already-constructed elements.
std::move(RHS.begin(), RHS.begin()+CurSize, this->begin());
// Move-construct the new elements in place.
this->uninitialized_move(RHS.begin()+CurSize, RHS.end(),
// Set end.
return *this;
/// Storage for the SmallVector elements. This is specialized for the N=0 case
/// to avoid allocating unnecessary storage.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
struct SmallVectorStorage {
AlignedCharArrayUnion<T> InlineElts[N];
/// We need the storage to be properly aligned even for small-size of 0 so that
/// the pointer math in \a SmallVectorTemplateCommon::getFirstEl() is
/// well-defined.
template <typename T> struct alignas(alignof(T)) SmallVectorStorage<T, 0> {};
/// This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized
/// for the case when the array is small. It contains some number of elements
/// in-place, which allows it to avoid heap allocation when the actual number of
/// elements is below that threshold. This allows normal "small" cases to be
/// fast without losing generality for large inputs.
/// Note that this does not attempt to be exception safe.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
class LLVM_GSL_OWNER SmallVector : public SmallVectorImpl<T>,
SmallVectorStorage<T, N> {
SmallVector() : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {}
~SmallVector() {
// Destroy the constructed elements in the vector.
this->destroy_range(this->begin(), this->end());
explicit SmallVector(size_t Size, const T &Value = T())
: SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
this->assign(Size, Value);
template <typename ItTy,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<
typename std::iterator_traits<ItTy>::iterator_category,
SmallVector(ItTy S, ItTy E) : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
this->append(S, E);
template <typename RangeTy>
explicit SmallVector(const iterator_range<RangeTy> &R)
: SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
this->append(R.begin(), R.end());
SmallVector(std::initializer_list<T> IL) : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
SmallVector(const SmallVector &RHS) : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
if (!RHS.empty())
const SmallVector &operator=(const SmallVector &RHS) {
return *this;
SmallVector(SmallVector &&RHS) : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
if (!RHS.empty())
SmallVector(SmallVectorImpl<T> &&RHS) : SmallVectorImpl<T>(N) {
if (!RHS.empty())
const SmallVector &operator=(SmallVector &&RHS) {
return *this;
const SmallVector &operator=(SmallVectorImpl<T> &&RHS) {
return *this;
const SmallVector &operator=(std::initializer_list<T> IL) {
return *this;
template <typename T, unsigned N>
inline size_t capacity_in_bytes(const SmallVector<T, N> &X) {
return X.capacity_in_bytes();
/// Given a range of type R, iterate the entire range and return a
/// SmallVector with elements of the vector. This is useful, for example,
/// when you want to iterate a range and then sort the results.
template <unsigned Size, typename R>
SmallVector<typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<
decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<R &>()))>::type>::type,
to_vector(R &&Range) {
return {std::begin(Range), std::end(Range)};
} // end namespace llvm
namespace std {
/// Implement std::swap in terms of SmallVector swap.
template<typename T>
inline void
swap(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<T> &LHS, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<T> &RHS) {
/// Implement std::swap in terms of SmallVector swap.
template<typename T, unsigned N>
inline void
swap(llvm::SmallVector<T, N> &LHS, llvm::SmallVector<T, N> &RHS) {
} // end namespace std
diff --git a/llvm/unittests/ADT/SmallVectorTest.cpp b/llvm/unittests/ADT/SmallVectorTest.cpp
index dbe404869e2..a69a6a501ff 100644
--- a/llvm/unittests/ADT/SmallVectorTest.cpp
+++ b/llvm/unittests/ADT/SmallVectorTest.cpp
@@ -1,1003 +1,1038 @@
//===- llvm/unittest/ADT/SmallVectorTest.cpp ------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// SmallVector unit tests.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <list>
#include <stdarg.h>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
/// A helper class that counts the total number of constructor and
/// destructor calls.
class Constructable {
static int numConstructorCalls;
static int numMoveConstructorCalls;
static int numCopyConstructorCalls;
static int numDestructorCalls;
static int numAssignmentCalls;
static int numMoveAssignmentCalls;
static int numCopyAssignmentCalls;
+ enum class ObjectState { Destroyed = 0, Constructed, MovedFrom };
- bool constructed;
+ ObjectState State;
int value;
- Constructable() : constructed(true), value(0) {
+ Constructable() : State(ObjectState::Constructed), value(0) {
- Constructable(int val) : constructed(true), value(val) {
+ Constructable(int val) : State(ObjectState::Constructed), value(val) {
- Constructable(const Constructable & src) : constructed(true) {
+ Constructable(const Constructable &src) : State(src.State) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(State, ObjectState::Constructed);
value = src.value;
- Constructable(Constructable && src) : constructed(true) {
+ Constructable(Constructable &&src) : State(src.State) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(State, ObjectState::Constructed);
value = src.value;
+ src.State = ObjectState::MovedFrom;
~Constructable() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(constructed);
+ EXPECT_NE(State, ObjectState::Destroyed);
- constructed = false;
+ State = ObjectState::Destroyed;
Constructable & operator=(const Constructable & src) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(constructed);
+ EXPECT_NE(State, ObjectState::Destroyed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(src.State, ObjectState::Constructed);
+ State = src.State;
value = src.value;
return *this;
Constructable & operator=(Constructable && src) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(constructed);
+ EXPECT_NE(State, ObjectState::Destroyed);
+ EXPECT_EQ(src.State, ObjectState::Constructed);
+ State = src.State;
value = src.value;
+ src.State = ObjectState::MovedFrom;
return *this;
int getValue() const {
+ EXPECT_EQ(State, ObjectState::Constructed);
return abs(value);
static void reset() {
numConstructorCalls = 0;
numMoveConstructorCalls = 0;
numCopyConstructorCalls = 0;
numDestructorCalls = 0;
numAssignmentCalls = 0;
numMoveAssignmentCalls = 0;
numCopyAssignmentCalls = 0;
static int getNumConstructorCalls() {
return numConstructorCalls;
static int getNumMoveConstructorCalls() {
return numMoveConstructorCalls;
static int getNumCopyConstructorCalls() {
return numCopyConstructorCalls;
static int getNumDestructorCalls() {
return numDestructorCalls;
static int getNumAssignmentCalls() {
return numAssignmentCalls;
static int getNumMoveAssignmentCalls() {
return numMoveAssignmentCalls;
static int getNumCopyAssignmentCalls() {
return numCopyAssignmentCalls;
friend bool operator==(const Constructable & c0, const Constructable & c1) {
return c0.getValue() == c1.getValue();
operator!=(const Constructable & c0, const Constructable & c1) {
return c0.getValue() != c1.getValue();
int Constructable::numConstructorCalls;
int Constructable::numCopyConstructorCalls;
int Constructable::numMoveConstructorCalls;
int Constructable::numDestructorCalls;
int Constructable::numAssignmentCalls;
int Constructable::numCopyAssignmentCalls;
int Constructable::numMoveAssignmentCalls;
struct NonCopyable {
NonCopyable() {}
NonCopyable(NonCopyable &&) {}
NonCopyable &operator=(NonCopyable &&) { return *this; }
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &) = delete;
NonCopyable &operator=(const NonCopyable &) = delete;
LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_USED void CompileTest() {
SmallVector<NonCopyable, 0> V;
class SmallVectorTestBase : public testing::Test {
void SetUp() override { Constructable::reset(); }
template <typename VectorT>
void assertEmpty(VectorT & v) {
// Size tests
EXPECT_EQ(0u, v.size());
// Iterator tests
EXPECT_TRUE(v.begin() == v.end());
// Assert that v contains the specified values, in order.
template <typename VectorT>
void assertValuesInOrder(VectorT & v, size_t size, ...) {
EXPECT_EQ(size, v.size());
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
int value = va_arg(ap, int);
EXPECT_EQ(value, v[i].getValue());
// Generate a sequence of values to initialize the vector.
template <typename VectorT>
void makeSequence(VectorT & v, int start, int end) {
for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
// Test fixture class
template <typename VectorT>
class SmallVectorTest : public SmallVectorTestBase {
VectorT theVector;
VectorT otherVector;
typedef ::testing::Types<SmallVector<Constructable, 0>,
SmallVector<Constructable, 1>,
SmallVector<Constructable, 2>,
SmallVector<Constructable, 4>,
SmallVector<Constructable, 5>
> SmallVectorTestTypes;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(SmallVectorTest, SmallVectorTestTypes);
// Constructor test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ConstructorNonIterTest) {
this->theVector = SmallVector<Constructable, 2>(2, 2);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 2, 2);
// Constructor test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ConstructorIterTest) {
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3};
this->theVector =
SmallVector<Constructable, 4>(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 2, 3);
// New vector test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, EmptyVectorTest) {
EXPECT_TRUE(this->theVector.rbegin() == this->theVector.rend());
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls());
// Simple insertions and deletions.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, PushPopTest) {
// Track whether the vector will potentially have to grow.
bool RequiresGrowth = this->theVector.capacity() < 3;
// Push an element
// Size tests
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 1u, 1);
EXPECT_FALSE(this->theVector.begin() == this->theVector.end());
// Push another element
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 1, 2);
// Insert at beginning
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin(), this->theVector[1]);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 2, 1, 2);
// Pop one element
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 2, 1);
// Pop remaining elements
// Check number of constructor calls. Should be 2 for each list element,
// one for the argument to push_back, one for the argument to insert,
// and one for the list element itself.
if (!RequiresGrowth) {
EXPECT_EQ(5, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(5, Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls());
} else {
// If we had to grow the vector, these only have a lower bound, but should
// always be equal.
EXPECT_LE(5, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
// Clear test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ClearTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(4, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(4, Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls());
// Resize smaller test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ResizeShrinkTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 1u, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(6, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(5, Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls());
// Resize bigger test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ResizeGrowTest) {
EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, this->theVector.size());
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ResizeWithElementsTest) {
size_t Ctors = Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls();
EXPECT_TRUE(Ctors == 2 || Ctors == 4);
size_t MoveCtors = Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls();
EXPECT_TRUE(MoveCtors == 0 || MoveCtors == 2);
size_t Dtors = Constructable::getNumDestructorCalls();
EXPECT_TRUE(Dtors == 0 || Dtors == 2);
// Resize with fill value.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ResizeFillTest) {
this->theVector.resize(3, Constructable(77));
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 77, 77, 77);
// Overflow past fixed size.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, OverflowTest) {
// Push more elements than the fixed size.
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 10);
// Test size and values.
EXPECT_EQ(10u, this->theVector.size());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(i+1, this->theVector[i].getValue());
// Now resize back to fixed size.
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 1u, 1);
// Iteration tests.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, IterationTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 2);
// Forward Iteration
typename TypeParam::iterator it = this->theVector.begin();
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector.front());
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, it->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector[1]);
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector.back());
EXPECT_EQ(2, it->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(it == this->theVector.end());
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(2, it->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(*it == this->theVector[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, it->getValue());
// Reverse Iteration
typename TypeParam::reverse_iterator rit = this->theVector.rbegin();
EXPECT_TRUE(*rit == this->theVector[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(2, rit->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(*rit == this->theVector[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, rit->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(rit == this->theVector.rend());
EXPECT_TRUE(*rit == this->theVector[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(1, rit->getValue());
EXPECT_TRUE(*rit == this->theVector[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(2, rit->getValue());
// Swap test.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, SwapTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 2);
std::swap(this->theVector, this->otherVector);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->otherVector, 2u, 1, 2);
// Append test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AppendTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->otherVector, 2, 3);
this->theVector.append(this->otherVector.begin(), this->otherVector.end());
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 2, 3);
// Append repeated test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AppendRepeatedTest) {
this->theVector.append(2, Constructable(77));
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 77, 77);
// Append test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AppendNonIterTest) {
this->theVector.append(2, 7);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 7, 7);
struct output_iterator {
typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef int value_type;
typedef int difference_type;
typedef value_type *pointer;
typedef value_type &reference;
operator int() { return 2; }
operator Constructable() { return 7; }
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AppendRepeatedNonForwardIterator) {
this->theVector.append(output_iterator(), output_iterator());
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 7, 7);
// Assign test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AssignTest) {
+ Constructable::reset();
this->theVector.assign(2, Constructable(77));
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 77, 77);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls() +
+ Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls(),
+ 2);
// Assign test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AssignRangeTest) {
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3};
this->theVector.assign(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 3u, 1, 2, 3);
// Assign test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, AssignNonIterTest) {
+ Constructable::reset();
this->theVector.assign(2, 7);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 7, 7);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls() +
+ Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls(),
+ 2);
// Move-assign test
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, MoveAssignTest) {
// Set up our vector with a single element, but enough capacity for 4.
// Set up the other vector with 2 elements.
// Move-assign from the other vector.
this->theVector = std::move(this->otherVector);
// Make sure we have the right result.
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 2, 3);
// Make sure the # of constructor/destructor calls line up. There
// are two live objects after clearing the other vector.
// There shouldn't be any live objects any more.
// Erase a single element
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, EraseTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
const auto &theConstVector = this->theVector;
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 2u, 2, 3);
// Erase a range of elements
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, EraseRangeTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
const auto &theConstVector = this->theVector;
this->theVector.erase(theConstVector.begin(), theConstVector.begin() + 2);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 1u, 3);
// Insert a single element.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
typename TypeParam::iterator I =
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1, Constructable(77));
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 4u, 1, 77, 2, 3);
// Insert a copy of a single element.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertCopy) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
Constructable C(77);
typename TypeParam::iterator I =
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1, C);
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 4u, 1, 77, 2, 3);
// Insert repeated elements.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRepeatedTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 4);
+ bool RequiresGrowth = this->theVector.capacity() < 6;
auto I =
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1, 2, Constructable(16));
- // Move construct the top element into newly allocated space, and optionally
- // reallocate the whole buffer, move constructing into it.
- // FIXME: This is inefficient, we shouldn't move things into newly allocated
- // space, then move them up/around, there should only be 2 or 4 move
- // constructions here.
- EXPECT_TRUE(Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 2 ||
- Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 6);
- // Move assign the next two to shift them up and make a gap.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
- // Copy construct the two new elements from the parameter.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
- // All without any copy construction.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ if (RequiresGrowth) {
+ // Moving [1] and [2,3,4] into the new storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(4, Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls());
+ // Copy construct the new elements directly into the new storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ // Nothing is move or copy assigned in the growth case.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
+ } else {
+ // Shifting [3,4] down 2 blocks into uninitialized storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls());
+ // Shifting [2] into where [4] lived.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
+ // Copy assign the two new elements inside the buffer.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ }
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 6u, 1, 16, 16, 2, 3, 4);
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRepeatedNonIterTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 4);
auto I = this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1, 2, 7);
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 6u, 1, 7, 7, 2, 3, 4);
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRepeatedAtEndTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 4);
auto I = this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.end(), 2, Constructable(16));
// Just copy construct them into newly allocated space
EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
// Move everything across if reallocation is needed.
EXPECT_TRUE(Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 0 ||
Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 4);
// Without ever moving or copying anything else.
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 4, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 6u, 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 16);
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRepeatedEmptyTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 10, 15);
// Empty insert.
0, Constructable(42)));
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1,
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1,
0, Constructable(42)));
// Insert range.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRangeTest) {
Constructable Arr[3] =
{ Constructable(77), Constructable(77), Constructable(77) };
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
+ bool RequiresGrowth = this->theVector.capacity() < 6;
auto I = this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1, Arr, Arr + 3);
- // Move construct the top 3 elements into newly allocated space.
- // Possibly move the whole sequence into new space first.
- // FIXME: This is inefficient, we shouldn't move things into newly allocated
- // space, then move them up/around, there should only be 2 or 3 move
- // constructions here.
- EXPECT_TRUE(Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 2 ||
- Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 5);
- // Copy assign the lower 2 new elements into existing space.
- EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
- // Copy construct the third element into newly allocated space.
- EXPECT_EQ(1, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ if (RequiresGrowth) {
+ // Moving [1] and [2,3] into the new storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls());
+ // Copy construct the 3 items from Arr into the new storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ // Nothing is move or copy assigned in the growth case.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
+ } else {
+ // Shifting [2,3] down 3 blocks into uninitialized storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls());
+ // Copy assign the lower 2 new elements into existing storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
+ // Copy construct the third element into uninitialized storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
+ // Nothing needs to be move assigned here as the only items that need
+ // shifting, are shifted into uninitialized storage.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
+ }
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 6u, 1, 77, 77, 77, 2, 3);
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertRangeAtEndTest) {
Constructable Arr[3] =
{ Constructable(77), Constructable(77), Constructable(77) };
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
// Insert at end.
auto I = this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.end(), Arr, Arr+3);
// Copy construct the 3 elements into new space at the top.
EXPECT_EQ(3, Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls());
// Don't copy/move anything else.
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumCopyAssignmentCalls());
// Reallocation might occur, causing all elements to be moved into the new
// buffer.
EXPECT_TRUE(Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 0 ||
Constructable::getNumMoveConstructorCalls() == 3);
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumMoveAssignmentCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 3, I);
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 6u,
1, 2, 3, 77, 77, 77);
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, InsertEmptyRangeTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
// Empty insert.
EXPECT_EQ(this->theVector.begin() + 1,
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.begin() + 1,
// Comparison tests.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ComparisonTest) {
this->makeSequence(this->theVector, 1, 3);
this->makeSequence(this->otherVector, 1, 3);
EXPECT_TRUE(this->theVector == this->otherVector);
EXPECT_FALSE(this->theVector != this->otherVector);
this->makeSequence(this->otherVector, 2, 4);
EXPECT_FALSE(this->theVector == this->otherVector);
EXPECT_TRUE(this->theVector != this->otherVector);
// Constant vector tests.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, ConstVectorTest) {
const TypeParam constVector;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, constVector.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(constVector.begin() == constVector.end());
// Direct array access.
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, DirectVectorTest) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, this->theVector.size());
EXPECT_LE(4u, this->theVector.capacity());
EXPECT_EQ(0, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(4u, this->theVector.size());
EXPECT_EQ(8, Constructable::getNumConstructorCalls());
EXPECT_EQ(1, this->theVector[0].getValue());
EXPECT_EQ(2, this->theVector[1].getValue());
EXPECT_EQ(3, this->theVector[2].getValue());
EXPECT_EQ(4, this->theVector[3].getValue());
TYPED_TEST(SmallVectorTest, IteratorTest) {
std::list<int> L;
this->theVector.insert(this->theVector.end(), L.begin(), L.end());
template <typename InvalidType> class DualSmallVectorsTest;
template <typename VectorT1, typename VectorT2>
class DualSmallVectorsTest<std::pair<VectorT1, VectorT2>> : public SmallVectorTestBase {
VectorT1 theVector;
VectorT2 otherVector;
template <typename T, unsigned N>
static unsigned NumBuiltinElts(const SmallVector<T, N>&) { return N; }
typedef ::testing::Types<
// Small mode -> Small mode.
std::pair<SmallVector<Constructable, 4>, SmallVector<Constructable, 4>>,
// Small mode -> Big mode.
std::pair<SmallVector<Constructable, 4>, SmallVector<Constructable, 2>>,
// Big mode -> Small mode.
std::pair<SmallVector<Constructable, 2>, SmallVector<Constructable, 4>>,
// Big mode -> Big mode.
std::pair<SmallVector<Constructable, 2>, SmallVector<Constructable, 2>>
> DualSmallVectorTestTypes;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(DualSmallVectorsTest, DualSmallVectorTestTypes);
TYPED_TEST(DualSmallVectorsTest, MoveAssignment) {
// Set up our vector with four elements.
for (unsigned I = 0; I < 4; ++I)
const Constructable *OrigDataPtr = this->;
// Move-assign from the other vector.
this->theVector =
// Make sure we have the right result.
this->assertValuesInOrder(this->theVector, 4u, 0, 1, 2, 3);
// Make sure the # of constructor/destructor calls line up. There
// are two live objects after clearing the other vector.
// If the source vector (otherVector) was in small-mode, assert that we just
// moved the data pointer over.
EXPECT_TRUE(this->NumBuiltinElts(this->otherVector) == 4 ||
this-> == OrigDataPtr);
// There shouldn't be any live objects any more.
// We shouldn't have copied anything in this whole process.
EXPECT_EQ(Constructable::getNumCopyConstructorCalls(), 0);
struct notassignable {
int &x;
notassignable(int &x) : x(x) {}
TEST(SmallVectorCustomTest, NoAssignTest) {
int x = 0;
SmallVector<notassignable, 2> vec;
x = 42;
EXPECT_EQ(42, vec.pop_back_val().x);
struct MovedFrom {
bool hasValue;
MovedFrom() : hasValue(true) {
MovedFrom(MovedFrom&& m) : hasValue(m.hasValue) {
m.hasValue = false;
MovedFrom &operator=(MovedFrom&& m) {
hasValue = m.hasValue;
m.hasValue = false;
return *this;
TEST(SmallVectorTest, MidInsert) {
SmallVector<MovedFrom, 3> v;
v.insert(v.begin(), MovedFrom());
for (MovedFrom &m : v)
enum EmplaceableArgState {
template <int I> struct EmplaceableArg {
EmplaceableArgState State;
EmplaceableArg() : State(EAS_Defaulted) {}
EmplaceableArg(EmplaceableArg &&X)
: State(X.State == EAS_Arg ? EAS_RValue : EAS_Failure) {}
EmplaceableArg(EmplaceableArg &X)
: State(X.State == EAS_Arg ? EAS_LValue : EAS_Failure) {}
explicit EmplaceableArg(bool) : State(EAS_Arg) {}
EmplaceableArg &operator=(EmplaceableArg &&) = delete;
EmplaceableArg &operator=(const EmplaceableArg &) = delete;
enum EmplaceableState { ES_Emplaced, ES_Moved };
struct Emplaceable {
EmplaceableArg<0> A0;
EmplaceableArg<1> A1;
EmplaceableArg<2> A2;
EmplaceableArg<3> A3;
EmplaceableState State;
Emplaceable() : State(ES_Emplaced) {}
template <class A0Ty>
explicit Emplaceable(A0Ty &&A0)
: A0(std::forward<A0Ty>(A0)), State(ES_Emplaced) {}
template <class A0Ty, class A1Ty>
Emplaceable(A0Ty &&A0, A1Ty &&A1)
: A0(std::forward<A0Ty>(A0)), A1(std::forward<A1Ty>(A1)),
State(ES_Emplaced) {}
template <class A0Ty, class A1Ty, class A2Ty>
Emplaceable(A0Ty &&A0, A1Ty &&A1, A2Ty &&A2)
: A0(std::forward<A0Ty>(A0)), A1(std::forward<A1Ty>(A1)),
A2(std::forward<A2Ty>(A2)), State(ES_Emplaced) {}
template <class A0Ty, class A1Ty, class A2Ty, class A3Ty>
Emplaceable(A0Ty &&A0, A1Ty &&A1, A2Ty &&A2, A3Ty &&A3)
: A0(std::forward<A0Ty>(A0)), A1(std::forward<A1Ty>(A1)),
A2(std::forward<A2Ty>(A2)), A3(std::forward<A3Ty>(A3)),
State(ES_Emplaced) {}
Emplaceable(Emplaceable &&) : State(ES_Moved) {}
Emplaceable &operator=(Emplaceable &&) {
State = ES_Moved;
return *this;
Emplaceable(const Emplaceable &) = delete;
Emplaceable &operator=(const Emplaceable &) = delete;
TEST(SmallVectorTest, EmplaceBack) {
EmplaceableArg<0> A0(true);
EmplaceableArg<1> A1(true);
EmplaceableArg<2> A2(true);
EmplaceableArg<3> A3(true);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back();
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_Defaulted);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back(std::move(A0));
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_RValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_Defaulted);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back(A0);
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_LValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_Defaulted);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back(A0, A1);
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_LValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_LValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_Defaulted);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back(std::move(A0), std::move(A1));
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_RValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_RValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_Defaulted);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_Defaulted);
SmallVector<Emplaceable, 3> V;
Emplaceable &back = V.emplace_back(std::move(A0), A1, std::move(A2), A3);
EXPECT_TRUE(&back == &V.back());
EXPECT_TRUE(V.size() == 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.State == ES_Emplaced);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A0.State == EAS_RValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A1.State == EAS_LValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A2.State == EAS_RValue);
EXPECT_TRUE(back.A3.State == EAS_LValue);
SmallVector<int, 1> V;
EXPECT_EQ(2U, V.size());
EXPECT_EQ(0, V[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(42, V[1]);
TEST(SmallVectorTest, InitializerList) {
SmallVector<int, 2> V1 = {};
V1 = {0, 0};
EXPECT_TRUE(makeArrayRef(V1).equals({0, 0}));
V1 = {-1, -1};
EXPECT_TRUE(makeArrayRef(V1).equals({-1, -1}));
SmallVector<int, 2> V2 = {1, 2, 3, 4};
EXPECT_TRUE(makeArrayRef(V2).equals({1, 2, 3, 4}));
V2.append({3, 2});
EXPECT_TRUE(makeArrayRef(V2).equals({4, 3, 2}));
V2.insert(V2.begin() + 1, 5);
EXPECT_TRUE(makeArrayRef(V2).equals({4, 5, 3, 2}));
} // end namespace
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