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Created March 5, 2019 17:34
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Example of using portfolio mean-variance optimization in R
# Some example R code for processing stock data
# A lot of error checking and problem reporting has been omitted in favour of keeping the
# basic ideas to the fore.
#---- Get a list of the FTSE-100 companies ----
# e.g. by scraping a suitable web page
pagescrape = readHTMLTable(getURL(''),header=TRUE)
n.rows = unlist(lapply(pagescrape,function(tab)if(!is.null(dim(tab)[1]))dim(tab)[1] else 0))
stocktable = pagescrape[[which.max(n.rows)]] # grab biggest table on the page
stocktable$Ticker = sub('^(.*)\\.(.+)$','\\1-\\2',stocktable$Ticker) # cope with BT.A
ftse100 = sub('^(.*?)\\.?$','\\1.L',stocktable$Ticker) # add .L to all stock names
# Now grab the historical data for the ftse100 stocks
# A small amount of error detection and skipping is included here because the 'getSymbols' interface
# is likely to fail on some stocks. In real use you will need to resolve any problems which arise
# but for demo purposes we will just work with whatever we can get data for.
# Get historical stock data from Yahoo inside a 'try' function so that any errors do not stop execution.
# Build the list of daily returns. If any are missing after the download we will just skip them
roclist =,lapply(ftse100,function(x){if(exists(x)) ROC(Cl(get(x)),type='discrete') else NULL}))
names(roclist) = sub('.Close','',names(roclist))
roclist = tail(roclist, 256) # only keep last 256 days of data
# Some tidying up due to problems with Yahoo's data feed.
# It's a bit frightening how many stocks have missing data
# This tidying up is OK for demo purposes, but better solutions might be needed for production use.
roclist = roclist[, colSums( < nrow(roclist)*0.1] # remove stocks with insufficient data
roclist = na.omit(roclist) # remove any days with missing data
#---- Here is how to compute *daily* means and variances. -----
mean.return = colMeans(roclist,na.rm=T)
covariance.matrix = cov(roclist,use="pairwise.complete.obs")
#---- Here is now to create a portfolio by specifying the weight for each stock ----
# The example here would be an equal-weighted portfolio of every stock we managed to download
# sum(portfolio) should alwayss be 1
portfolio = rep(1/ncol(roclist),ncol(roclist))
names(portfolio) = names(roclist)
#---- Here is how to compute an approximate yearly return and volatility of the portfolio, assuming 225 working days in year ----
return.of.portfolio = drop(t(portfolio) %*% mean.return) * 225
volatility.of.portfolio = sqrt(drop(t(portfolio) %*% covariance.matrix %*% portfolio)) * sqrt(225)
#---- This is a very simple Sharpe Ratio optimisation example ----
# Sharpe Ratio = (u-r)/s where r is the minimum acceptable return (per annum)
# Default r=0.25 represents a return of 25% p.a.
# Note that for readability this function has been written to work with yearly return and volatility data.
# For better performance, there is no need to multiply by all these constants during the optimization.
# The matrix multiplications can be be done using 'crossprod' for a tiny performance boost.
# Also note that we do not supply a 'gradient function' to 'optim' for this demo.
# If you are trying to optimise using maybe 1000 stocks it is worth creating the equivalent gradient function
# and supplying it to 'optim'.
# The projection is applied inside the SR function because this is the easiest way to explain
# the simplex bounds constraint to the 'optim' function.
# Note that during the optimisation we do not need to recompute the mean.return and covariance.matrix
# arrays. They are computed once. Only the array of proportions in 'portfolio' needs to change.
Sharpe.Ratio = function(portfolio,mean.return,covariance.matrix,r=0.25){
portfolio = portfolio/sum(portfolio) # project onto the unit simplex given by sum(portfolio) = 1
u = drop(t(portfolio) %*% mean.return) * 225
s = sqrt(drop(t(portfolio) %*% covariance.matrix %*% portfolio)) * sqrt(225)
sr = (u-r)/s
# The 'optim' function will find the arguments (par) to a function (fn) which can maximise it (for fnscale=-1)
o = optim(
par = rep(1/ncol(roclist),ncol(roclist)), # initial portfolio - we use equal weight here
fn = Sharpe.Ratio, # function to optimise
gr = NULL, # gradient of function. Not supplied in this demo.
mean.return=mean.return, covariance.matrix=covariance.matrix, r=0.25, # the other arguments to 'fn'
control = list(trace=1,REPORT=10,fnscale=-1,maxit=100,factr=1e7), # see documentation for info about control parameters
lower = 0, upper = 1.05, # upper and lower bounds for the parameters
method = "L-BFGS-B" # This method is a very fast quasi-Newton optimisation
if(o$convergence != 0) warning('Optimisation failed to converge')
# Let's have a look at the portfolio it has found
max.portfolio = o$par/sum(o$par)
names(max.portfolio) = names(roclist)
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