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Last active October 26, 2016 21:33
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Aber CS Major Projects
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"projects": [
"supervisorInitials": "ara11",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Driving aid",
"projectKeywords": [
"computer vision",
"image processing",
"projectDescription": "Although the majority of drivers respect the law, sometimes they get distracted and will drive at a speed higher than the allowed. The idea of this project is to create a system that will warn you if you are speeding. It should recognize the speed limit signs and the yellow boxes that take pictures of your license plate."
"supervisorInitials": "ara11",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Blinking reminder",
"projectKeywords": [
"computer vision",
"image processing",
"projectDescription": "An enthusiast programmer will, sometimes forget to blink. Blinking is very important in order to maintain the protective coating of the eye. This project concerns the creation of a system that warns the user when the blinking level is lower (or higher) than it should. The system should also inform the user if he is looking to the screen for too long."
"supervisorInitials": "ara11",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Digital safe opener",
"projectKeywords": [
"raspberry pi",
"projectDescription": "This project consists in creating a tool that will help law enforcement opening apprehended digital safes. There are safes with multiple keypad layouts with different delays. The resulting project should be able to adapt to each safe specification."
"supervisorInitials": "ara11",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Shopping helper",
"projectKeywords": [
"image processing",
"computer vision",
"windows mobile"
"projectDescription": "Digital shopping list that will clear items from the list, as soon as the mobile phone camera is pointed at each of the desired items."
"supervisorInitials": "waa2",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Awaiting list of suggestions.",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ""
"supervisorInitials": "jqh",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Diary-like Mobile Application for Psychological Research ",
"projectKeywords": [
"mobile application"
"projectDescription": "This application was requested by Dr Gareth Hall in the Department of Psychology in 2016. Two versions of the application were required, where one is based on the Android platform and the other on the iOS platform. The application aims at helping conduct a psychological research study in as ‘real-time’ as possible. With the app, researchers try to understand how playing a particular sport, for example, Rugby, is influencing people in their daily lives, such as self-esteem, leadership, and general well-being."
"supervisorInitials": "jqh",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Diet Diary Monitoring ",
"projectKeywords": [
"mobile application"
"projectDescription": "\"Can I Eat It\" is an award-winning, lifestyle App which delivers a simple and fun way to check-out ( ). The app checks and shows a user clearly if she/he can eat it or not. This project considers adding a new feature or app “diet diary” besides the existing app. Through the new app, a user may monitor his/her daily intake and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The task in the project is to implement such a function on a mobile application. There could be two potential projects: one on Android and the other on iOS. "
"supervisorInitials": "jqh",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem ",
"projectKeywords": [
"travel salesman problem",
"ant colony optimization"
"projectDescription": " Ant colony optimization is based on the behaviour of ants seeking a path between their colony and a source of food. It provides a very natural approach to search for an optimal path in a graph ( The aim of this project is to implement an ant colony optimization algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem. In the project, the main tasks are to understand ant colony optimization, to study existing source codes (such as and and to implement such an algorithm for TSP and to visualize the solving procedure. This project is research-based, that is, you may try different search operators parameters used in ant colony optimisation and find out a better configuration."
"supervisorInitials": "jqh",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evolving Strategies in Robocode Game",
"projectKeywords": [
"genetic programming",
"projectDescription": "Program-based games refer to the games in which the human player has no direct influence on the course of the game. This project focuses on Robocode, a programming game where robotic tanks fight to destruction in a closed arena ( It is not difficult to manually design your first robot tank (, however, it might be easily beaten by others. Genetic algorithms or programming has been proposed to evolve the rules of controlling the tank ( In the project, the tasks are to understand genetic algorithm methods for evolving strategies in Robocode game, to study Robocode API and existing source codes (such as, and eventually to implement your own application for evolving Robocode robots and beat other rival tanks."
"supervisorInitials": "jqh",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evolve Car by Genetic Algorithms",
"projectKeywords": [
"genetic algorithms",
"projectDescription": "Evolve Car by Genetic Algorithm"
"supervisorInitials": "dhunter",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualising deep neural networks",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Android touchscreen game",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "Several years ago, I developed a simple game that is an extension of Connect 4 and Tic-Tac-Toe, where the aim of the game is to connect 5 tiles in a row. The game is made more interesting by the fact that the board wraps around (i.e. it’s as if the game was played on a sphere). To provide an AI opponent, it used the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning (see CS26110!). The game can be downloaded here and run using appletviewer."
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Cracking the Zodiac killer's cypher with AI techniques",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "From Wikipedia: \"The Zodiac Killer is a serial killer who operated in Northern California in the late 1960s. His identity remains unknown. The Zodiac coined his name in a series of taunting letters he sent to the press. His letters included four cryptograms (or ciphers), three of which have yet to be solved.\""
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Bach to the future",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "Bring Bach back to life! There's a complete MIDI collection of his works here; the task of this project is to learn his compositional style from this collection using AI techniques, and then to generate new Bach-like compositions automatically. This is a very challenging project that would require reading into the literature of AI and computer-generated music. A paper reviewing the area is here."
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "AI controller for Miss Pacman",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "Developing the best software controller for the game of Ms Pac-Man is a great challenge for computational intelligence, machine learning, and AI in general. Unlike Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man is a non-deterministic game, and rather difficult for most human players. As far as we know, nobody really knows how hard it is to develop an AI player for the game. The world record for a human player (on the original arcade version) currently stands at 921,360. Can anyone develop a software agent to beat that? "
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Sudoku app (with OCR)",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "This project would involve the development of a Sudoku app for Android or iOS (or both). The app would allow the user to take a picture of a Sudoku, in a newspaper for example, and then recognise the numbers/blanks in the grid to then import the Sudoku into the app itself. The user should then be able to play the game in the app. The app could also include a solver, a hints system, and/or a Soduku generator."
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Guitar tutor app",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "This project would require you to develop an app that provides guitar tuition (probably at entry-level) and could include the following:"
"supervisorInitials": "rkj",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Group-based Ant Colony Optimisation for Feature Selection",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "This project would develop a new ACO method for feature selection to help scale the method to work on larger data. If successful, the work would be publishable, hence this is a challenging project (though the underlying idea is simple). Many years ago, I applied ACO to the problem of feature selection (i.e. choosing the best set of features from a given data set so we don't need the full original data). It worked quite well, and it's described here. However, it doesn't scale very well to very large data that contain lots of features (i.e. thousands). So my idea is to develop a group-based approach for this, where the features are quickly grouped beforehand, and ACO then searches groups rather than individual features. We would need to chat about the best way of forming groups and selecting from them, but the rest of the procedure is standard ACO."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Software simulator for the Idris robot",
"projectKeywords": [
"3d environments",
"robotic simulator"
"projectDescription": "There are a number of software packages that allow the simulation of robots. These tend to offer simulation of off-the-shelf robots (such as our Pioneers) but do not support our more exotic robots (in particular Idris). In a move towards using the Robot Operating System (ROS) and having the possibility of simulating Idris in a realistic simulator, we need software that would simulate Idris in MORSE, one of the many robot simulators that interact with ROS. This project implies using software packages such as blender (MORSE uses blender as the 3D engine) and some, but not a lot, knowledge about how to drive robots."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "The essence of a place",
"projectKeywords": [
"visual mapping",
"image based place representation"
"projectDescription": "Images are a good way of representing what a place looks like. However, places tend to vary in appearance because of changes in the environment due to lighting conditions but also objects being moved in and out. This project is about looking at ideas to represent a place based on images of it to account for variability of the place."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Building maps of rough terrain",
"projectKeywords": [
"laser scanner",
"geometric map",
"obstacle avoidance"
"projectDescription": "SOme of our robots can drive on rough terrain. They typically use a range device (laser scanner) to detect objects that are in their way to avoid collisions. This same sensor can also be used to build a geometric description of the surroundings of the robot, for example to perform better obstacle avoidance. This project is about building such a map."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Laser scan registration from a rough estimate of the alignment of the scans",
"projectKeywords": [
"laser scanning",
"point cloud registration"
"projectDescription": "Geographers are interested in building precise 3D models of large places (such as braided river beds). To this effect they acquire laser scans from multiple places with extensive georeferencing of targets that are then used in registering the scans. This is however an long process and we are looking at simpler methods. Orientation of the scanner can be estimated using a panoramic camera, but only relatively to other camera locations, and only approximately. The project is about using such information (extracting orientation changes between multiple camera poses) and using this information to perform the registration (using mostly existing libraries, such as Point Cloud Library)."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Customisable menu system to start/stop activities on a robot",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Odometry of wheeled robot",
"projectKeywords": [
"robot motion",
"wheeled odometry"
"projectDescription": "One way of estimating the position of a robot is to count how much each wheel turns, keep track of that and, using a mathematical model of how the robot behaves (kinematics of the robot), the position and orientation of the robot can be estimated relative to a starting point. This is what is called odometry. Our large outdoor robot Idris is in need of that function. The goal of the project is to implement this (I have the kinematic model) in the player framework and test it on the real Idris, with a thorough evaluation of the performance of the odometry on Idris."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Driving a robot along a GPS trail while avoiding obstacles",
"projectKeywords": [
"obstacle avoidance"
"projectDescription": "Many applications require a robot to drive along a pre-specified route, often as a series of GPS waypoints, while detecting and avoiding obstacles. This is what this project is about. Eventually, you would use one of our big robots (likely Idris) to drive it about, using the on-board GPS and laser scanner to detect the obstacles."
"supervisorInitials": "ffl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Virtual Robot Lab",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Quiz system using HTML5 and mobile-first RWD",
"projectKeywords": [
"quiz system",
"teaching support",
"mobile first"
"projectDescription": "Classroom quiz system"
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "The gluttony app",
"projectKeywords": [
"alcohol monitoring",
"html 5",
"mobile web"
"projectDescription": "I'd like to track how much alcohol I drink and possibly the kinds of meals I consume. I'd like an Android app that shows my large pictures of drinks (pints, glasses of wine etc) that I can just tap on every time I have a drink. These would have the number of units of alcohol associated with them. Every now and then I can get a report of the number of units I drank for a given period of time. I'd like to be able to configure how I am notified, e.g. by email, SMS, and also alerts when I go over some self-imposed limit. Configuration is important: size of images displayed, which ones should be the most prominent: after all, if I'm in a social situation and slightly worse for wear, I will want to be able to locate the right button quickly. Being able to view stats over time would be good. Accessibility issues are also important."
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Tanks: the pencil game on a tablet",
"projectKeywords": [
"android game",
"html 5",
"mobile web"
"projectDescription": "Tanks is a game I played as a child on paper and with pencils. Here's a description of the pencil game: Can you create a version on a tablet using Android (or an HTML 5 web app) where a stylus pen is used instead of a pencil to represent a tank firing a shell? I know that a stylus will work on my Samsung tablet. This can be extended to allow shared screens between players. "
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Worksheet sign-off system",
"projectKeywords": [
"worksheet sign-off",
"teaching support",
"projectDescription": "Many modules have worksheets that require sign-off by demonstrators. We require a system that allows:"
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Code collusion checker",
"projectKeywords": [
"code collusion checker",
"web app",
"projectDescription": "This web application will allow authenticated staff to upload student code. This code will be checked against a database of previously submitted code afor matches. The percentage of match is reported back with the matching code and author being identified. This system should focus on supporting one language (e.g. Java) but with a mind to supporting other languages in the future. This is quite a difficult problem since, for example, one student's software may have used packages and the other not, but the code is semantically the same. There may be a difference in the comments used or they may have been stripped out. Would it be better to check at a parsing level or a string pattern matching level? What about template code provided to the students: clearly this will match? In this case the member of staff can just indicate what should be ignored. How should the data be stored, i.e. what is the appropriate database technology if this were to scale?"
"supervisorInitials": "cwl",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Track my friends",
"projectKeywords": [
"friend tracker",
"peer task solving",
"distributed communication",
"map based app"
"projectDescription": "You and your friends are heading out to achieve a project that is made up from a set of tasks. You all have tasks to do but go in different directions: e.g. maybe buying stuff for a party. You'd like to keep track of each other to see where you all are and also to be able to see which tasks have been completed. I'd like to see an Android app that supports this idea: it show a map with pins representing your, hopefully, moving friends. The app should allow a moderator user to set up a project with a set of tasks; you could have time requirements on these. Friends can either be added in some way by the moderator or are able to ask to join the project."
"supervisorInitials": "cul",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "App development for clinical data management",
"projectKeywords": [
"image analysis",
"mobile application"
"projectDescription": "The management of patient data is crucial in both the NHS and research-led Clinical Trials. Data are collected for experimentation, and are stored in some electronic form as to best take advantage of contemporary scientific computing. Despite this, one key issue that presides over medical research is an inherent difficulty in collating and managing vital associated clinical information, i.e. the clinical metadata. This project aims to use a number of computational techniques to not only streamline the metadata collation, but to also potentially lead the way in ontology-driven database design and management."
"supervisorInitials": "cul",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Bioinformatics: Toward sustainable animal production through the use of metabolomic fingerprinting of the rumen system",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"statistical analysis",
"scientific programming"
"projectDescription": "Understanding the role of the rumen system provides the basis toward the development of sustainable animal production. Rumen fermentation involves a wide-ranging population of biological organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and archaea. The levels of said organisms is affected by the type and quality of feed of a given animal, and so its investigation is imperative in maximising productivity - whilst also limiting environmental impacts. This project involves investigating Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FITR) mass spectroscopy-based metabolite profiles from the rumen under three different feed regimes."
"supervisorInitials": "cul",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Deep neural networks for pattern recognition",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"pattern recognition"
"projectDescription": "Artificial neural networks are brain-inspired computational models, consisting layers of interconnected computing units - \"neurons\" ( Past neural networks are typically shallow (only one or two layers beyond the input layer); nowadays, with the growth in size and complexity of the data sets of interest, most highly performing neural networks become deeper, often having on the order of 10 or more layers. However such models with deep architectures were difficult to train until recently, the emerging of deep learning techniques ( Deep learning algorithms attempt to learn in multiple levels and obtain representations with different levels of abstraction, and could be used to learn to identify patterns in images, sounds, and other sensory data. "
"supervisorInitials": "cul",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Bioinformatics: Analysis of the effect of stress within the bacterial diversity of the salivary microbiome",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"statistical analysis",
"systems biology",
"scientific programming"
"projectDescription": "Stresses of which affect a person’s normal lifestyle will often lead to major changes in the human microbiome. From this, we suspect that extreme levels of stress will alter the makeup of the microbiome. However, this has yet to be fully explored. This project involves using data mining techniques to examine the impact of prolonged stressful conditions (akin to the ones experienced in space travel) on the human microbiome, in the hope of better understanding the effects of such experiences of which may enable further biological investigation."
"supervisorInitials": "ncm",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "App Cynghaneddu (Cyfrwng Cymraeg/Welsh Medium)",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "App Cynghaneddu"
"supervisorInitials": "ncm",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Entropy-based metrics for joint image alignment",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": "The problem for many of the existing approaches is that they tend to use basic and rigid metrics for assessing the degree of alignment between a set of images. This project involves the investigation of more general and flexible metrics such that the uncertainty in the alignment can be assessed in a more intuitive way."
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Web demo / mobile app to show data from automatic photogrammetry and structure-from-motion",
"projectKeywords": [
"web application",
"historical data"
"projectDescription": "The process of creating a 3D model from images is rich in visual data but can be hard to explain. I would like to have a demo which we can use during open days to show visitors the steps of creating the models. This could be a mobile app or a web demo, which will allow the user to switch between the different types of data and see how they are connected."
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Pepper's Ghost Pyramid",
"projectKeywords": [
"computer vision",
"projectDescription": "I have several clear plastic pyramids used to create 'holograms' using the Pepper's Ghost illusion (see this video: I would like to make this an interactive exhibit to use in the British Science Week exhibition held at Aberystwyth University every year ("
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Antikythera Mechanism Simulation",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "The Antikythera Mechanism was an ancient mechanical 'computer' that tracked the cycles of the solar system. See:"
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Volumetric site modelling for planar slicing",
"projectKeywords": [
"historical data"
"projectDescription": "Many archaeological sites contain complex internal structures, for example, chambered tombs have an external mound with a chamber inside. Being able to explore a 3D model of the site by peeling back the layers would offer more context to the site, and would allow people to really see what the structure is. One method of doing this would be to investigate volumetrically modelling the site, and developing a slicing tool the would allow the user to cut away parts of the model."
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Google Cardboard Telepresence",
"projectKeywords": [
"virtual environments",
"projectDescription": "Telepresence is when you can make a person to feel like they are in the location of a remote device using virtual reality devices. If you could stream live video feeds from a webcam (or pair of webcams) attached to a robot to a mobile device, you could effectively turn your Google Cardboard into a telepresence device - the user would 'see through the eyes of the robot'. "
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Mars Mission Control Game",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "The Institute of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science frequently takes part in public engagement and outreach events, where we show some of the exciting research happening in Aberystwyth. Researchers in the Department of Physics are working on flight hardware and software for the ExoMars 2020 rover mission, so we have a number of activities related to Mars and robotic space exploration."
"supervisorInitials": "hem23",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Automatic masking of images for automatic photogrammetry",
"projectKeywords": [
"historical data"
"projectDescription": "The HeritageTogether project to digitize monuments collected over 17,000 photographs of standing stones, burial chambers and castles from members of the public to use in automatic photogrammetry to create 3D models. Masking the sky and surroundings from the photographs can help to produce cleaner models, but manually masking 17,000 would take a long time!"
"supervisorInitials": "mjn",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Awaiting list of suggestions.",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ""
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Automating a model railway and enabling web control.",
"projectKeywords": [
"image analysis",
"model railway",
"internet control",
"web control#",
"projectDescription": "Model railways provide an excellent environment in which to develop software systems that interact with sensors and actuators. A model railway is very visual but is low risk in terms of both safety concerns and financial considerations. We have a small model railway shunting yard which is already equipped with electically controlled points (turnouts) and decouplers. It also has four infrared sensors fitted (and more available) to help locate wagons and locomotives over the decouplers. We have a range of wagons and several DCC controlled locomotives. The existing railway has an Arduino Mega providing low level control which runs software known as DCC++ (see ). The Arduino/DCC++ can already instruct all locos, change turnouts, operate decoupler and take inout from the infrared sensors."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Simulation of Marine VHF/DSC Radio Communications",
"projectKeywords": [
"radio systems"
"projectDescription": "Marine radio systems have changed in recent years and a new system, often referred to as DSC (Digital Selective Calling), now exists. This is part of an overall system known as GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Computer Control of a Yaesu FT8900 amateur radio",
"projectKeywords": [
"open source",
"computer control",
"reverse engineering"
"projectDescription": "Many modern transceivers are designed to be controllable by by a computer. The computer being able to operate all the controls and also provide information/data for transmission/reception by the radio."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Simulation of Amateur Radio Communications",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "Before amateur radio enthusiasts are allowed to use radios, they have to pass formal exams involving both theoretical and practical aspects. During training they can only operate if supervised by an amateur radio full license holder."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Design and Implement a Weather Station",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": "One project could focus on using all the parts of the operational unit, but instead of controlling it from the provided control unit, reimplement that part of the system to provide services as described above. Such a project might access information from the existing control unit or might instead intercept the wireless communication from the sensors and take that into a newly designed control facility."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "General topic of amateur radio",
"projectKeywords": [
"radio systems"
"projectDescription": "Lots of software does exist for amateur radio, but we could do more things, or re-implement things that have proved useful. Things like call log books, antenna calculations, signal propagation and terrains. We also now own some amateur radio equipment. We could have projects doing computer copntrol of radios, some via USB interfaces, some needing some reverse engineering and use of existing open source as a starting point. We could also have folks building 'radio simulators' to aid training activities. There are lots of opportunities for transmission of (non-commercial) data via amateur radio."
"supervisorInitials": "dap",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Solar Flares, radio communications, the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere",
"projectKeywords": [
"solar flares",
"projectDescription": "It is known that solar flares emitted from the Sun have a measurable effect on the earth's ionosphere and magnetosphere. This can have many effects included both improved and degraded radio communications."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Learning winning strategies in 2-player games",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"reinforcement learning",
"projectDescription": "This project considers the AI techniques for improving performance at a given task using reinforcement learning algorithms. The initial work will involve investigate a learner called MENACE for noughts and crosses, before developing and testing learning algorithms for more complex games such as Nine Men's Morris."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Agents and Multi-Agent Systems",
"projectKeywords": [
"multi-agent systems",
"projectDescription": "The aim of this project is to give you the opportunity to explore an alternative approach to implementing a system. The selected application would be modelled using a multi-agent system based on the BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) model. This will be implemented using an agent programming language such as AgentSpeak - Jason (, although others are available. Example possible applications could be an air traffic control system, bee hive, flocking birds, capture the flag, city traffic management, community traders & barterers, immune system, stock market trader or your own idea... The Agents in the simulation can be cooperating, competing or an emergent behaviour can appear."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Facial expression recognition and interaction",
"projectKeywords": [
"interative robot",
"facial expressions"
"projectDescription": "The aim of this project is to develop an application for the iCub robot to respond to people based on their facial expressions. This will require visual processing of a persons face to try and identify a selection of different expressions, then developing suitable response for the robot to those expressions."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Ontological Representations",
"projectKeywords": [
"web application",
"linked data",
"knowledge representation"
"projectDescription": "The purpose of this project is to use semi-structured data (e.g., XML-based) to store heterogeneous data obtained from the web. The emphasis will be on using your knowledge of the domain to better structure and organise the data obtained from various sources (for example, you could obtain the data through RSS feeds). You should also use a metadata model (e.g., RDF Resource Description Framework) to express the relationships among the various concepts used in the information you are obtaining from the web. You will make use of RDF Schema (or OWL) to represent the semantics, and the Protégé tool for design of your knowledge representation."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "iCub data visualisation",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "A lot of data is generated from the iCub learning. The aim of this project would be to generate tools to aid with visualising and analysing a lot of the data. This could either be off-line once the data has been collected, or displaying the data as it is generated from learning taking place on the robot."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "An algorithm for learning vergence control for the iCub",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "The iCub robot has two cameras that can be used for stereo vision. There are two parts to this project (1) Applying filters to the images for graduated visual acuity from the centre to the periphery, and (2) learning how to adjust the orientation of the two cameras to fixate on the same target."
"supervisorInitials": "phs",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualisation tool for machine learning",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence"
"projectDescription": "The aim of this project is to produce a tool that can be used for helping others understand how a simple machine learning algorithm (e.g. MENACE - Matchbox Educable Naughts And Crosses Engine) works. The aim would be for introducing the ideas to school children as part of out reach activities."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Bluetooth / Mobile device enabled multiple aquarium controller",
"projectKeywords": [
"graphical mobile aquarium controller."
"projectDescription": "I am in the process of setting up two 5' freshwater aquaria. These will have a variety of computer controllable hardware required to maintain the living environment for the fish and plants and also to provide aesthetically pleasing displays. There will be a variety of specialist lighting for plant growing, other lighting to provide visual colouring etc. There will also be air curtains and an 'underwater waterfall'. There will be a water exchange drip system (pumps a small amount of fresh water into the system periodically) to avoid manual partial water changes. It is also necessary to monitor water temperature. I am planning an automated feeding device for holiday periods. The system will need modes, for example in holiday mode some things can be changed to prevent algae growth, and slow the water exchange, because there is a limited supply of fresh water available."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Analysis and visualisation of UAV flight data",
"projectKeywords": [
"flight data analysis",
"visualisation of multi-dimensional data"
"projectDescription": "Over the previous two summers we flew in excess of 60 missions of a 2.1m wingspan unmanned aerial vehicle over Store glacier in Greenland."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "YATC - Yet another terrarium controller",
"projectKeywords": [
"internet of things"
"projectDescription": "A terrarium is an ecosystem in miniature. The idea is to simulate an environment (jungle, desert etc) within a small closed space such as an aquarium tank. The environment is controlled using lights, heaters, ultasonic fogging devices, small fans, temperature and humidity sensors, real time clock module etc. While there are many systems available to individually conrtol the various aspects of a terrarium, this project will aim to create an integrated system. The hardware will be based around an Arduino (or raspberry Pi) plus the various sensors and bluetooth module. A prototype for the hardware exists already and I will replicate the prototype controller with dummy devices (such as lightbulbs instead of pumps) for the purpose of the project. We can set up an actual (small) terrium with the real devices somewhere on campus to test everything as well."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Classification of exercise and rehabilitation using real-time accelerometer data",
"projectKeywords": [
"raspberry pi",
"projectDescription": "I have constructed small Arduino Nano based 9 Degree of Freedom accelerometer devices."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evolving art therapy colouring book designs",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": "The aim of this project will be to produce that can be printed, and are suitable for colouring, by automatically evolving designs in various ways. For an example of related work by others in this area see -although the designs produced by that work are unsuitable for colouring. There are a number of criteria that make for suitable patterns (page coverage, closed areas, minimum size of areas, repitition etc) and the aim would be to evolve pattern generators based on the fitness of the designs produced by an evolving program with regard to these criteria. "
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Inglenook sidings (game/simulation/puzzle/AI)",
"projectKeywords": [
"ai; search"
"projectDescription": "Inglenook sidings is a classic railway shunting problem (puzzle) inspired by a real world problem. The aim of this project will be to produce a nice graphical game based on the problem. Dave Price has a couple of projects aimed automating and controlling real hardware, however this project focusses on the game/puzzle/AI aspects of the problem. The two could eventally be linked but that is outside the socpe of this project. A couple of rather poor or broken simulation (perhaps could be considered a puzzle) attempts exist on the web, but nothing that actually seems to work or is in any way a polished solution that I am aware of. There is certainly nothing that has the computer solve the problem. I have discovered by trial that the standard problem is just solvable by brute force search - I wrote a simple program that takes between 0-3 minutes to find the optimal solution on a modern laptop. This means a \"race\" between the computer and a human might make a possible genuine game challenge. The problem can easily be extended by adding more sidings and/or wagons and my hypothesis is that a human player may well be able to solve bigger puzzles (probably non optimally) faster than a simple computer search can achieve. The project needs to implement a nice looking game, and a simple search based automated solver (not hard actually I can provide a prototype) to create the race. The implementation platform is open to discussion although a mobile device might not have the resources to solve the problem in a simple way. One possible area for further discussion is the development of an automated solution based on more sohpisticated AI search methods, which may -by necessity- not guarantee an optimal (fewest moves) solution but might be tractable for larger scenarios."
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Temporal Logic (graphical) simulator and experimentation tool",
"projectKeywords": [
"parsers; domain specific computer languages; logic; temporal logic; ai; computer reasoning"
"projectDescription": "Temporal logic simulator. A part of some research, I have developed a language to interpret sequences of events using a formally defined logic that operates on the relationships between periods of time known as intervals (compared to for example first order boolean logic that operates on boolean propositions). I have written an evaluation engine (in Java) that evaluates these expresssions and produces output in terms of intervals of time when the expressions are true (satisfied). The aim of this project will be to create a nice looking application (with GUI) that allows a user to experiment with the logic, creating sequences of inputs and viewing the results of evaluating arbitrary expressions. This will help in understanding the practical behaviour of some derived operators that have subtle aspects that are currently not completely obvious. This project is really suited to someone with an interest in computer languages (Domain Specific Languages) engineering simualation (e.g. state machines etc) and can also build GUI's. An interest in parsers and computer language grammar is even better. The work is slightly on the 'theoretical' side of computer science, but will focus on practical implementation of the ideas. "
"supervisorInitials": "nns",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "An AI based intrusion detector for perimeter security.",
"projectKeywords": [
"fuzzy logic",
"machine learning",
"intrusion detection"
"projectDescription": "Piezo electric cable can be used as a linear microphone up to kilometers in length. We have recently built some simple arduino based hardware to interface this cable and monitor the signals. Open source libraries exist to process these signals into other forms such as Wavelets. The project will build sets of fuzzy rules from these wavelet patterns with the aim of categorising different types of intrusion. For example someone climbing over the fence, cutting through it while ignoring other events such as wind. The categorisation is experimental -and it is the task of the project to build a software package (possibly in Java) to do the analysis and present the results in various formats while allowing various parameters to be experimented with."
"supervisorInitials": "nst",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Stitching Swansea and beyond (NLW/LLGC)",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "nst",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Connect the shipping records (NLW/LLGC)",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "nst",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Material Timeline (NLW/LLGC)",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "nst",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Finding the trends of the past (NLW/LLGC)",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": "There are a few possible supervisors available. "
"supervisorInitials": "bpt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "3D face ageing and other transforms",
"projectKeywords": [
"facial ageing",
"3d computer graphics"
"projectDescription": "The ability to simulate changes in age has applications in movie production (e.g. Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button), and ageing of wanted or missing people. This project would look at extending some existing 2D algorithms to use data from a light-stage. The light stage is a lighting and camera rig, which provides high resolution normal maps, in seperate colour channels and diffuse/specular components, allowing very realistic rendering of faces under different lighting conditions. This project would look at transferring texture information (in particular) between faces to simulate ageing and rejuvenation. Previous work has used a combination of large scale geometrical changes (such as the average differences between young and old) and small scale textural variations (imposing statistical properties from the target group), and this work would likely follow the same pattern."
"supervisorInitials": "bpt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Learning eye-gaze control with convolution neural networks",
"projectKeywords": [
"active vision system",
"convolution neural networks",
"robot control"
"projectDescription": "Learning control in a robotic system can come about as a side-effect of learning to complete some task. For example, an agent learning to classify objects visually can learn to control eye movements in order to successfully complete the task. We have been experimenting with such an active vision system, training neural networks (using genetic algorithms) to perform both the classification and control of the eye movements. The number of visual inputs to the neural network needs to be kept small in order to make the learning computationally feasible, and we have been looking at some pre-processing methods taken from the computer vision literature to do this. This project would look at incorporating a convolution neural network into the system in place of these pre-processing steps. Evidence from other vision problems suggest that this could be an excellent approach."
"supervisorInitials": "bpt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Image registration with Convolution Neural Networks",
"projectKeywords": [
"convolution neural networks",
"image registration",
"medical image analysis"
"projectDescription": "Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) are something of a hot topic in computer vision, having largely solved a number of previously highly challenging vision problems. This project would investigate the use of CNNs in a novel area, that of image registration. Image registration is an important step in many image analysis and computer vision systems, such as medical image analysis. Non-rigid registration (alignment) of two images is a challenging problem. This project would formulate the registration problem as a minimisation problem that the network should learn to solve through training. The input to the network would be two images and the output would be two distortion fields, and the error would be measured after applying the distortion fields to one of the images."
"supervisorInitials": "bpt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Heart-rate from face video demo application",
"projectKeywords": [
"heart rate estimation",
"face video processing",
"signal processing"
"projectDescription": "Previous work has shown that it is possible to extract the heart rate from webcam video of faces. Previous methods have been effective under controlled lighting conditions, and we have developed some new methods which appear to be more robust to variations in lighting and subject movement. Our current system comprises a number of different programs, such as tracking in C/C++ using OpenCV, and analysis using various matlab scripts. This project would recreate these algorithms in a single demo programme, giving the current heart-rate as output on the video feed."
"supervisorInitials": "bpt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Approximating light-stage data",
"projectKeywords": [
"light-stage data",
"3d computer graphics",
"machine learning"
"projectDescription": "A light-stage is a device that uses a dome of lights and cameras to capture high-resolution normal maps of faces (and other objects). Typically polarisation is used to eliminate specular reflections in order to capture separate diffuse and specular normal maps. This requires complex calibration of lights and cameras, limits the placements of cameras, causes a significant loss in available light, leading to small depth-of-field and other issues. This project would look into simulating the effect of the polarising filters, by automatically separating the specular and diffuse components. A number of possible approaches could be looked into such as (1) Blind source separation - exploit the statistical difference to extract 2 signals from a single image, (2) use the di-chromatic reflectance model (the diffuse and specular reflections are clustered in different parts of the histograms) or (3) applying machine learning to training examples to learn how to split the input."
"supervisorInitials": "lgt",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Awaiting list of suggestions.",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ""
"supervisorInitials": "mxw",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Teaching Keystage 2 through Minecraft",
"projectKeywords": [
"keystage 2",
"projectDescription": "This project, in collaboration with a local primary school, will attempt to teach core concepts of Keystage 2 teaching though the medium of Minecraft. Minecraft is an engaging blocks world creative environment which will be used to implement teaching concepts."
"supervisorInitials": "mxw",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evolutionary Robotics",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "A general title of an area I'm interested in. Come talk if you're interested in a project in this area and we can discuss possible areas."
"supervisorInitials": "mxw",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Mazes and Pipes",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "The idea behind this project was to connect multipls 3D shaped pipes to others to connect a water source to a drain. The idea is to teach kids 3D shapes and rotation. Can be done of multiple platforms."
"supervisorInitials": "mxw",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Bee-inspired MANET communication protocol",
"projectKeywords": [
"bee-inspired protocol"
"projectDescription": "Using a bee inspired communication protocol (already available), experiment to find a method to decide on selection metrics for use depending, for example, if you require speed, volume etc."
"supervisorInitials": "mxw",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Biologically inspired robotics",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "A general title of an area I'm interested in. Come talk if you're interested in a project in this area."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Computational Intelligence in Games (2048)",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "The goal of the project is to learn a strategy for the well-known 2048 game. It is based on a competition held at an international conference in 2015( The framework is written in Java."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualisation of (Nature-Inspired) Algorithms",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "Nature-inspired algorithms are often very easy to implement and apply but it is very difficult to understand why and how they work. The purpose of this project is to facilitate this understanding by implementing different ways of visualising what a concrete algorithm is doing on a specific problem. The focus is on the implementation of different views and an appealing and easy to use graphical user interface."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Countdown Game (Number Round)",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "Countdown is a game show involving word and number puzzles. This project is concerned with the `Number Round' of the game: One contestant selects six random numbered tiles and a random three-digit target is generated by the computer. The task is to get as near to the target as possible by combining the six numbers selected using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (Not all numbers need to be used and a number can be only used as many times as it appears.)"
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Game Development",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "As an alternative to using existing game environments (see ``Computational Intelligence in Games'' projects), a project can be concerned with the implementation of a game from scratch. Here, in addition to the implementation of the game itself (including appropriate graphics) a major part will be dedicated to the development and implementation of an appropriate AI player as opponent and/or the creation of game levels with different degree of difficulty. A number of different card, board or puzzle games are appropriate for such a project and should be discussed in advance. Some potential ideas can be found on the webpage of the GVG-AI Competition:"
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Computational Intelligence in Games (Geometry Friends)",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "Geometry Friends is a two player cooperative puzzle game developed by the GAIPS INESC-ID laboratory and used as basis for AI competitions at international conferences. It is a platform game in a 2D environment with simulated physics (with gravity and friction). The goal of the players is to gather a set of diamonds in the least amount of time. See: The framework is written in C#."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Comparing Nature-Inspired Algorithms for the Vertex Cover Problem",
"projectKeywords": [
"evolutionary algorithms",
"artificial immune systems",
"empirical analysis"
"projectDescription": "A vertex cover of a graph is a subset of its vertices such that each edge of the graph is incident to at least one vertex of the set (or in other words: for every edge (u, v) of the graph, either 'u' or 'v' is in the set)."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evolutionary Art",
"projectKeywords": [
"evolutionary algorithms"
"projectDescription": "Evolutionary art refers to images (among other things) that are created interactively with the use of an evolutionary algorithm (see for example The evolutionary algorithm starts with a very simple (possibly empty) image and creates images by randomly varying this image. The user interacts with the algorithm by selecting images that should serve as basis for the next generation of pictures. The purpose of projects in this area is to implement such a system."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualisation of a Recent Multimodal Optimisation Benchmark",
"projectKeywords": [
"evolutionary algorithms",
"projectDescription": "Multimodal optimisation is concerned with problems that have a number of different local and global optima (e.g., two different shortest paths from the train station to the Llandinam building) and we are usually interested in finding several different optima, either in a simultaneous or sequential fashion."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Computational Intelligence in Games (AI Birds)",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence",
"projectDescription": "This project is based on the framework of the Angry Birds AI Competition that has been held at the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence earlier this year ( The task is to develop a computer program that can successfully play Angry Birds. The framework is written in Java and makes use of the Chrome version of Angry Birds."
"supervisorInitials": "chz8",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Countdown Game (Letter Round)",
"projectKeywords": [
"data structures"
"projectDescription": "Countdown is a game show involving word and number puzzles. This project is concerned with the Letter Round of the game: A selection of nine tiles with letters is generated randomly. For each tile the player can choose if they want to have another consonant or vowel. The goal is to come up with the longest word that can be formed using the available letters."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualisation and topological aspects of high dimensional data",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Interesting route finding",
"projectKeywords": [
"route finding",
"satellite navigation",
"best path"
"projectDescription": "Someone wants to travel between sites A and B. They could make a detour on route and have some time to spare, e.g. 1 hour. What could you recommend on the way? How would you make those recommendations? Could this be linked to tourism, e.g. Hinterland film locations?"
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Visualisation of numbers in prime-number space",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Automatic narrative/plot generation",
"projectKeywords": [
"projectDescription": "To investigate automatic/dynamic narrative/plot generation associated with games."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Investigating links between simple image features and patient information",
"projectKeywords": [
"image processing"
"projectDescription": "This will start by looking what other people have done in this area, after which selected image processing techniques will be implemented, after which the correlation with patient information will be investigated."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Sequencing video clips",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Investigate/evaluate some of the mammographic risk work done within the research group",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "How we experience movies/art",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Conceptual models of (medical) image interpretation",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Evaluate REF2014 Data",
"projectKeywords": [
"machine learning",
"artificial intelligence"
"projectDescription": "REF2014 is the UK wide assessment of research at UK Higher Education Institutions. This project will evaluate the REF2014 data that is released. It will need to harvest information from the REF site and from Google Scholar. This will need to do some AI (machine learning) on the data to link data and resulting profiles."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Anything Medical Image Analysis and Health Data Analysis Based",
"projectKeywords": [
"image analysis",
"medical imaging"
"projectDescription": "We have a few larger datasets and are always trying to find interesting methods to do analysis of the medical images. We are also interested in looking at other application areas and I would be happy to discuss any ideas in this direction."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Texture analysis in 2D/3D image data",
"projectKeywords": [],
"projectDescription": ": Could supervise one project from this topic."
"supervisorInitials": "rrz",
"supervisorEmail": "",
"supervisorProfilePage": "",
"projectTitle": "Detecting the source of rumours",
"projectKeywords": [
"artificial intelligence"
"projectDescription": "Can you write a program that can help detect the origin of rumours? Where did a rumour or story start? When did it start? How much information could your program uncover?"
"supervisors": [
"keywords": {
"computer vision": 4,
"android": 8,
"image processing": 4,
"ios": 5,
"tracking": 1,
"c": 1,
"raspberry pi": 2,
"python": 1,
"arduino": 3,
"windows mobile": 1,
"mobile application": 3,
"travel salesman problem": 1,
"ant colony optimization": 1,
"games": 12,
"genetic programming": 1,
"robocode": 1,
"genetic algorithms": 1,
"games;": 1,
"artificial intelligence": 15,
"mobile": 4,
"search": 2,
"cryptography": 1,
"music": 2,
"composition": 1,
"controller": 2,
"app": 2,
"game": 3,
"ai": 1,
"tablet": 1,
"aco": 1,
"ant": 1,
"colony": 1,
"optimisation": 4,
"feature": 1,
"selection": 1,
"3d environments": 1,
"robotic simulator": 1,
"visual mapping": 1,
"image based place representation": 1,
"laser scanner": 1,
"geometric map": 1,
"obstacle avoidance": 2,
"laser scanning": 1,
"point cloud registration": 1,
"robot motion": 1,
"wheeled odometry": 1,
"robot": 1,
"gps": 1,
"quiz system": 1,
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"code collusion checker": 1,
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"graphical mobile aquarium controller.": 1,
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"ai; search": 1,
"parsers; domain specific computer languages; logic; temporal logic; ai; computer reasoning": 1,
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"benchmarks": 1,
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"route finding": 1,
"satellite navigation": 1,
"best path": 1,
"medical imaging": 1
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