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njj/blah.cljs Secret

Created May 31, 2019 18:13
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(defsc Price [this {:keys [value type] :as props} {:keys [edit-mode?]}]
{:query [:_id
:form-fields #{:value}
:ident [:prices/by-id :_id]}
(condp = type
:.col-sm-4.control-label "Hourly price")
(if-not edit-mode?
:.form-control-static value)
{:type "text"
:value value
:onChange #(m/set-string! this :value :event %)
:onBlur #(js/console.log (fs/dirty-fields props true))})))))))
(def ui-price (prim/factory Price {:keyfn :_id}))
(defsc ListingForm
[this {:keys [ui/edit-mode? prices _id] :as props} {:keys []}]
{:query [:_id
{:prices (prim/get-query Price)}
:form-fields #{:prices}
:ident [:listing/by-id :_id]
:initial-state {:ui/edit-mode? "listing-details"}}
(let [listing-edit? (= edit-mode? "listing-details")
entity-ident (prim/get-ident this (prim/props this))]
(dom/p :.title "Listing Details")
(mapv (fn [p] (ui-price (prim/computed p {:edit-mode? listing-edit?}))) prices)))))))
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