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Created April 9, 2012 23:39
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A context-manager for DataFrames
import ctypes
PyFrame_LocalsToFast = ctypes.pythonapi.PyFrame_LocalsToFast
PyFrame_LocalsToFast.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object]
# Doing this with cython instead of ctypes would be much easier (and more
# robust). I just do it this way to keep the example self-contained.
frameobject_fields = [
# PyObject_VAR_HEAD
("ob_refcnt", ctypes.c_int64),
("ob_type", ctypes.py_object),
("ob_size", ctypes.c_ssize_t),
# struct _frame *f_back; /* previous frame, or NULL */
("f_back", ctypes.c_void_p),
# PyCodeObject *f_code; /* code segment */
("f_code", ctypes.c_void_p),
# PyObject *f_builtins; /* builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) */
("f_builtins", ctypes.py_object),
# PyObject *f_globals; /* global symbol table (PyDictObject) */
("f_globals", ctypes.py_object),
import sys
if hasattr(sys, "getobjects"):
# This python was compiled with debugging enabled.
frameobject_fields = [
("_ob_next", ctypes.c_void_p),
("_ob_prev", ctypes.c_void_p),
] + frameobject_fields
class PyFrameObject(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = frameobject_fields
def set_globals_dict(frame, new_globals):
# f_globals *must* point to a real PyDictObject
assert isinstance(new_globals, dict)
ct_frame = PyFrameObject.from_address(id(frame))
assert id(ct_frame.f_globals) == id(frame.f_globals)
ct_frame.f_globals = new_globals
assert id(new_globals) == id(frame.f_globals)
class DataFrameContextManager(object):
"""A context manager that works like R's with() function.
The usage is like this:
with DataFrameContextManager(df):
<your code here>
Then <your code here> can refer to any columns in the data frame `df` as
ordinary local variables. `df` can actually be any dict-like object.
There are a few caveats:
* You cannot re-assign any of these local variables. (You can, however,
modify them in place. `x = ...` is illegal; `x[:] = ...` is fine.)
* You cannot re-assign *any* global variables from within the `with`
block. Normally this is not an issue; the only way you could possibly do
this would be by using the `global` keyword.
* These local variables are even more ephemeral than ordinary local
variables. If you use `pdb.post_mortem` to debug an exception raised from
inside the `with` block, then these variables will have
disappeared. Defining a closure inside one of these `with` blocks will
have curious and probably undesireable effects.
def __init__(self, df):
self.df = df
# A unique sentinel value, that can be used identify undefined
# variables (as distinct from those that are defined to be None,
# etc.):
self.NOTHING = object()
def __enter__(self):
from inspect import currentframe
self.caller_frame = currentframe(1)
# We would really like to 'interpose' a new scope into the name lookup
# chain.
# Wrinkle 1: there are actually two lookup chains; Python determines
# at compile-time whether each variable is local or global, and uses a
# different lookup procedure for each.
# Wrinkle 2: We can interpose a new scope into the global lookup
# chain, but not the local lookup chain. Therefore we have to modify
# the local namespace in-place, and then pull any changes out again by
# hand.
# Wrinkle 3: because of optimizations Python does for local lookups,
# we have to use an obscure C API call to actually modify the local
# lookup dictionary.
# XX: does this work with nested scopes?
self.names = list(self.df)
# You might think that Python local variables were stored in a dict,
# as per locals() or the .f_locals attribute of frame objects. The
# dict is a lie. Actually they are stored in a hidden array inside the
# frame object, two API functions are used to make the dict lie work.
# PyFrame_FastToLocals: extracts local variable values into the
# .f_locals dict. PyFrame_LocalsToFast: copies the local variable
# values from the .f_locals dict into the hidden array.
# PyFrame_FastToLocals is called implicitly whenever we access the
# .f_locals attribute of a frame. Therefore, it is a good idea to save
# it in a temporary variable and use that, so as to avoid accidentally
# overwriting any changes we make:
locals_ = self.caller_frame.f_locals
# Variables that are compiled as local, but not yet assigned, will not
# appear in the .f_locals array. So we need to get the real list of
# local variable names:
self.local_names = [name
for name in self.caller_frame.f_code.co_varnames
if name in self.names]
self.shadowed_locals = {}
for name in self.local_names:
self.shadowed_locals[name] = locals_.get(name, self.NOTHING)
locals_[name] = self.df[name]
# This propagates the locals_ dictionary to the magical array that
# Python actually uses to store local variables.
# Needed to undo our hack later
self.real_globals = self.caller_frame.f_globals
self.new_globals = dict(self.real_globals)
# Needed to detect attempts to re-assign global variables
self.orig_global_ids = {}
for k, v in self.new_globals.iteritems():
self.orig_global_ids[k] = id(v)
set_globals_dict(self.caller_frame, self.new_globals)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
locals_ = self.caller_frame.f_locals
# Before we do anything else (esp. anything that might fail), unwind
# our scope hack:
end_locals = dict(locals_)
for name, value in self.shadowed_locals.iteritems():
if value is self.NOTHING and name in locals_:
del locals_[name]
locals_[name] = value
set_globals_dict(self.caller_frame, self.real_globals)
# Next, check if the user was naughty and tried to re-assign any
# data-frame variables, or any globals at all. This indicates a simple
# bug in their code, and overrides any exception raised from inside
# the 'with' block.
for key, value in self.new_globals.iteritems():
if id(value) != self.orig_global_ids.get(key):
raise (NameError,
"illegal assignment to global %r in"
" DataFrameContextManager scope"
% (key,))
for name in self.local_names:
if end_locals.get(name, self.NOTHING) is not self.df[name]:
raise NameError(
"illegal re-assignment of magic local variable"
" %r in DataFrameContextManager scope"
% (name,))
# False means, any exception which was raised by the 'with' block
# should be re-raised.
return False
import numpy as np
_global_def = "_global_def"
# This avoids annoyances with reload():
if "_global_undef" in globals():
del _global_undef
def test_with_data():
assert _global_def == "_global_def"
local_init = "local_init"
assert local_init == "local_init"
data = {"_global_def": [1],
"local_init": [2],
"local_unset": [3],
"_global_undef": [4],
# import pandas
# df = pandas.DataFrame(data)
df = data
with DataFrameContextManager(df):
assert np.all(_global_def == [1])
assert np.all(local_init == [2])
assert np.all(local_unset == [3])
assert np.all(_global_undef == [4])
assert _global_def == "_global_def"
assert "_global_undef" not in globals()
assert local_init == "local_init"
assert "local_unset" not in locals()
assert np.all(df["_global_def"] == [1])
assert np.all(df["local_init"] == [2])
assert np.all(df["local_unset"] == [3])
assert np.all(df["_global_undef"] == [4])
# Check error exit
with DataFrameContextManager(df):
raise IOError, "just kidding"
except IOError, e:
assert e.args == ("just kidding",)
assert False
assert _global_def == "_global_def"
assert "_global_undef" not in globals()
assert local_init == "local_init"
assert "local_unset" not in locals()
# Check that attempts to re-assign variables are caught.
with DataFrameContextManager(df):
global _bad_global_
_bad_global_ = object()
except NameError:
assert False
with DataFrameContextManager(df):
local_init = [22]
except NameError:
assert False
assert local_init == "local_init"
# This pointless assignment is what makes this a local variable.
local_unset = "local_unset"
if __name__ == "__main__":
import nose
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njsmith commented Jul 13, 2012

Nope. It's got its limitations, but they're described in the docstring (AFAIK).

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