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Last active April 17, 2017 07:14
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# A modest proposal for making libraries like urllib3 async-friendly.
# Step 1: we need some way abstract over different network APIs. We
# encapsulate that into a class providing the basic networking operations we
# need. Two unusual but crucial points:
# - these methods are all semantically blocking
# - they're all async-colored (but wait until the end before judging this)
import abc
class AbstractNetworkIO(abc.ABC):
async def create_connected_socket(self, host, port):
"""Returns an opaque object representing a socket connected to the
given host:port."""
async def sendall(self, sock, data):
"""Sends the given data to the given opaque socket object."""
async def recv(self, sock, bufsize):
"""You know what this does."""
# Here's some examples of what concrete implementations might look like. Note
# that while the methods on the BlockingNetworkIO class are async-colored,
# they never actually yield:
import socket
class BlockingNetworkIO(AbstractNetworkIO):
def __init__(self, timeout):
self.timeout = timeout
async def create_connected_socket(self, host, port):
sock = socket.create_connection((host, port))
return sock
async def sendall(self, sock, data):
return sock.sendall(data)
async def recv(self, sock, bufsize):
return sock.recv(bufsize)
import trio
except ImportError:
class TrioNetworkIO(AbstractNetworkIO):
async def create_connected_socket(self, host, port):
sock = trio.socket.socket()
addr = await sock.resolve_remote_address(host, port)
await sock.connect(addr)
return sock
async def sendall(self, sock, data):
return await sock.sendall(data)
async def recv(self, sock, bufsize):
return await sock.recv(bufsize)
# Step 2: implement the core logic on top of these backends. Compared to a
# naive blocking implementation, there are two changes:
# - the outermost API functions need to accept a NetworkIO instance, and
# thread it down the call stack.
# - many functions become async-colored, because they transitively call one of
# the NetworkIO methods. However, the actual *logic* is identical to what it
# would be in a naive blocking implementation: the only difference is the
# addition of some "async" and "await" keywords at appropriate places.
# I'm a little too lazy to write an actual http client here so you get an echo
# client instead
async def abstract_echo_client(nio, host, port):
sock = await nio.create_connected_socket(host, port)
HELLO = b"hello!"
await sock.sendall(HELLO)
received = bytearray()
while len(received) < len(HELLO):
data = await sock.recv(4096)
if not data:
received += data
print("got", received)
# Step 3: write little shim layers so that end-users don't have to be exposed
# to the NetworkIO objects, and to paper over any little differences in idiom
# between different backends. This is the main public API that users interact
# with.
# For the blocking backend, we want to erase the async coloration, which is
# really easy because we know that the coroutine stack never actually yields,
# so we can use a trivial coroutine runner. We also want to implement the
# weird timeout parameter that is commonly expected for code using stdlib
# blocking sockets.
# For trio, the idiomatic thing is not to take a timeout parameter, but
# instead inherit it from ambient context, so it's pretty trivial.
# A trivial coroutine runner, for coroutines that are secretly synchronous.
def run_unyielding_coro(fn, *args, **kwargs):
coro = fn(*args, **kwargs)
except StopIteration as exc:
return exc.value
raise RuntimeError("coroutine yielded? can't happen")
def blocking_echo_client(host, port, timeout=None):
nio = BlockingNetworkIO(timeout)
return run_unyielding_coro(abstract_echo_client, nio, host, port)
async def trio_echo_client(host, port):
nio = TrioNetworkIO()
return await abstract_echo_client(nio, host, port)
# Okay! This is a general pattern for writing protocol libraries that do I/O,
# but support switchable backends, on Python 3.5+. Now the $1e6 question: what
# about Python 2? Dropping support for python 2 is, alas, probably not in the
# cards quite yet.
# Well... remember how we pointed out that the only difference between the
# code we wrote, and the code we would have written if we were only targeting
# blocking socket I/O, was that our code has some extra "async" and "await"
# keywords?
# Step 4: as part of our release process, run a simple script over the code to
# delete all instances of the "async" and "await" keywords, and package that
# up as the python 2 release (!!). This can be done reliably using the
# tokenize module. (Or lib2to3 I suppose, if you want to really pull out the
# big guns. But tokenize should be simpler do the job.)
# There are a few wrinkles.
# Wrinkle 1: Having re-colored abstract_echo_client and everything below it as
# synchronous, we need to get rid of the coroutine code inside the blocking
# shim layer. This can be done by adding a few lines to the definition of
# run_unyielding_coro; everything else stays the same:
async def probefn():
return None
# True iff this code has been recolored
HAVE_ASYNC = (probefn() is not None)
def run_unyielding_coro(fn, *args, **kwargs):
if not HAVE_ASYNC:
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
# .. same as above ...
coro = fn(*args, **kwargs)
except StopIteration as exc:
return exc.value
raise RuntimeError("coroutine yielded? can't happen")
# Wrinkle 2: It won't be *quite* true that deleting async/await makes
# everything under abstract_echo_client into synchronous code... because there
# are these annoying async context managers and async iterators that have
# different method names than their synchronous-colored equivalents. So we
# also need to add some code to adapt these, maybe little decorators like:
def synchronizable_async_cm(cls):
cls.__enter__ = cls.__aenter__
cls.__exit__ = cls.__aexit__
return cls
class SomeAsyncManager(object):
async def __aenter__(self):
async def __aexit__(self, cls, value, tb):
# The equivalent for iterators is a bit more convoluted because of the
# iterable/iterator split, but not in any deep way.
# An alternative approach would be to adapt our script to also replace the
# tokens __aenter__/__aexit__/__aiter__/__anext__ and StopAsyncIteration with
# their sync equivalents. These are just names and not keywords so our script
# would in theory be a little bit less robust – it could have false positives
# if someone used these as a regular variable name or false negatives if
# someone were to like, setattr(someclass, "__aenter__", ...). But in practice
# I bet it would work pretty well.
# I think that's all the wrinkles?
# Conclusion:
# This is potentially a general technique for writing I/O-ful protocol
# libraries that expose an idiomatic synchronous API on python 2/3, and also
# idiomatic async asynchronous APIs on python 3.5+, with support for multiple
# async backends.
# Downsides:
# - code generation is always a bit ugly. In this case the transformation is
# particularly transparent (literally nothing but a token-wise
# s/async|await//g), but it's still a downside.
# - no support for async on pre-3.5 pythons (so e.g., no
# urllib3-on-twisted-on-python-2 -- but urllib3-on-twisted-on-python-3
# *would* be supported)
# Upsides:
# - did I mention idiomatic public APIs? trying to use py2-compatible
# callbacks internally and expose a nice async/await and backend-agnostic
# API externally is going to be super annoying, I suspect?
# - essentially no code duplication, except for whatever's needed at the
# "shim" layer to support multiple backends (really more an issue of
# supporting multiple backends then the sync/async split per se).
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