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Created October 10, 2013 21:01
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A routine to compute the cubic Bézier spline parameters to fit a curve to points, using the Catmull-Rom algorithm.
// Catmull-Rom Spline to Bezier Spline Converter
// This is an experimental extension of the SVG 'path' element syntax to
// allow Catmull-Rom splines, which differs from Bézier curves in that all
// defined points on a Catmull-Rom spline are on the path itself.
// This is intended to serve as a proof-of-concept toward inclusion of a
// Catmull-Rom path command into the SVG 2 specification. As such, it is
// not production-ready, nor are the syntax or resulting rendering stable;
// notably, it does not include a 'tension' parameter to allow the author
// to specify how tightly the path interpolates between points. Feedback
// on this and other aspects is welcome.
// The syntax is as follows:
// ([number],[number])+ R([number],[number])+ ([number],[number])*
// In other words, there must be at least one coordinate pair preceding the
// Catmull-Rom path segment (just as with any other path segment), followed
// by the new path command 'R', followed by at least two coordinate pairs,
// with as many optional subsequent coordinate pairs as desired.
// (As with path syntax in general, the numbers may be positive or negative
// floating-point values, and the delimiter is any combination of spaces
// with at most one comma.)
// License:
// This code is available under the MIT or GPL licenses, and it takes
// inspiration from Maxim Shemanarev's Anti-Grain Geometry library.
// Contact info:
// for public comments (preferred),
// for personal comments.
// author: schepers, created: 07-09-2010
function init() {
// find each path, to see if it has Catmull-Rom splines in it
var pathEls = document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("path");
for (var p = 0, pLen = pathEls.length; pLen > p; p++) {
var eachPath = pathEls[ p ];
parsePath( eachPath );
function parsePath( path ) {
var pathArray = [];
var lastX = "";
var lastY = "";
var d = path.getAttribute( "d" );
if ( -1 !=[rR]/) ) {
// no need to redraw the path if no Catmull-Rom segments are found
// split path into constituent segments
var pathSplit = d.split(/([A-Za-z])/);
for (var i = 0, iLen = pathSplit.length; iLen > i; i++) {
var segment = pathSplit[i];
// make command code lower case, for easier matching
// NOTE: this code assumes absolution coordinates, and doesn't account for relative command coordinates
var command = segment.toLowerCase()
if ( -1 !=[A-Za-z]/) ) {
var val = "";
if ( "z" != command ) {
val = pathSplit[ i ].replace(/\s+$/, '');
if ( "r" == command ) {
// "R" and "r" are the a Catmull-Rom spline segment
var points = lastX + "," + lastY + " " + val;
// convert Catmull-Rom spline to Bézier curves
var beziers = catmullRom2bezier( points );
//insert replacement curves back into array of path segments
pathArray.push( beziers );
} else {
// rejoin the command code and the numerical values, place in array of path segments
pathArray.push( segment + val );
// find last x,y points, for feeding into Catmull-Rom conversion algorithm
if ( "h" == command ) {
lastX = val;
} else if ( "v" == command ) {
lastY = val;
} else if ( "z" != command ) {
var c = val.split(/[,\s]/);
lastY = c.pop();
lastX = c.pop();
// recombine path segments and set new path description in DOM
path.setAttribute( "d", pathArray.join(" ") );
function catmullRom2bezier( points ) {
// alert(points)
var crp = points.split(/[,\s]/);
var d = "";
for (var i = 0, iLen = crp.length; iLen - 2 > i; i+=2) {
var p = [];
if ( 0 == i ) {
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 3 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 4 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 5 ])} );
} else if ( iLen - 4 == i ) {
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i - 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i - 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 3 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 3 ])} );
} else {
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i - 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i - 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 1 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 2 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 3 ])} );
p.push( {x: parseFloat(crp[ i + 4 ]), y: parseFloat(crp[ i + 5 ])} );
// Catmull-Rom to Cubic Bezier conversion matrix
// 0 1 0 0
// -1/6 1 1/6 0
// 0 1/6 1 -1/6
// 0 0 1 0
var bp = [];
bp.push( { x: p[1].x, y: p[1].y } );
bp.push( { x: ((-p[0].x + 6*p[1].x + p[2].x) / 6), y: ((-p[0].y + 6*p[1].y + p[2].y) / 6)} );
bp.push( { x: ((p[1].x + 6*p[2].x - p[3].x) / 6), y: ((p[1].y + 6*p[2].y - p[3].y) / 6) } );
bp.push( { x: p[2].x, y: p[2].y } );
d += "C" + bp[1].x + "," + bp[1].y + " " + bp[2].x + "," + bp[2].y + " " + bp[3].x + "," + bp[3].y + " ";
return d;
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