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Created June 28, 2018 19:23
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LAG generator for Mnemonic Similarity Task
#!/usr/bin/env python
Compute stimulus orderings for the mnemonic similarity task, described in:
Stark SM, Stevenson R, Wu C, Rutledge S, & Stark CEL (2015). Stability of
age-related deficits in the mnemonic similarity task across task variations.
Behavioral Neuroscience 129(3), 257-268.
Written by Nate Vack <> at the Center for Healthy Minds,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, for the mp2 study conducted by Dan Grupe
Copyright 2018 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
Licensed under the MIT license.
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import random
from itertools import count
import pandas as pd
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Change these constants to vary the generated data.
# We choose a lag by turning the ranges into
# lists, picking a random element from the list, and if we can't choose a lag
# of that length, removing it from the list.
# If a list is exhausted, we can't place any more lags of that length.
ZERO_LAGS = range(0, 1)
SHORT_LAGS = range(1, 10)
MED_LAGS = range(20, 81)
LONG_LAGS = range(120, 181)
(14, MED_LAGS),
PAIR_TYPES = ['repeat', 'lure']
PAIR_COUNTS = [e[0] for e in LAG_COUNTS]
TOTAL_PAIR_TRIALS = sum(PAIR_COUNTS) * len(PAIR_TYPES) * 2 # two trials/pair
def main(task_filename, debug_filename=None):
trial_list = make_trial_list()
for_task = format_trial_list_for_task(trial_list)
for_task.to_csv(task_filename, index=False, header=False)'Saved task data to {}'.format(task_filename))
if debug_filename:
trial_list.to_csv(debug_filename, index=False)
logger.debug('Saved debug data to {}'.format(debug_filename))
def make_trial_list():'Generating {} total trials'.format(TOTAL_TRIALS))
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', TOTAL_TRIALS)
trial_list = pd.DataFrame(
columns=['stim_number', 'trial_type', 'repetition', 'lag'])
pair_type_counters = {pair_type: count(1) for pair_type in PAIR_TYPES}
for c, lag_range in LAG_COUNTS:
populate_lags(trial_list, c, lag_range, pair_type_counters)
return trial_list
def populate_lags(trial_list, lag_count, lag_range, pair_type_counters):
Adds lag_count * pair_types * 2 elements to trial_list.
WARNING: Actively modifies trial_list.
raises a RuntimeError if it can't place a lag in the specified range.
possible_lags = list(lag_range)
for i in range(lag_count):
for pair_type, counter in pair_type_counters.items():
stim_number = next(counter)
logger.debug('Trying to place {} #{}'.format(
pair_type, stim_number))
trial_list, possible_lags, pair_type, stim_number)
def fill_foils(trial_list):
foil_stim_numbers = list(range(1, FOIL_TRIALS + 1))
ix = trial_list[trial_list.stim_number.isnull()].index
trial_list.loc[ix, 'stim_number'] = foil_stim_numbers
trial_list.loc[ix, 'trial_type'] = 'foil'
trial_list.loc[ix, 'repetition'] = 'x'
def place_lagged_trials(trial_list, possible_lags, pair_type, stim_number):
Puts both parts of a pair of trials into trial_list. Raises a RuntimeError
if no possible_lags can fit in trial_list.
while len(possible_lags) > 0:
lag = random.sample(possible_lags, 1)[0]
starts = potential_start_indexes(trial_list, lag)
if len(starts) == 0:
logger.debug('No room for pair with lag {}'.format(lag))
start_index = random.sample(starts, 1)[0]
end_index = start_index + lag + 1
logger.debug('Placed at {} and {}, lag {}'.format(
start_index, end_index, lag))
trial_list.loc[start_index].stim_number = stim_number
trial_list.loc[start_index].trial_type = pair_type
trial_list.loc[start_index].repetition = 'a'
trial_list.loc[start_index].lag = lag
trial_list.loc[end_index].stim_number = stim_number
trial_list.loc[end_index].trial_type = pair_type
trial_list.loc[end_index].repetition = 'b'
trial_list.loc[end_index].lag = lag
free_count = trial_list.stim_number.isnull().sum()
raise RuntimeError(
'Out of possible lags: {} slots remain'.format(free_count))
def potential_start_indexes(trial_list, lag):
Find all the indexes (i) of trial_list where trial_list[i] and
trial_list[i+lag+1] are blank. Returns an empty index if there are no
candidate indexes.
We can find this out by looking at the blank spaces in trial_list and
a copy of the trial list shifted up by lag+1 slots, and seeing where
both lists are blank.
start_blanks = trial_list.stim_number.isnull()
end_blanks = start_blanks.shift(-1 * (lag + 1))
matches = start_blanks & end_blanks
return list(trial_list.index[matches])
def format_trial_list_for_task(trial_list):
output = pd.DataFrame(index=trial_list.index, columns=['stype', 'lag'])
output.stype = trial_list.apply(output_stim_type, axis=1)
output.lag = trial_list.apply(output_lag, axis=1)
return output
('repeat', 'a'): 0,
('repeat', 'b'): 100,
('lure', 'a'): 200,
('lure', 'b'): 300,
('foil', 'x'): 400
def output_stim_type(row):
stype_code_addend = STYPE_CODE_MAP.get(
(row.trial_type, row.repetition), 9000)
return stype_code_addend + row.stim_number
def output_lag(trial_row):
if trial_row.repetition == 'b':
return 500 + trial_row.lag
return -1
if __name__ == '__main__':
out_filename = sys.argv[1]
debug_filename = None
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
debug_filename = sys.argv[2]
main(out_filename, debug_filename)
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