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Forked from coderofsalvation/downsample.bash
Last active January 26, 2017 18:06
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[[ ! -n "$1" ]] && {
echo "Usage: ./downsample <input.wav> <output.wav> "
echo " DOWNSAMPLE=6 MONO=1 ./downsample in.wav out.wav ";
echo " TREBLE=3 RATE=22500 DOWNSAMPLE=4 GAIN=1 ./downsample in.wav out.wav ";
echo "$1" | bc -l
# a-law has a compader
sox -V "$1" -e signed -b 8 -r 22500 -c 1 "$1".tmp.wav
mv "$1".tmp.wav "$1"
sox -V "$1" -e a-law -b 8 -r 22500 -c 1 "$1".tmp.wav
mv "$1".tmp.wav "$1"
[[ -f "$2" ]] && echo "deleting!!!!!!!!!" && rm "$2"
[[ -n $RATE ]] && rate=$RATE || rate=30000
[[ -n $DOWNSAMPLE ]] && downsample="norm downsample $DOWNSAMPLE upsample $DOWNSAMPLE" || downsample=""
sox "$1" -n stats 2>&1 | grep Left &>/dev/null
[[ $? == 0 ]] && channels=2 || channels=1
[[ -n $MONO ]] && channels=1
[[ ! -n $BITS ]] && BITS=16
[[ $BITS == 8 ]] && ENCODING=a-law || ENCODING=signed-integer
soxopts="-e $ENCODING -b $BITS -D -r $rate -c $channels"
cp "$1" /tmp/in.wav
[[ -n $TREBLE ]] && {
sox /tmp/in.wav -c 2 "$2".hp.wav highpass $(( (rate/2)-2000)) gain +$TREBLE
sox -M /tmp/in.wav "$2".hp.wav -c 2 "$2".final.wav
mv "$2".final.wav /tmp/in.wav ;
echo sox -V /tmp/in.wav ${soxopts} "$2" ${downsample}
sox -V /tmp/in.wav ${soxopts} "$2" ${downsample}
[[ -n GAIN ]] && {
sox "$2" "$2".gain.wav gain $GAIN
mv "$2".gain.wav "$2";
downsample "$@"
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