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nk23x / soundcloud-flash.html
Created December 22, 2014 16:40 - url
<iframe src=""></iframe>
nk23x / apache-tips.txt
Created January 9, 2015 14:41
apache config tips
== # Apache Internal Dummy Connection - what is it and what should I do with it? ==
If you wish to exclude apache dummy connections from your log:
SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "83\.170\.93\.77" loopbackaccess
CustomLog logs/access_log combined env=!loopbackaccess
== # ProxyPassMatch ==
ProxyPassMatch is available, which lets you specify a pattern (Regular Expression) for your forwarding - for example, if you wanted to forward all you image requests to an image server:
nk23x / vmware-tools (get + install)
Created February 13, 2015 15:07
scripting in progress
vmtoolsd -v|perl -pe 's/([a-zA-Z-,()])//g;s/\s+([0-9.\s].*)/$1/g;s/([0-9.].?)([0-9.].?)([0-9.].?)([0-9.].+) (.*)/VMwareTools-$1$2$3-$5.tar.gz/g;'
= VMwareTools-9.4.11-2400950.tar.gz
if [ "$(wget -q -O - http://[your filehost]/[path]/VMwareTools-LATEST)" ne "$(vmtoolsd -v|perl -pe 's/([a-zA-Z-,()])//g;s/\s+([0-9.\s].*)/$1/g;s/([0-9.].?)([0-9.].?)([0-9.].?)([0-9.].+) (.*)/VMwareTools-$1$2$3-$5.tar.gz/g;')" ]
cd /tmp/
wget -q http://[your filehost]/[path]/$(wget -q -O - http://[your filehost]/[path]/VMwareTools-LATEST)
tar xvzf VMwareTools-*.tar.gz
nk23x /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
mobilism checker
( date; echo "<br><ul>"; \
(for i in 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600; \
do wget -O - -q "$i"; done) \
| grep topictitle \
| perl -pe 's/.\/viewtopic.php/http:\/\/\/viewtopic.php/g;s/<a/<li><a/g;s/ <br \/>/<\/li>/g;s/^(.*)<li>/<li>/g;'; \
echo "</ul>";) >/tmp/t.html
nk23x / latest_apk_list_to_html
Created February 28, 2015 00:02
AppWererabbit export_app_list/app_list.csv to html
(echo -e "<html>\n<body>\n\n<ul>"; \
cat export_app_list/latest_*/app_list.csv \
| grep -v 'Created by AppWererabbit' \
| sort -d \
| perl -pe 's/\"(.*)\",\"(.*)\"/ <li>\n <a href=\"https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?id=$1\">\n $2 ($1)\n <\/a>\n <\/li>/g;'; \
echo -e "</ul>\n\n</body>\n</html>") \
| grep -v 'version=' \
> /tmp/apps.html
start parsing at
stop parsing at
oscillator(s) and their frequencies in hz
1 whitenoise 63.99999999978596405600
2 pinknoise 63.99999999978596405600
3 brownnoise 63.99999999978596405600
4 sine 63.99999999978596405600
5 sine 255.99999999743156867232
6 sine 1023.99999998287712448384
7 square 63.99999999978596405600
8 square 255.99999999743156867232
nk23x / process
Last active January 26, 2017 18:07 — forked from coderofsalvation/process
# soxmasteraudio electribe configuration file
[[ ! -n $CLIP ]] && CLIP="3"
# init fx
LIMIT="ladspa "tap_limiter" "-"$CLIP 0.0"
SOXREVERB="reverb 20 50 100 50 60 -3" # reverb %,HF-damping %,roomscale %, stereodepth %, pre-delay ms, wet-gain db
[[ -f /usr/lib/ladspa ]] && export LADSPA_PATH="/usr/lib/ladspa"
[[ ! -f /usr/lib/ladspa/ ]] && echo "please download steve Harris's pluginpack (hint: apt-get install swh-plugins)" && exit
nk23x / downsample.bash
Last active January 26, 2017 18:06 — forked from coderofsalvation/downsample.bash
[[ ! -n "$1" ]] && {
echo "Usage: ./downsample <input.wav> <output.wav> "
echo " DOWNSAMPLE=6 MONO=1 ./downsample in.wav out.wav ";
echo " TREBLE=3 RATE=22500 DOWNSAMPLE=4 GAIN=1 ./downsample in.wav out.wav ";
echo "$1" | bc -l
nk23x /
Last active May 6, 2020 16:09 — forked from coderofsalvation/loopcrossfade
# makes a audiofile to loop itself (seamless by using a crossfade trick) (needs sox audio utilities)
# @dependancy sox
# Usage: ./loopcrossfade <input.wav> <faderatio> [outputdir]
input="$1"; faderatio="$2"; outputdir="$3"; tmpinput="/tmp/$(basename "$input").loopcrossfade.wav"
[[ ! -f "$input" ]] && echo "cannot find $1" && exit 1
valid=$(echo "$faderatio > 1.99" | bc -l );
(( $valid == 0 )) && echo "faderatio should be 2.0 or bigger" && exit 1