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Created May 3, 2011 14:22
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Erlang xmerl-based simple xml parsing
# Example xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<application id="test">
<platform id="vk">
<package id="vk0" price="100" points="3" />
<package id="vk1" price="500" points="20" />
<package id="vk2" price="1000" points="45" default="true" />
<package id="vk3" price="2500" points="130" />
<package id="vk4" price="5000" points="290" />
# Usage example
{Element, _} = xmerl_scan:string(binary_to_list(XmlData)),
Rules = {configuration, [],
[{application, [{id, to_atom}],
[{platform, [{id, to_atom}],
{appId, [], to_binary},
{secretKey, [], to_binary},
{packages, [], [
{package, [{id, to_atom},
{price, to_integer},
{points, to_integer},
{default, to_atom}], []}
beenzaxml:process_xml(Element, Rules).
# Will return easy-to-use deep proplist:
process_attributes(#xmlElement{attributes=Attributes}, Rules) ->
lists:foldl(fun (Attr, Acc) -> process_attribute(Attr, Acc, Rules) end, [], Attributes).
process_attribute(#xmlAttribute{} = Attribute, State, Rules) ->
Name =,
Value = Attribute#xmlAttribute.value,
ProcessedValue = process_value(Value, proplists:get_value(Name, Rules)),
[{Name, ProcessedValue}|State].
process_value(Value, Fun) when is_function(Fun ,1) -> Fun(Value);
process_value(Value, to_atom) -> list_to_atom(Value);
process_value(Value, to_integer) -> list_to_integer(Value);
process_value(Value, to_binary) -> list_to_binary(Value);
process_value(Value, _) -> Value.
element_text_content(#xmlElement{}=Element) ->
Content = Element#xmlElement.content,
ContentHead = hd(Content),
RawValue = ContentHead#xmlText.value,
process_xml(Element, Rules) -> process_xml(Element, Rules, []).
process_xml(#xmlElement{name=TagName} = Element, {TagName, AttributesRules, ChildrenRules}, State) when is_list(ChildrenRules) ->
[{ElTag, process_xml(El, Rule, State)} ||
#xmlElement{name=ElTag} = El <- Element#xmlElement.content,
{RuleTag, _, _}=Rule <- ChildrenRules,
] ++ process_attributes(Element, AttributesRules) ++ State;
process_xml(#xmlElement{} = Element, Rule, _State) ->
process_value(element_text_content(Element), Rule);
process_xml(_, _, State) -> State.
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BSD, i think) Just use it if you want :)

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