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Last active January 2, 2019 21:59
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Pursuit Economic Impact Numbers


Pursuit is a social impact organization that creates transformation where it’s needed most.

Through our four-year intensive program, we train adults with the most need and potential to get their first tech jobs, advance in their careers, and become the next generation of leaders in tech. Our graduates are hired by leading companies like Pinterest, Kickstarter, LinkedIn, BlackRock, and JPMorgan Chase, and increase their average annual salaries from $18,000 to over $85,000.

I volunteer at Pursuit and I recommend you do too!

<!DOCTYPE html>
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const data = [ { income: 18000, status: 'Pre-program' }, { income: 85000, status: 'Post-program' }];
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.attr('y', d => y(data[1].income))
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